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Love the World of Blackthorn 🙂
Hi Denise! Aw, thank you so much for coming to comment. And I’m truly thrilled to bits that you’re loving Blackthorn. 😀
I think the blackthorn series is fantastic. I would never had guessed you are a new author. Keen to hear more about Kane if possible in next book. I’m nearing end of second book and I’m gripping on edge of my seat. Well done to have a fab new British author- we don’t get that many this side of the pond often enough! Xx
Hi Michelle! Thank you so very much. And that’s a real compliment, so thanks again. 🙂 It’s fantastic to know you’re enjoying the series so much. And you’re hoping to hear more about Kane? Oh, don’t you worry, he’s back very soon. 😉 And I totally agree on the Brit PNR authors. I’m doing my bit! Xx
Have just read all three books in two days.Just couldn’t put them down. Will be looking forward to the rest of the series.
Wow! That’s a lot of reading! I hope you got some sleep too?? Thank you, Val – I’m thrilled you enjoyed them. And I really appreciate you letting me know. There’s plenty more to come! 🙂
Hi just wanted to say I absolutely love these I read all three in two days and now I have to wait to find out what happens!
I love how you interweave the cast of characters into the story, it’s like they become your friends and you want them to come out on top. I hope we don’t have to wait too long until the next book in series?
Hi Angela. Thank you SO very much for your message. I’m impressed you read all three in two days! And it’s so good to know you’re rooting for my characters – that makes all the difference. You won’t have to wait too long for Blood Deep, I promise. I hope to post some news soon, so don’t wander too far. 😉
Hi just like to say a big thank you for three wonderful books can’t wait for the forth book x
Aw, thank you, Debbie. And thank YOU for taking the time to read them and let me know what you think. 🙂 Not long until number 4! X
Best vampire series ever, can’t wait for the next one!!
Wow – thank you so much, Sherry!! I’m so thrilled you think so. And I really appreciate you telling me too! 🙂
Loving the Blackthorn Series and literally can not wait for Blood Deep to be published. Am looking forward to seeing how the dynamics between Kane and Caleb work out…. Such great characters in all three books that you really end up caring about ( I cried when Jask lost Rone). Thank you x
Hi Karen. Thank you so very much! I too cried when Jask lost Rone – it was such a tough scene to write. :’-( But I really am thrilled that you have come to care about all the characters. The dynamics between Kane and Caleb are certainly interesting, so I’m glad you’re looking forward to that. I loved getting them together on the page for the first time. You’ve got just a short while longer before you see it for yourself though as I have to tell Eden and Jessie’s story first in Blood Deep. I hope you enjoy that just as much! Thanks for getting in touch. X
Everything Karen said and so much more…
I’m sitting on pins and needles waiting for
#4 to come out. I love the series so much
and I hope it doesn’t end with questions
left unanswered ( have had that happen
more than once). Thank you and hopefully
see #4 out SOON 🙂
Hi Stephanie. Wow, thank you! I love the fact you’re looking forward to Blood Deep so much. It’ll be out later this year. Hopefully time will fly quick enough! And don’t worry, when we do get to the end of the series (a few more books to go yet!), I won’t leave you with any questions unanswered – all loose ends will be tied up. I get too irritated when that doesn’t happen to inflict it on my readers! 🙂
Hi Lindsay,
I have to say your world of lycans, vampires, witches and cons is great. I figure that since we’ve had two different vampire leaders and a lycan, Jessie has got to be a PRACTICING witch as opposed to Leila, who was more an interpreter? I need to get Tuly and the kids safe, all the third species working together and I’d love to have Jask’s pack living in Summerton on the estate so Tuly’s drawing comes true. Let’s overthrow the Higher Order and the Global Council while you’re at it. Can we do all that without a fifth book? I love the series but hate the wait!
Hi Cathi. Thank you so much! I’m super-pleased you’re enjoying Blackthorn. And I LOVE the fact you’re thinking that far ahead and trying to second guess what’s going to happen. It’s soooo hard sometimes to keep my lips sealed though – and this is one of those times. But LOL – no fifth book?? That’s one thing I can guarantee I won’t manage – not unless you plan to use book four to wedge a door open! I’m writing as quick as I can though, I promise! 😀
Hi Lindsay,
Just read the first and second Blackburn series of books and going to start on the third. Love your writing style. You keep me enthralled and on the edge of my seat throughout the stories. Good to read a series from.across the pond not often I get the opportunity and I’m enjoying your word selection compared to ours, lol. How many books will there be in this series and when can we expect the fourth book? Love your writing style and imagination. Keep on the road your traveling and you will go far…
Hi Elaine. Thank you so, so much for your lovely message. It’s awesome to know you’ve enjoyed Blackthorn that much. Keeping you enthralled and on the edge of your seat is my aim, so it’s fantastic that I’ve achieved that for you. And lol to the word selection! I have fascinating conversations with my lovely readers from ‘across the pond’ about vocab, grammar and all sorts of other differences. I guess when it comes to PNR in particular, there are very few Brit writers who make it into your hands – or they might be Brit writers but their vocab and grammar gets changed in editing to suit the US market. It’s such a shame. How else will we learn so much about those differences if they’re not out there? Thanks so much for your questions too! Blood Deep – book 4 – will be out later this year. I’ll have more news on that in a little while. As for how many books – I’ll be in discussions with my publisher over the Summer about that, so more news on that in due course too! Sorry I can’t give you a definitive answer to either for now, but I’ll let you know as soon as I can. 🙂
Blackthorn not Blackburn spell check slipped in and changed it on me. Oops!
LOL! You would not believe how many times that happens to me, Elaine!
It’s a shame to edit out the language difference between countries. I find thst part of the fun while reading. I’m happy that didn’t happen with your series. I’m looking forward to book four as I finished book three last night and I’ve been left sitting on the edge until book four is read. Let’s hope I’m not left sitting here to long could get uncomfortable lol. Best to you and your future writings. I’m excited to read more from you and that great imagination 😉
I will aim to relieve you from your ‘seating edge’ as soon as possible, Elaine. 😀 And thank you again so much for your lovely comments – I really appreciate them.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Aww, Elaine – thank you so much! Happy Mother’s Day to you too! Now that I know we have different dates across the pond, I’ve celebrated in style twice now with my bunny. I hope you had a good one! 🙂
I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. When is it celebrated there? Guess I never thought of it as different timing in other countries. We’re awarded twice a year for the pregnancy and definitely deliveries. lol
It’s celebrated in March here (sometimes April depending how easter falls). I never knew it was a different date until last year. I’ve learned some great things through my U.S. followers. LOL – I think all mums deserve extra days, for sure! 😀
WOW! Have just read all three books and am blown away. I just love some of the english terminology you use. Its great to have an author this side if the pond who is on a par with some of the great US writers. You are one very talented lady lindsay, I wait with baited breath for book four to be finished. Such strong
character’s kane and caleb, its going to be awsome when they get together. I have read many many paranormal/fantasy books and yours are up there with the best.
Aww, Jules – thank you SO, SO much! I’m extremely flattered (*blushing*). I’m thrilled that you’ve enjoyed my books that much – and that you’ve stopped by to let me know. That means a lot.
Ah yes – I LOVED getting Kane and Caleb together on the same page. You won’t see it until book 5 but I really hope it’s going to be worth the wait for you. Some of their scenes are the most fun I’ve ever written. I can’t wait to share them.
Thanks so much for getting in touch. <3
Hi Lindsay, thank you for these great books, ditto all of the above comments, can’t wait for the fourth. You have created a great combination of humans and third species together in a troubled world. Do you create characters/plots and out comes before you start, or do they come together as you are writing? I have started to write, purely for my own pleasure, I seem to have ‘scenes’ running through my head and have started to put them into stories, but tend to get lost with where I’m going, any advice would be great. Thanks
Sally x
Hi Sally. Thank you hugely for your comment! This is a tricky question to answer because Blackthorn is already all mapped out and has been for quite some time. It was under development on and off for almost fourteen years before I first decided to enter it into the competition where my publisher ‘discovered’ me. Initially though, certainly for the first couple of years, I was finding my way with it at my leisure – not least because Blackthorn was a project I never thought would be published. If you send me a message via my ‘contact’ tab above, we can exchange emails and chat. Lovely to ‘meet’ you! X
Thank you Lindsay, I will. X
I look forward to hearing from you, Sally. X
I just began the Blackthorn Series again for the i don’t know how manyth time. Still loving it! And I realized I haven’t heard anything from you in a long time. Do you have anything New coming out?
Kara Lee
Hi Kara Lee! I hope you’re really well? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve just jumped on my website to respond to a comment and can’t see a response from me to this one. Please forgive me for that. It’s wonderful to hear you’re re-reading Blackthorn again and it’s amazing to know you’re still enjoying it so much each time. There’s been a lot going on in the background here but there are indeed still at least two more books to come from me. I promise to post an update when I have actual dates to share. Until then, rest assured nothing is letting up this end! Take care and thanks hugely for your ongoing support <3
I can say that reading is basically my life. I have been in absolute agony over the past few months because I haven’t been able to find anything that really drew me in. When I stumbled on your books this week via Amazon suggestions I was soooo excited! I literally haven’t been able to put my Kindle down all week! I even skipped out of work one day because I could not stop reading- which is saying something because I’m in the Army and I had to use some smooth talking to get out of trouble. It was definitely worth it though. This world you’ve created is an incredible fantasy escape and I cannot wait for Blood Deep to come out. I have found my new favorite series!
Taylor – thank you so, so much. It’s awesome to know you’ve found what you’ve been looking for with Blackthorn. I’m familiar with that feeling of trying to find something thats “right”, so to know I’ve achieved that for you is immense. 🙂 Thank you for letting me know. And lol – I can’t believe you skipped a day at work! *shocked face* But assure yourself that you’re not alone – I’ve had a couple of others get in touch telling me the same thing. I’m clearly a bad influence. 😉 Huge respect to you for your job – I’m so glad Blackthorn has been a worthwhile escape for you.
Hi Lindsay,
I just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed reading the Blackthorn series, every book has kept me gripped to the last page. I love all of the characters and I’m looking forward to the new ones in Blood Deep. I’ve never read anything like this before but I’m so glad I ‘stumbled’ across your books, they are so addictive ! Please hurry with Blood Deep the suspense is awful.
Hi Fay! I’m so very glad you stumbled on my books too! And it’s fantastic to know you have found them so addictive. I am working hard in the background to make sure I don’t keep you waiting too long for Blood Deep, I promise! Thanks hugely for getting in touch! 🙂
Hi Lindsay,
I LOVE the Blackthorn series. I cannot wait for Blood Deep! I follow all my favorite vampire & shifter authors and you are right at the top. Can’t wait for Phia to kick some butt! Great story line, all three1
Aww – thank you so much, Donna! I’m thrilled you’re enjoying it. And it’s very flattering to be amongst your favourites. <3 Don't worry, there is plenty of scope for some butt-kicking from Phia!! 😉 Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Lindsay!
I have just finished reading the second book, and I have to say it’s the best vampire book that I have read. I do hope there will be more to come after the third.
I must say, I would like a Caleb in my life!
Vickie xx
Wow. Thank you so, so much, Vickie! That’s such a flattering thing for you to say. I’m thrilled to bits that you enjoyed Blood Roses that much. Yes, there’s definitely more to come after the third. Blood Deep will be out in just over 3 weeks, and Bookouture are going to sign more in the series. That means you’ll get to see MUCH more of Caleb. I’m guessing that will be very good news to you!
Thanks hugely for stopping by to comment. xx
Oh wow!!! Lindsay you made my move from one apartment to another so miserable. I just wanted to read and I had to pack and clean. Everytime I had to put Blood Deep down I would curse. But was in heaved when I was back in the Blackthorne world. I’m so glad this isn’t the last of the series. I’m totally hooked. And Blood Deep was even better than I thought it would be. 2015 better hurry! Excellent!!! Truly excellent!!!
Hey Kara! Aww, thank you so very, very much!! I’m beyond thrilled you enjoyed your latest instalment! Sorry I made your move so miserable – it sounds like Blood Deep was just one huge tease. I’l try and time it better for you next time. 😉 I’ll get Blood Dark to you as soon as possible, I promise. No apartment moves allowed this time! 😀
Lindsay– I’m sure I WILL love the inside of the book as I do the cover. I preordered so I have it already and I’ve reread Blood Shadows, Blood Roses, Blood Torn, and Blood Deep. (Which I read in about 4 1/2 days). I’m on Blood Dark now then on to Blood Instinct. I can’t wait but I’m once again enjoying the ride… Thank you so much for the wonderful entertainment, escape, awesome world building and the characters you can’t help but fall in love with. You have done a great thing for me, personally and all those who have fallen in love with the Blackthorn series. And I will be leaving a review–you can count on that!
Thank you so, so much, Kara Lee. <3
Couldn’t stop reading, really great. Holding my breath until the next one.:-)
Fantastic! I promise I’ll get it to you as soon as I can, Orit. Do make sure you breathe between now and then though – I’m protective of my readers. 😉
I had such a wonderful week thanks to u.
Started reading on monday,book 1 finished book 3 today….and due to accusing looks and remarks from my family, will srart only tommorw the next one.
Really got into it!!!
Enjoyed every second.
Hi Orit!
That’s so brilliant to know – thank you! Ah, I hear a lot about those accusing looks and remarks from family members. You’re not the only one to suffer them apparently. Rest assured, you’re in good company amongst Blackthorn readers! 😀 I’m so pleased you’re into the series and enjoying it so much. Thanks hugely for getting in touch to tell me so. X
Just finished the fourth book. Loved them all. All different and all equally good. My only complaint? Having to wait for book 5!!! When will it be available please?
Hi Jean! Ah, that’s great to know you’ve enjoyed all the books so far! Blood Dark will be out in the Summer (UK) next year. I hope that helps a little bit!
I just read the first book of the blackthorne series it was great I love stories like this I can’t wait to read the rest
It’s terrific to know you enjoyed your first instalment, Ranae. I hope you enjoy the others just as much. Thanks for joining in!
Lindsay I absolutely loved the first 4 in the Blackthorne series. I love all the characters and agree with the others readers, I’m so glad you don’t compromise the characters. I always say “be true to who you are” I cant wait for the 5th story. I would like it to come out on the first of January. I read them back to back and now I’m going thru withdrawal. Please hurry although I know you can’t rush greatness so I will be patient. You are an outstanding writer and I will just have to re read them until you send the next fantastic book our way. thank you for picking up a pen.
Hi Barbara. That’s wonderful to hear! Thank you so very much. <3 And I'm so pleased you're looking forward to Blood Dark. The 1st of January is a bit of a long shot, but I appreciate your enthusiasm! 😀 Hopefully the Summer will come soon enough to ease your withdrawal.
And, gosh, wow, thank you *blush*. Thank YOU for taking the time to read my books. Have a fabulous Christmas!
The blackthorne series is absolutely wonderful I just finished the last one and can’t wait for the next one.
Thank you, Ranae! I’m really pleased you’re enjoying it so much. Hopefully the wait for Blood Dark won’t feel too long. Thanks hugely for commenting!
Hi, just finished the 4th book, please don’t make me wait too long for #5.
I saw you mention it will be out in UK Summer. I’m in Australia so that makes it winter for me. Hope it will be very early in the UK Summer.
Great characters and story line. Enjoying your work very much.
Hi Nina. Thank you! I’m super-pleased you’re enjoying Blackthorn so much. 🙂 I promise you I’m working really hard to make sure you don’t have to wait for Blood Dark any longer than you have to. I’m just as keen to share it with you! My publisher has scheduled it for as soon as possible as they’re very aware the wait between instalments is hard. Hopefully I’ll be able to share the actual month of release in the near future, which may help! Thanks so much for commenting from awesome Australia!
Also from kangaroo land and waiting for the next book. Please hurry 🙂 looking forward to seeing it all come together
Hi Mel! Great to ‘meet’ you! I’m writing as we speak, I promise… 🙂
Love Blackthorn, stunning page turners each one. Looking forward to reading more in the amazing world you have created. Thank you, they are a joy!
Thank you so very much, Margaret, both for reading my books and taking the time to let me know what you think of them. I really appreciate it. I’m thrilled you’re enjoying my series so far. Long may it continue! 🙂
I’ve been hooked up with Blackthorn for almost a year now & I just loved all four of your couples . I’ve been waiting for Blood Dark for so many days . If you have a time , please give me an idea on how to manage your thoughts into a whole & convert them into a story – a book . I’ve so many ideas but I just don’t know how to pen them appropriately . My tale is great but I want to write it & get it published . I would appreciate if you would give me some advice . Thank You .
Thank you so much, Haleema. It’s always wonderful to hear when my books are being enjoyed. I’m so pleased to know you’re excited for Blood Dark.
I am sending you an email in response to your writing query – I hope it’s useful! Take care. 🙂
im in love with Jask and Eden. your books are amazing and have re read them. i am waiting in anticipation for book 5. I want Tuly back safe with her family.
I read them every spare moment I have.
Thank you for blackthorn
Hi Yola! Thanks so much for your awesome comment! It’s SO good to know you’re looking forward to your next instalment, and I LOVE that you’re taking the time to re-read the others while you await the next one. No need to thank me – I need to thank you for taking the time to read each and every one of my books. I’m thrilled you’ve enjoyed them all so far. Long may it continue!
Hi, I started reading the blackthorn books last summer and I have been completely in love with them and the characters ever since! I always eagerly await the next book as they just get better and better! Thank you so much for creating this world, you are an incredible author!
Oh, wow, thank you so much, Jennifer! *blush* I’m so, so pleased Blackthorn is keeping you hooked and that you’ve enjoyed it enough to let me know. Thanks hugely for reading my series and for taking the time to get it touch. 🙂
Lindsay I just love, love the Blackthorn series. I wish the series was completely finished and I could read it in one session. I can’t wait for the next book to continue the story. I have loved every character but I loved this last one about Kane. He tried so hard to resist the attraction to Caitlan and I had tears in my eyes at the end when… Sorry I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but you know the bit I mean. I am so delighted to have a British author up there with the big guns. I don’t know how you keep track of such a complicated and comprehensive storyline. It’s brilliantly done. Well done you!!!! Carry on and hurry up and finish the series. I’m impatient to read how it ends.
It’s wonderful to know how much you’re enjoying Blackthorn, Marcia. Thank you so much for telling me! I’m really hoping that, once it is finished, lots of my readers will enjoy reading it from beginning to end, just as you’d like to now. I ultimately see it as one story and I hope it can one day be enjoyed as that. It also means a lot to me that you see my books as doing Brits proud. <3
Ha - keeping track results from many years of working through it in my head and a copious number of notebooks that are forever being updated as I go! I'm just uber-pleased you think I'm doing well with it. I'll have Blood Instinct with you as soon as I can, I promise! 🙂
i absolutely loved what i have read of this series. cant wait for the next book. i still havent figured out who my favorite couple is yet. but kane is at the top. this series has all the good things that i look for in a book. thank you!!!
It’s wonderful to hear how much you’re enjoying Blackthorn, Joshlyn – thanks so much for taking the time to tell me, and for reading my books. I’ll have Blood Instinct with you as soon as I can, I promise!
I absolutely love the Blackthorn series and I cannot get enough of the books. I read all of them many times, every time I read them, I get the same thrill, excitement and rush. Lindsay, what a gifted writer you are and I want to thank you for writing such flawless and exciting books!
That’s so fantastic to hear – thank you hugely, Benek! And what a kind compliment – I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying Blackthorn that much. Thank you for taking the time to read my books as well as stopping by to comment, I really appreciate it. 🙂
Hi Lindsay,
I just wanted to say thanks for the Blackthorn series. Having just finished the latest one I can tell you I just can’t put them down. This latest one had me in tears in the final few pages. I am now equally as gutted that I am finished and cannot wait for the next installment!
Esther xxx
Hi Esther,
Sorry about the tears! I hope the very end made up for it though. 🙂 Thank you SO much for your comment – I’m thrilled you’re enjoying Blackthorn enough to tell me so. I’m working hard on Blood Instinct to make sure I don’t keep you waiting any longer than I have too. Thank you for spending your time reading my books.
Linds xxx
Hi couldn’t put these down very very good I’m so hooked on this series can’t wait for the jask and Phia installment … Could you let me know about when ? Fantastic reads
It’s brilliant to know you’re so hooked, Sherridan – thanks so much for letting me know! My publisher doesn’t set a date until the first few drafts have been completed but it’s definitely due out next year. My first draft is due with my editor by early January so, hopefully, I’ll have some news by the end of the UK Spring – all being well. 🙂
Love Blackthorn and Kane Malloy.
Cant wait for next book.
Thanks, Yiola! You might be pleased to know you’ll be seeing more of Kane in the next book too. Thanks so much for stopping by to comment. 🙂
Just finished book 5! Love this series! Is there a release date for he next book? Im addicted and totallY impatient!
Hi Baili! Thank you so much! I’m really glad you’re enjoying it that much. There’s no release date as yet as my publisher doesn’t set it until all the *technical lingo alert* structural edits are complete. The good news though is that Blood Instinct is written and I’m about to embark on the first set of edits which means things are moving along well. I’ll post updates along the way. 🙂
Hi Lindsay, thank you so much for a brilliant read. I have read the 5 books and have preordered Book 6 Blood Instinct due on 5 May (can’t wait). I just love your ‘Blackthorn Family’ and have recommended your books to Friends and Family. I look forward to your future books. Kindest regards, Coral.
I started with blood shadows…rereading them because there are so many clues and twists and turns that when I new book comes out I buy it right away but reread them all before I read the new release. I pick up things that I missed because it’s something that shows up later like Kane saying he was only afraid of serryns. I didn’t know what that was in the first book so I didn’t really think about it but after reading Blood Roses and Blood Torn. Wow!! I really picked it up along with other things that were mentioned. I love them all so much that rereading is not a hardship, for sure and it gets me even more excited for the new release–Blood Instinct. And I really adore the cover. Wow!
Hi Kara Lee! It’s terrific to hear that you’re picking up new things every time you re-read. It has certainly taken a lot of planning in the background to know what to reveal when in terms of the overarching story. It’s lovely because, now we’re almost at the end of the series, I’m hearing more and more from my readers how much they’re enjoying re-reads for the very reasons you stated here. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and let me know how much you’re enjoying being caught up in it all. And I’m thrilled you like the cover for Blood Instinct too. I hope you enjoy the inside as much. 😉
Hi Lindsay, excellent series, really enjoying it. Have read all the books so far, including Blood Instinct.
Thank you so much, Kim! I’m delighted to hear you’re enjoying it! Thanks for letting me know – I really appreciate it.
Hi Lindsay just finished reading the whole series so far can’t wait for blood bound then it will be when the last one gonna be due loved it just can’t stand waiting for next book lol
Hi Shana. I’m so pleased to hear how much you’re looking forward to Blood Bound – thank you! And, of course, sorry about the agony between books! At least I’ve kept it as short as physically possible between books 6 and 7. I was worried I’d get lynched if I left it any longer. I might have to go into hiding whilst writing book 8 though. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by to comment. <3
Me too! Can’t wait. I reread them every time there is a new release and I learn something new every time that connects to something later on in the series that the first or second or third read through i didn’t catch. I have to say no matter how many times I read them the are still fresh and exciting and makes me breath hard, especially over the male characters. Lol
Aww, thanks, Kara Lee. 🙂 I’m so glad those re-reads are revealing something new. It’s a real compliment that they still feel fresh and exciting each time too. And our “boys” make you breathe hard? I can’t imagine why… 😉 😀
Can’t wait for next blackthorn instalment
Thanks so much, Yiola. Exactly a month to go! Unless you win an early copy, then it won’t be long at all. 🙂
Hi Lindsay,
I just finished Blood Bound. I cant even begin to tell you how much i enjoyed it! I love to read and have read many excellent books over the years… but honestly, i cant remember ever staying up till dawn just to find out what happens in the next chapter lol I love the Blackthorn series…i wish it didnt have to end so soon 😟
Hi Kimberly,
That is so, so good to hear! Thank you hugely for taking the time to let me know how much you enjoyed it. And I’m thrilled to bits it kept you hooked enough to keep you awake until dawn! I know – it’s sad Blackthorn has to come to an end but hopefully I will have the chance to share more stories with you. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. <3
Yes I agree, Blood Bound was fab and could not put it down.
Please hurry with the next insulment
I’m so pleased you enjoyed it, Yiola! I’m working on the finale right now, I promise! 🙂
HI Lindsay…
I have pre-ordered and then devoured each Blackthorn novel. I’m so glad you are working on the next one. I love Caleb and can’t wait to find out what
Is in store for him. I hope he is the focus of the finale and we will get to know how good he is…please??
Also I am sure you will have a new series for us to get caught up in when this story finishes! Great writing.
Thank you so very much, Sheila. <3 I'm thrilled you've enjoyed Blackthorn so far. And I'm really pleased you're looking forward to having Caleb back. He most definitely is the focus of the finale. As for how good he is, that seems to be a popular request at the moment. I hope he doesn't let you down. 😉
And a new series? I hope to be able to share some news before our finale. 🙂
Thank you hugely for your support - and for taking the time to comment.
Absolutely love this series – my husband thinks it’s been just one book that has taken me a while to read!! 😉
Love your style Lindsay, these books have left me certainly wanting more – can’t wait the next instalment – not sure how I’ll go waiting til the end of 2017 for its release!! Don’t rush it stay true to your awesome storytelling style.
Thank you SO very much, Vicki. <3 (LOL, that's quite the lengthy book. 😉 ) Your kind words have absolutely made my day. Blood Broken is well underway but I promise I won't rush it. I can't let my loyal readers down at this stage! I really appreciate you stopping by to comment and am super thrilled you've loved my books enough to do so.
I have been waiting in anticipation for the new release.
Please please, release it soon.
Hi Yiola! It’s wonderful to hear you’re waiting with such anticipation. Thank you. I’m working on it, I promise. It’s still on schedule for release later this year. I will hopefully have some updates over the Summer for you.
I’ve really enjoyed this series. I’ve read them several times in anticipation of an upcoming release. Your writing is more sophisticated than most that I’ve read in this genre. Your imagination ceases to amaze me. I look forward to reading your other novels.
Hi Susan! For some reason, I didn’t get notified of your comment. I am SO sorry. Thank you for your wonderful message and compliments. It means an awful lot to know you have enjoyed my books so much. Long may it continue. I’ll certainly do my best! Thank you hugely for your support. <3
I got the first book for 99p on Bookbub and read all 7 books one after another. i didn’t want to go to work or finish my decorating. Everyone had to cook for themselves. I was devastated when I realised there was an eight book that I would have to wait for! It is one of the best series I have ever read and I read a lot!! Please let number 8 be out soon!
It’s always wonderful to hear when Blackthorn has gripped a reader that much. Thank you so much, Carrie! And I’m beyond flattered to have you say it’s one of the best series you have ever read. That means a heck of a lot. Sorry about the wait for book eight. I promise I’m working on it! Oh, and I hope you managed to get your decorating finished! Take care – and thanks hugely for commenting. <3
Hi Lindsey!
I’ve read a lot of these books and you’re Blackthorn series has been great. I’ve literally ‘consumed’ them all in the last 2 weeks much like a member of the fourth species…
Your character development and plot has been exciting and your sex scenes are written very well. I like the way you have added the dystopian the paranormal element since I am a fan of both.
I can’t wait until you have finished you’re next book and I am anxiously awaiting it as I’m sure you’re puplishers are too. I hope you haven’t become bored with it because we all love it! Just crank out the conclusion and I will love you forever….maybe a shot of angel tears would help!
Can’t wait and thank you for hours of wonderful entertainment.
Hi Jan!
Ah, thank you so much! I’m thrilled you’ve enjoyed them. And lol, I’ve never had someone make that comparison before. I love it!
You’re very kind. Thank you for the compliments.
I’m just as anxious to finish and share the finale as you are to read it. I’m being a painful perfectionist but I desperately don’t want to let my readers down. Besides, it’s tough letting my team go! As soon as it all feels right on the page, it’ll be winging its way to my editor, I promise! And, ha, maybe I should have thought of issuing angel tears during the wait.
And knowing I’ve given you so many hours of entertainment means a lot. That’s what it’s all about. Thank you for choosing to spend your time with my books. <3
Lindsay, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for hours and hours of entertainment. I took you on holiday to Cape Verdi with me as a change to my usual reading material and fell in love with your characters. I came home buzzing, wanting to share them with my friends who are all reading the Blackthorn series now and who are also addicted. Thank you again and I look forward to reading the last book in the series and all your other books.
Hi Nicky! How brilliant that you picked up my books when you decided to try something different. I’m thrilled to bits that it was obviously the right choice for you. It’s wonderful to hear how much you enjoyed them – thank you! And huge, HUGE thanks for telling you friends about them too. That means a lot. And now they’re enjoying them too? Yay! The more the merrier! Thanks so much for taking the time to get in touch. <3
I love these books. Can’t wait for the last one in the series. I am virtually on the edge of my seat waiting for it!!! I cant wait!! I love these books!! Keep up the good worki and I am strating on the new ones now.
Thank you so, so much, Razia. ❤️ I’m disappearing for a while as I’m now in the final throws of Blood Broken so will hopefully have news in the forthcoming weeks. That’s brilliant to know you’ll be starting on Lowtown in the interim though. Enjoy!!
Hi, 2 years ago I accidentally found your Blackthorn series much to my delight and pleasure…and now wait with baited breath for the final book. I think I read the first 5 in about a week and frantically searched to find out how many were going to be but couldn’t find much info…today I found some gems! I have 2 unread ones in the series, a new series to read (Haven) …but…sadly I am still unsure of the final release of the Blackthorn series 🙂
Hi Sonja. A huge, warm welcome to you! Oh, wow, five Blackthorns in a week! That’s dedication.❤️ It’s wonderful to know you were so hooked! I’m really glad you’ve discovered my website now – and a few gems with it. I’m working on the finale as we speak. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before I can announce a publication date. Fingers crossed Haven will keep you occupied in the interim. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hi Lindsay, I have re read the entire series and I’m still finding out new things each time. I love Blackthorn and will be upset when it comes to an end.
Still, I’m waiting with bated breath, as is everyone else for the final book!!!!
Hopefully I will get a release date notification.
You are a talented and creative writer, with so many twists and turns. Don’t know how you manage to keep track. Love all the books and have Haven on my kindle, ready to read. Thank you x
Hi Yiola! Ah, that’s brilliant to hear. I think the more you re-read Blackthorn, the more you start to notice things for the first time. There’s so much to take in on those initial reads that it’s easy to miss all the little details I’ve weaved in there. But oh, I know. 😕 I think there’s going to be a lot of mixed feelings when the finale finally arrives. My aim at the moment is to make it worth the wait in the end. I’ll be announcing the release date as soon as I can and sharing it across all my social media when the time comes. Thank you so much for your extremely kind words. I do hope you enjoy Haven! Thank you hugely for supporting my books. xx
November 2017 and I’m still checking my kindle store for blood broken with excitement. I will be sad to see the series end but also excited to read the final instalment in this amazing series. Just finished ‘re reading all the series again in anticipation.
I’m afraid I’m a bit behind at the moment, Rachel, but I promise I will have Blood Broken with you as soon as I possibly can. It’s wonderful to hear how much you’re looking forward to it, that means a lot. I’m doing my best to make sure it’ll be well worth the wait. Thank you so, so much for supporting my books.❤️
DYING for this last book!!! This series was definitely one of my absolute favorites!! Can’t wait for the last book although i know it will be bittersweet….
I will have it with you as soon as I possibly can, Jennifer. Keep holding on!!! Ah, and it’s amazing to hear Blackthorn is one of your favourites. Such a compliment. Thank you SO much. 💓
Hi…I just finished reading the series again…love it — I love the escape that it allows me. I have recommended to friends to read this series and anxiously await the final release. Can you imagine this as a television mini series…because I certainly can! Hmmm — who would the lead characters be…..
Hi Patricia! Thank you SO much. Escapism is what it’s all about so I’m thrilled you’re finding that in Blackthorn. I can’t thank you enough for recommending my books to your friends. I know personal recommendations go a long way. I’ve had lots of chats with my readers about a TV series. I know it would be a LOT of fun. We’ve had many a giggle being on the casting couch, that’s for sure! Thank you, again, so very much for your support. Take care. ❤️
Miss Lindsey, dying for the final installment in this series. You have to please give us a month in 2018 when you are releasing Calebs story. Pretty please.
Aww, Bhavna, I would love to be able to give you a month but until my publisher has seen and is happy with the draft I’m working on, they won’t set a date. I’m working as hard and as fast as I can, I promise! I don’t want to torture my lovely readers for a second longer than I have to. Thank you so very much for your patience. I’m doing my best to make sure your wait is worth it. ❤️
Hi Lindsay I truly love the Blackthorn series and have already read Haven which was fantastic. Can hardly wait for more!!! You are brilliant! Thank you.
Hi Lindsay, I love this series. I am dying to read the final installment.
P.S. I have developed a crush on Kane and i have read his books more times than others.
HI Lindsay,
I have just finished Book 7 of the Blackthorn series. Have read books 1-7 and can’t wait for the final book to be released. I get all my books through Amazon. Any idea when a release date is for the final book?
Hi Lindsay,
Love! Love! Love! The Blackthorn series. I have read each book at least 3 times…and I have read Blood Roses at least 5! I love Caleb and Leila! They are my favorite couple. When is the last book coming out? Please say soon.
I am not usually a reader it takes alot to keep me interested, but your books I can never put down! I can’t wait until the next book comes out. Wish it was not the last of the series in Blackthorn! I love those characters!
Hope we do’t have to wait to long for it! Thank you for keeping me so occupied with your series.
Are you feeling better? Hope you health is on the mend.
Omg. You’ve been sick?!? I’ve been wondering where you’ve been, girl! You are usually so quick on your releases that I was blaming Piaktus. I’ve checked your site almost every day this summer.
Feel better! I miss your writing. You are hands down my favorite Romance author. No contest! <3
Thank you for an amazing series, I’m a bit confused? There seems to be a new low-town book mentioned on amazon, but still no final for the blackthorn series. Are you now finishing the series at book 7?
Hi Lindsay…
I was just wondering if there was any update on Blood Broken. I hope you are well now and writing away!
Just wondering if you had an update on Blood Broken. Hope you are recovered.
Big big fan of your Blackthorn world. Many PNR novels are too heavy on the “spice” and not much else. Your Blackthorn world is so cleverly written, your characters gutsy, and your story telling is brilliant. All this and the right amount of sauciness.
Such well written novels. Looking forward to the finale.
Thank you so, so much, Naomi. ❤️ I’m thrilled they’ve struck the right chord with you. This is such a lovely comment and one that I really appreciate. Thank you for taking time out of your day to get in touch.
Happy Dancing now!!! Just Pre-ordered Blood Broken! Gosh, the waiting is excruciating!!! Counting down the days for May 20th!
I finished Blood Broken which means Blackthorn is finished 😢! LOVED this series, even though I’m hugely impatient, and don’t normaly read any until they are completely published. Stupendous job Lindsay!!! I have placed this series right up there with my all time favs of Christine Feehan and Anna Zaires. Keep up the great work and Congratulations!!!
WOW. Just WOW. Thank you hugely, Loretta!! I’m thrilled enough that you’ve loved the series and the finale, but it’s incredible to know it’s now amongst your favourites!! Yay!! Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to let me know. 💓
Hi. I just finished you last book in the Blackthorn series! I loved all of them. I was a bit sad that Leiya and Calib didn’t get an traditional HEA but sacrificing themselves for their love was beautiful as well. Anyways, they hopefully have a new beginning in their parallel world.
I am looking forward to any further books that you will be writing. Hopefully, writing will remain fun and a joy for you; not just a chore!
Thanks for the many hours of escape and pleasure that I had in Blackthorn!!
Is there any other book coming up? When should we expect it? Thank you!
Hi Marilyn! I’m so sorry for the delay. I’ve just posted an update on my blog. There are two books coming up. At the moment, I’m in the final editing stages of a book due out later this year. It’s a standalone not related to Blackthorn or Lowtown. I’ll have lots of news to follow. In terms of Lowtown, all being well the second book will be published next year. Thanks so much for your query. Take care!
I started to read this series two years ago, the seven books that was published at the time. Read them over again now, and found the last book that I had’nt read the first time.
That last book trew me 180 degrees..!
Thougt I had the storie in hand, all the threads coming together,and then… It took me for a loup, and that was exiting…! 🥹😊
Incredible craftmanship, at the top of my list of authors. Looking forward to read more from you. 😊
Hi Merete. Wow, thank you so very much for your fantastic comment! You absolutely made my day reading it. I’m thrilled to bits you have enjoyed my books enough that you’re looking forward to more. As you enjoyed Blackthorn so much, do check out my Lowtown spin-off series if it’s available to you (Haven’s the first standalone and Rogue’s to come). I also have a stand-alone book (away from the work of Blackthorn) that’s imminent. I’m in the midst of editing it at the moment so I’ll post its release date nearer the time. Big hugs for taking the time to share your thoughts, I deeply appreciate your support <3