I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to sharing this update with you. To all my readers who have messaged and emailed to check in (or have been quietly waiting on the side-lines) these past few months, thank you for your patience.
I’m thrilled to be able to tell you that all the structural edits for my upcoming book are now complete. Aside from writing the first draft, this is the most time-consuming (and unpredictable!) chunk of work my end which is why I’ve been immersed in my writing cave up to now. There’s still a little way to go yet with line edits, copy edits and proof reads ahead, but at least the significant delay due to Covid is now a distant memory and we’re well on our way.
The fantastic team at Piatkus Fiction will now be drafting a schedule to take us through the forthcoming months in the build-up to the book’s publication. Not only does this mean I’ll finally be able to share the release date, the team will also be finalising a title and designing the cover in the interim. This will be my first book outside of my Blackthorn and Lowtown worlds so I have no idea what to expect on either front. I’m beyond excited to see what they come up with! And I certainly can’t wait to see what you think too.
And for those of you who are clinging on for your next Lowtown adventure, rest assured I am working on Rogue between edits.
I’ll share more as soon as I can! Thanks for hanging in there with me.
Well, I’ve never had more empathy with our Blackthorn lot and their decades of lockdown!
As I sit here staring at my screen, chin on the heel of my hand, deliberating how I can sum up this year as well as wish you all the most amazing Christmas whilst knowing that, for many, it’s going to be anything but, I’ll instead wish you as joyous and safe a Christmas as possible. I truly hope you’re able to make the best of it.
As for this past year… let’s keep everything crossed that 2021 has a vastly kinder streak than its predecessor! As I write this, a rainbow has just appeared outside my study window. I’m hoping that’s a sign of light at the end of the tunnel.
On that note, I know many of you were hoping for an update on all things bookish as we head into the New Year. I’m relieved to say my first round of edits for my latest book arrived in November and I had a fantastic zoom call with my editor the same month. I’m thrilled to end this year at the mid-way point in my edits which means the second draft will be back with the team in early February. All being well, my publisher is hoping for a Winter 2021 release. Yay!! We’ve also already discussed the hope of Rogue following soon after in early 2022. I really hope that gives you something to look forward to amongst many other things.
Until I have more updates, I’ll leave you with some traditional UK festive cheer via one of our little garden companions (and a few of her friends too) from our last snowy spell here. I wish you and your loved ones much better times ahead.
How do you round up six-and-a-half years in a single blog post without turning it into a novel in its own right? My final Blackthorn post was going to be a summary of all the pivotal moments during the Blackthorn journey. You might remember some of them. I certainly won’t forget Hollywood optioning Blood Shadows for film, or being contacted by Tantor Media with a request to make audiobooks of the first three books, or sitting next to Stephen King in the Top 50 on Amazon.com, let alone all of those Gothic and PNR number ones… there were somany exciting moments; surreal but fantastic moments. And they matter. All of them matter. But something else matters too, so I chose to dedicate this post to that instead.
My Dad passed away twelve years ago this month. Even now I remember it as if it were yesterday, wondering how we’d ever get through what lay ahead. Amidst the numbness were the overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, of fear, and of despair. On top of that was the intense sense of injustice that cancer – a rare, incurable, aggressive form of cancer – had indiscriminately stolen a massive part of all our lives. My Dad had fought for seven years, exceeding all expectations after being given merely months to live at the young age of forty-eight. But now the chapter had ended. And there was no happy ending. There was no miracle waiting to happen anymore.
In fact, I stopped believing in miracles for a long time after that. This is from someone who used to trust in them unreservedly; who’d spent her childhood believing she actually would be able to fly one day, and that maybe she’d find Narnia at the back of a wardrobe. I think that inner child will always be a part of me. It’s ultimately why I write fantasy: where anything is possible and you aren’t constrained by the rules of reality. That’s why watching your hero die in front of your eyes is hard. It changes the way you see the world.
Was does all of this have to do with Blackthorn? Well, it has everything to do with Blackthorn.
It was during the aftermath that I pulled Blackthorn out of my bottom drawer from under a pile of other short stories and half-finished novels I’d been working on over the years. After all, it was one of the last things my Dad had said to me: to make the most of life, to do what I love doing, and to not be afraid of what other people think. I spread my unfinished series out over my desk and decided to take a long, hard look at it. More importantly, to stop seeing Blackthorn as a labour of love as I always had but, instead, as a series with the potential for an audience i.e. a series that, one day, might be published.
At the same time I realised that I’d always held a deep-rooted fear about the prospect of finally being published. Being published exposes you to rejection, to criticism, to put-downs, even mockery. When you don’t have much confidence to start with, those things are hard to subject yourself to. Grief can make you even more vulnerable. With that in mind, maybe it wasn’t the right time to finally be facing those fears head-on. But grief can also switch the way you see things. Sometimes it can generate a fearlessness born out of wanting to grab every moment while you can.
If you know anything about my backstory, you’ll know that in 2010 I entered Blood Roses into an online romance writing competition. I’d hesitated until the very last five minutes before the competition closed. This was not a competition where you could discreetly enter and walk away – this involved entries going up live on an online forum to be read and commented upon by a romance audience, more so to be judged and voted for by them AND editors. There was one almighty prize for runners-up though: editorial feedback. I’d never had anyone read Blackthorn, let alone give feedback. And so I took the leap.
Blood Roses made it into the final. While I was waiting for my editorial feedback, I entered the competition again in 2011 – this time with the opening chapters of Blood Shadows. I reached the final again, the only author to have made the final in two consecutive years. I finally allowed myself to hope that maybe my writing had some merit, some potential, and that maybe the publisher responsible would select one of the books and consider it worthy of publication.
It didn’t happen.
I’d resolved that maybe there was only one place for Blackthorn: back in my bottom drawer. Subsequently 2012 nearly marked the end of sixteen years of Blackthorn. But at least, if nothing else, I’d faced my fears and tried. More so, I’d finally pushed myself into having a much-needed presence online. My husband helped me set up a blog – this blog. Chatting to readers and authors became commonplace for the first time. I forged connections, I received encouragement and support for Blackthorn, and I made friends. I had no idea how long it would take to finally see Blackthorn published but now I’d officially started on the journey, I wasn’t ready to quit.
I’d only just started the submissions process when another publisher approached me out of the blue. Bookouture was looking for a launch author. The CEO had read my entries in the competition. Of course he had. In a twist of fate, the competition I’d entered had been his brainchild. Blood Shadows and Blood Roses were requested with the possibility of Bookouture being interested in signing three. Conversations evolved: there might even be the potential for me to write a long-standing series, one possibly with an overarching plot – if I saw potential in that too? They had no idea at the time about the sixteen years I’d spent compiling exactly that. At the end of 2012, the first book in the Blackthorn series was published. Needless to say, the rest is history.
Sometimes positive things do happen – and when you least expect it.
It hasn’t been easy though. I want to say that to reassure all the authors out there going through a tough time. Blackthorn has been anything but smooth sailing. Whilst working on book 3, I was even asked by my publisher if I was sure I wanted to keep going with as many books as we had planned: if I still wanted to write to the end of the series, or stop and turn to something else instead – something with more commercial viability, something that would reflect current trends. Authors need to make a living. To do that, they need readers. Lots of readers. The genre was already being hard hit. Publishers were closing down on submissions of PNR. In some cases they were ending lines altogether. The surge for the genre was over. You know what my answer was though. After all, two months ago today the final book was published.
What can I say? The optimist in me fought through. Sometimes, however hopeless it may seem, if you believe in something you have to hold on. More so, ultimately, it’s Blackthorn’s mantra. It’s why it’s called Blackthorn. On top of that, the characters and their journey were important to me, no doubt partly because I related so strongly to the theme that had become the common thread between the eight main characters: each one of them had suffered life-changing loss and had reached the pit of despair. Each had had to find their own way of managing what they’d been through and find a way to survive. How could I not see those stories through to the end, especially knowing it was their fight for survival, for a better future, that would eventually bring them all together? And that it was that bringing together that would create the change so desperately needed in their world to improve the lives of countless others.
So, at book 3, the series was rebranded and a marketing drive was put into Blackthorn – and it finally flew. Most of you, I know, went on to discover Blackthorn through that. Readers who also became determined to see this story through to the end, just like I had. That’s why this post is dedicated to you.
Fiction is about escapism. Whether you want your books rooted in reality or in fantasy, whether you want escape for fun or maybe for relief from tough times, books are about immersing ourselves somewhere else. If we’re lucky, we’ll find stories, people and places that resonate with us on some level, that offer us something we need at that time, whatever that need might be and for whatever reasons we may have for it. Some stories we’ll forget a week later, some will stay with us for a lifetime. Your love for my Blackthorn characters and their world will stay with me for a lifetime. When I pulled Blackthorn out from my bottom drawer that day so many years ago, I never dreamt of the impact it would go on to have on so many of you.
So this final post is for all the fantastic people I’ve met through Blackthorn – in person and online. Thank you for all the laughter, fun and support over the past few years. I’m in awe of all of the connections and friendships that have developed amongst my readers through this series. And knowing that Blackthorn brought distraction, comfort and escape for so many of you just as it had me means more to me than you’ll ever know. When I tell you I understand, I truly do.
I know a lot of you are going to miss these characters and this place. I know it has felt like home for many of us. Bringing Blackthorn to a conclusion was tough, and letting it go even more so. I know many of you have felt as though you’ve said farewell to friends, family even. I felt exactly the same when I wrote the last line. It’s hard to believe this journey started with nothing but a blank piece of paper and an electric typewriter, where I sat alone in my small flat over twenty years ago with no idea where it would lead. I’ve had my fair share of dreams come true with this series, but having had people fall in love with these books as many of you have has exceeded everything I could have possibly imagined. What more can an author ask for?
That being said, this series was my debut. I’ve barely even started. Hopefully you’ll stay with me to see what I have in store next. If not, thank you so, so much for reading Blackthorn. Thank you for being a part of this journey through the sunshine and the rain, and for sharing your love for these books so openly with me and with other readers too. Reading your comments and final reviews of Blood Broken has ended this series on such a high for me, I can’t thank you enough for that. Team Blackthorn, you’ve been absolutely amazing.
Huge hugs from Caitlin, Kane, Leila, Caleb, Phia, Jask, Jessie and Eden… oh, and me too!
The day is finally here, Team Blackthorn!! The last ever Blackthorn book – I can’t quite believe it.
Not just that, but it’s a double celebration today. As most of you will know, Blood Shadows was the first published book for Bookouture. Today, Blood Broken is their 500th! It couldn’t have been timed better. Thank you so much to Oliver Rhodes, CEO, for your lovely quote.
I’ve been so anxious about how this finale would be received. I know so many of you have been on tenterhooks waiting to see how it would all pan out. Reviews are starting to come in though and I’m absolutely over the moon by the response to Blood Broken so far. No spoilers, I promise, but I just had to share some of the incredible blog reviews that came in today. HUMONGOUS thanks to the following five bloggers for their stunning reviews:
Tracey Rogers
“Blood Broken broke me! This entire series broke me.
The Blood Broken plot is ridiculously clever. My heart raced the entire way through! It’s spine tingling. Known as the queen of twists, Lindsay J. Pryor, did not disappoint. Never, not once, throughout the entire series, have I ever become anywhere close to guessing the outcome…it’s clear that the author cared about Blood Broken, cared about the characters (even when putting them through hell) and cared about her readers. What you don’t appreciate, until you read Blood Broken, is everything that happens from book one, through to book eight, really does have a significance. From secondary characters, to settings. Everything is meaningful. Everything. And that’s what makes Blood Broken so incredibly powerful… I was more than broken. I felt shattered. It was the ending I never expected and never knew I wanted. It was perfect.”
Enthralling, Thrilling, Spell Binding, Captivating are just some of the words to describe the last book in the Blackthorn series, so much answered but with so many twists that this felt like a huge roller coaster… I am just stumped for words at how this has me all twisted up where i am gob smacked with the intricate detail that this author wrote into this last book, what a clever lady as she is not scared to take you to the edge, the very edge, just to bring you back down again with a thump, what a truly gripping journey this was… This series has been in my life now for so long that i am having trouble letting go, but saying that i have these books in paper so all i have to do is look to my left and there they are in pride of place on my book shelf. Lindsay what can i say but you have took my heart and kept in place along with these characters where it is firmly staying…”
“It had everything we had come to expect from Blackthorn – adventure, action, romance, uber-hotness, dark twists and turns that kept me scrolling page after page. By the end of this book, I was awe-struck, jubilantly punching the air, and sobbing (it’s the END, for goodness sake!!!) In fact, I sobbed that it was over for a good fifteen minutes, only then to realise there were epilogues (yes, people, EPILOGUES. PLURAL) and then I had to somehow gather myself together to read them, before sobbing again with joy and sadness and every other emotion you’re meant to feel when a series you adore has finally come to a close after seven years. For me, it really could not have been more perfect and I couldn’t have wished for a better ending.
With breath-taking, high-octane action, unpredictable story-telling and the plot twist to end ALL plot twists, Blood Broken is undoubtedly the crown jewel in Lindsay J Pryor’s urban fantasy masterpiece. This is a five out of five stellar fantasy book that deserves to be talked about for many years to come…”
“Blood Broken is the phenomenal conclusion to Lindsay J. Pryor’s epic Blackthorn series. I love Lindsay J. Pryor’s writing style, she has this unparalleled gift of world building, and the meticulous detail she goes into with that and her characters makes me feel like I am part of the story. In reading Blood Broken, I have come to really appreciate every little nuance, every tiny piece of information that Lindsay J. Pryor has given in the earlier books. Nothing in this series has happened without a reason, that is how masterful this amazing author is…I could not have asked for anything better. It is clear Lindsay J. Pryor has poured her heart and soul into Blood Broken. There are so many twists and turns, questions which are answered, action, romance and so many emotions!! I was on the edge of my seat from the very first page… Blood Broken is Lindsay J. Pryor at her absolute best.”
Donna’s Book Blog
“I thought that this book was excellent!! It is action packed, quick paced and I was hooked right from the first few pages! I thought it was a brilliant story and I loved every page. What more can I say except for well done!! 5 stars from me, I loved it, so well written and completely addictive!!”
As well as everyone leaving reviews, I want to say a MASSIVE thank you too to everyone who has been supporting me across social media today whether leaving me wonderful messages or helping to spread the word about my books. I haven’t caught up with all my responses yet, but I will!
And, of course, thank you to every one of my readers who has downloaded or ordered their paperback of Blood Broken today. As I write this, Blood Broken is selling far beyond my expectations, both in eBook and paperback – and that’s down to you. Even now it’s still climbing the charts!
When I launched my giveaway last week and asked you to post where you were going to be, I was amazed by how far around the world Blood Broken would be read. And here are just some of those places:
Outside of the UK:
Slovenia; Trinidad; Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; Brooklyn, New York; Ringgold, Georgia; Colorado, US; Lancaster, South Carolina; Chicago, Illisnois; Japan; Romania; Weeki Wachee, Florida; Muskogee, Oklahoma; Pooler, Georgia; New London, Connecticut; Upstate New York; Chesterfield, Virginia; San Diego; Arthur, Ontario, Canada; Washington; Clearwater, Florida; Virginia; Mississippi, Gulf Coast; Norfolk Virginia; Minneapolis; Okinawa, Japan; Central Queensland, Australia; Croatia; Sequin, Texas; Amarillo, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Sydney, Australia; Winchester, Virginia; Netherlands; Buffalo, New York; Canada; North Carolina; Maryland; Israel; Broussard, LA; Seattle; Cyprus; Kentucky; Mindenmines, Missouri; Warren, Michigan; Sipoo, Finland; Illinois; New York; Hong Kong; Toledo, Ohio; Croatia; Germany; Pretoria, South Africa; Melbourne, Australia; Cheyenne, Oklahoma.
If you’d like your “base” added to the list, do let me know!
Blackthorn wasn’t written with any particular era or country in mind (but obviously I write in British English with a few Welsh-isms thrown in too ), and certainly the various themes that are explored in the series are universal and ones that I hoped would resonate with my readers whatever your country or background. I never anticipated how far the appeal of this series would stretch though. I am constantly astounded by the emails and messages I get from you disclosing why Blackthorn has struck a chord with you. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it means to me that these stories have had the impact they have. I truly could never have imagined all the incredible connections I have made with so many people I will never meet in person.
So before I leave you, I wanted to share a quote from one of my reviewers that I think sums up one of the key themes I have tackled in Blackthorn and one that I know has affected so many of you:
“The Blackthorn series is one of the best stories out. Don’t let the category limit what the story is. This is the story of people and what they’ll do when pushed to a wall. It’s inherently human, and what we’ll do when inhuman things are done to us.” – Kat Kenyon, Author and Goodreads Reviewer
Thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of this journey. Today truly does mark the end of an era for me in so many ways. I hope this last adventure does you proud. And if you’re in Blackthorn already, I hope you’re looking after yourself in there! Do come back though! I have a ‘Farewell Blackthorn’ post still to come as well as that giveaway die-hard Blackthorn fans are not going to want to miss. It’s not quite over yet, Team Blackthorn!
Twelve days to go until Blood Broken, Team Blackthorn! I think it’s about time we had another giveaway.
Firstly though, I’ve been sent the first blogger review for Blood Broken! A HUMONGOUS thank you to Big Little Sister blog for such a FANTASTIC review. Do click on the link if you’d like to read her full review. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers.
“I expected a roller coaster. What I got was a bullet train.
Sophisticated, intelligent, daring and so so fast. And not once did I want to get off. Even when it stopped.
The last book in this remarkable series is breathtaking. Emotion and sentimentality crash into an extraordinary story. Ms Pryor has created a truly fantastic world, detailed and rich, spectacular really. This is the pinnacle of the series.”
Here’s hoping you feel the same when you read it.
I have one first prize and two identical runner-up prizes up for grabs.
The FIRST PRIZE consists of all four of the following:
A Blackthorn mug featuring our four heroes
A signed Blood Broken postcard
A signed postcard featuring all eight Blackthorn book covers
A Blackthorn bookmark
The two RUNNER-UP prizes consist of all three of the following:
A signed Blood Broken postcard
A Blackthorn bookmark
A Blackthorn logo sticker
I haven’t asked this question for years, so here it is for the very last time.
With so many Blackthorn readers keeping their fingers crossed for a TV or film version of Blackthorn one day, who do you think would be the perfect Kane, Phia or even Sirius? Maybe you know exactly who you’d pick to play Jask or Jessie. Here’s the question you need to answer to enter:
It doesn’t matter how many characters you pick, just have fun with it. Everyone who joins in gets their name put in the hat. And if you’re entering via Facebook or email, feel free to include pictures too!
The competition is open NOW and you have until midnight (UK time) on Saturday 11th May to enter. No entries will be accepted after that time.
All entrants will be randomly allocated a number. The winners will be selected using an online number generator and will be announced on Sunday 12th May.
For your entry to be valid you must either:
leave your answer in the comment section below, OR
In twenty days time, Blood Broken will be yours. Or maybe you’d like it even sooner than that? How about in time for THIS WEEKEND? I have FIVE eBooks of Blood Broken to give away, courtesy of Bookouture!
All you have to do to enter my giveaway is answer this question:
The competition is open NOW and you have until midday (UK time) on Thursday 2nd May to enter. No entries will be accepted after that time.
All entrants will randomly be allocated a number. The five winners will be selected using an online number generator and will be announced by 3 p.m. (UK time)on Thursday 2nd May.
Winners will be announced at the end of this post, so please check back to see if you have won.
Winners will need to claim their prize within seven days of the announcement. If you would like your copy in time for the weekend, please contact me as soon as possible. Bookouture close for the weekend, so don’t delay!
And as with all giveaways, I won’t respond to any of the entries.
This is the first of a few giveaways here and on my Facebook page over the next three weeks. This will be your FINAL chance to win Blackthorn goodies, including an EXCLUSIVE one-off prize, so keep a watchful eye!
Have fun – and best of luck, everyone!
After allocating every entrant a number and using a random number generator to pick the winners, I’m super-excited to announce the winners of an early eBook of Blood Broken are…
Joan Scribner (Facebook entrant)
Paula J (blog entrant)
Sasha Ramsaran (Facebook entrant)
Devinious Angelica (Facebook entry)
Julie Gauthier (email entrant)
HUGE congratulations, ladies! To claim your copy of Blood Broken, please email Ms Kim Nash (Bookouture’s Publicity Manager) via kim@bookouture.com, putting ‘Blood Broken Winner’ in the subject line. She’ll be expecting to hear from you. Also, please let Kim know what device you use when you email so she can send you the right version. And be quick if you want Blood Broken in time for the weekend!
Thank you to everyone who joined in both here, on Facebook and for your lovely email entries too. I didn’t expect to shed so many tears reading your responses!
Look out for more giveaways coming early next week!
Heck, I’m feeling a jumble of emotions right now – excitement, relief, as well as a little bit of sadness too – as I’m thrilled to finally be able to announce that BLOOD BROKEN, book 8 and the epic finale to my Blackthorn series, is going to be released on…
20th May 2019
Caleb and Leila are back, Team Blackthorn! I am so incredibly proud to share the stunning cover with you as well as a teaser of what to expect from Blackthorn’s most controversial couple…
‘Our love could save us both. Or it could destroy everything.’
Leila McKay is both blessed and cursed. Her potent serryn powers are growing stronger, but they come with a heavy price. And to prove her love for vampire leader Caleb, she needs to bring his murdered brother Jake back to life. The only way is to cast a spell no one has dared to attempt before, that could tear apart the fabric of time itself…
But Caleb fears that treachery runs deep in Leila’s veins. Although the heat between them grows hotter by the second, Caleb’s past has left him with a hard heart and a mistrustful nature, and it was at her sister’s hands that Jake was killed… but with his brother’s life in the balance, giving in to his primal instincts is more tempting than ever.
Time is running out for Caleb. In a matter of hours, Jake will be past the point of saving: and around them, all-out war rages in Blackthorn. With genetically modified lycans and vicious convicts roaming the streets, Sirius Throme at the Global Council has secret plans that threaten to devastate the whole district… and Leila is the only one powerful enough to save them all. But can Caleb really trust her?
With countless lives at stake, will Leila and Caleb’s fierce attraction be strong enough to see them through the ultimate test? Or in unleashing the darkness within, will they destroy everything they hold dear?
The explosive, action-packed conclusion to the utterly addictive Blackthorn series will leave fans of paranormal romance breathless. Blackthorn is an eight-book series with an overarching plot, so if you’re at the start of your Blackthorn journey, read BLOOD SHADOWS to discover how it all began…
Read what everyone’s saying about the Blackthorn series:
‘I don’t think I have read such a finely executed dark PNR world before…This series truly surprised me. I didn’t think I would love it that much or be intrigued by it. I couldn’t stop thinking about these books once I was done with them… The world-building is spectacular. The characters are enthralling and addicting… Plain fabulousness.’ Gaga Over Books
‘I am completely enthralled with this paranormal series. You get so wrapped up in the story and characters that you lose track of time… This is one of my favorite series so far this year!’ Paranormal Book Club
‘This is a paranormal universe like none you have encountered before… There are stories that are so powerful, so intense that I do not believe anyone should warn you about what is to come… I truly do feel that if you love the Paranormal genre and have not yet discovered Lindsay J. Pryor or these novels then you need to read them, experience them firsthand.’ Keeper Bookshelf
‘I am officially addicted to this series. Why, you ask? Because Lindsay Pryor is my kind of fearless author. She isn’t afraid to “go there”, to create characters and situations that challenge me as a reader.’The Demon Librarian
‘Not only are Pryor’s characters and fathomlessly dark love stories fabulous, but her continual world building of Blackthorn blows me away.’ Gravetells.com
‘If you’re looking for a new PNR series that has a dark world and complicated characters, then you’ll want to grab a copy of this. I can’t wait to read the next book.’ FictionVixen.com
‘She writes paranormal romance mixed with urban fantasy the way I like it – clever world-building, intense characters and no easy options for them to take.’ Nocturnal Book Reviews
Blood Broken is already available to pre-order on Amazon, and other retailers will follow. I’ll update the buy links in New Releases as and when they become available.
And to pre-empt a question I regularly get asked when a Blackthorn book goes up for pre-order: yes, there will be paperbacks of Blood Broken but they won’t become available until publication day I’m afraid, so these cannot be pre-ordered.
If you’re one of my many readers planning a re-read of the series, you have just over ten weeks to remind yourself of the journey so far. And if you’ve yet to catch up on all of the books, now’s your chance!
I’m going to take a deep breath before saying this…
I’ve been asked a lot if I’m going to write more Blackthorn books after this. To officially confirm, Blood Broken is definitely the last ever Blackthorn book, ladies and gents. I know sometimes authors add more, but this is the end. With that in mind, stay close throughout May because we’re going to end this series with as much of a bang as we can, including giveaways, revelations about Blackthorn’s creation, and a few blog posts I hope you’re going to really enjoy. It’s all to come.
And as this is the last ever book in the series, here’s a little something to pave the way to what I hope is going to be an exciting, fun and, of course, utterly angst-ridden end to what has been quite the journey for all of us!
Grab the popcorn… switch off the lights… turn up the volume… and enjoy our series finale trailer…
You may have noticed I’ve been away from social media and emails for quite some time. This is due to me having taken an unexpected and unplanned break from my writing. I just wanted to write a quick post to say I can’t thank you enough for your patience and understanding during these past few months.
If you’ve been in touch with a message or query while I’ve been away, thank you for hanging in there (and lung-crushing hugs to everyone who has dropped messages of concern my way ). I respond to all messages personally so I have an awful lot of catching up to do. I’ll be in touch as soon as possible when I’m officially back online.
As I don’t want you waiting any longer for Blood Broken though (or my second Lowtown book!) that will remain my priority for now. I can’t apologise enough for the delay. I assure you no one is keener to have it in your hands than I am, or to give you some indication of its release. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to share more news in the forthcoming weeks. If you’re worried about missing notifications, do remember you can sign up to my blog where you’ll be guaranteed an email with any updates.
I miss you all and hope to return to the happy mayhem as soon as possible. Thank you for still being here and for your ongoing support – both mean a heck of a lot to me. I WILL make it up to you.
There are some weekends you know will stay with you for a lifetime, and this weekend is most definitely one of those for me. Not only did I visit the stunning Little, Brown offices in London to meet with my Piatkus publishing team, but I also took part in my first ever signing event.
FRIDAY 23rd February
Walking into the offices on Victoria Embankment was a dream come true for me. It even managed to exceed my expectations. The inside of that building is seriously beyond stunning. As an added bonus, the Little, Brown team are some of the loveliest people you could hope to meet. Everyone I was introduced to made me feel so welcome. Thank you hugely to Elaine, Tim, Charlie, Amy and Ellie for taking time out of your busy schedules to chat and say hello. A massive thank you too to Anna, my wonderful editor, for giving me a guided tour around the building and up onto the rooftop for a stunning view across London, as well as Sophia, my fabulous publicist, who I got to meet in person for the first time.
Above: Outside and then inside the Little, Brown offices; spotting Harry Potter in the lobby; and the views from the rooftop.
After my tour and a meeting with both Anna and Sophia, they then took me and my husband out for dinner to end the day. Thank you both for such a fantastic evening at Vanilla Black – incredible food and superb company. I only wish we’d paused for breath long enough for me to remember to take a picture!
SATURDAY 24th February
Above: The view from my hotel room, showing the sun rising across London in the direction of the Little, Brown offices.
The RARE event itself, held at The Olympia in London, was more than I could have hoped for. After a quick hour of setting up, the doors opened to early entry tickets at 9.30 am followed by general entry at 11 am, with the event running right through until 4.30 pm. The day just flew by. There were 1500 attendees, visiting over 100 authors. The atmosphere was beyond incredible.
Above: Setting up my table before everyone arrives; and a quick visit to the Piatkus table (featuring Amy from marketing and Ellie from editorial).
Meeting so many of my readers was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. The morning was non-stop, with three hours solid of signing to kick-start the day. Thank you to every single person who came to visit my table and for waiting so patiently to see me. Whether you were one of my established readers or brand new to me on the day, it was brilliant to meet you.
Above: Meeting some of my fantastic supporters; and featuring in the RARE magazine.
So many hugs, so many smiles and lots of laughter, and a few happy tears too (I’m particularly blaming you, Julia W, Donna, Niamh and Natasha). I was more than a little overcome when superfan Natasha approached my table with one of the advertising quotes from my series on her custom-made T-shirt. Sadly my photograph was blurred, so I pinched one from Natasha’s Facebook page where she’s wearing the T-shirt. It was such a pleasure to meet you, Natasha, and your Russian accent was beautiful!
Thank you hugely to the RARE team for organising such a seamlessly well-organised and positive event. And thank you too to the Piatkus team who offered support throughout the day to their authors – we’re very lucky to have you!
Above: Signing off at the end of the day with Ellie, Anna and Amy.
Lastly, I can’t thank my amazing husband enough for assisting me on the day and for all the weeks of support prior in preparing for this event. Thank you for being a hugely significant part of such a memorable experience. I couldn’t have done this without you.
Well, after all of that excitement, it’s a return to the writing cave for me! If there was one question asked more than any other on the day it was when Blood Broken is going to be out, so I’d best get right back to it!
As of midnight last night, HAVEN should have landed on your e-reader or already be on its way in the post to you. It’s been an absolutely incredible day (now almost half past ten in the evening here in the UK) all thanks to a whirlwind of incredible support from my wonderful readers. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing my day with me.
As well HAVEN being the start of a brand new adventure for you, it’s also the start of a brand new adventure for me. Although you can already buy my Blackthorn series in paperback, this will be the first time ever that you might even spot my book in your local bookshop over the forthcoming months. Courtesy of my awesome new publisher Piatkus (Little, Brown Book Group), I am officially in traditional print as of today! I’ve had my first newspaper review in The Peterborough Telegraph (a wonderful 7/10 from a thriller specialist), HAVEN will be featuring in a mainstream magazine soon and I’ll also be appearing on radio for the first time ever. It’s majorly exciting for me. I can’t thank my superb publicist at Piatkus enough. Sophia, you’re fantastic!
I’m already a little overwhelmed today. Five years ago this month my publishing career launched with Blood Shadows, the first book in my BLACKTHORN series. Soon that series will be coming to an end. But now, because of your enduring support and because of your requests not to let go just yet, I’m able to show you even more aspects of this world you’ve come to love. I hope you enjoy my LOWTOWN books as much as you have Blackthorn. I certainly loved every minute of writing HAVEN for you. It’s been an incredible journey up to this point and one I’ll share with you in the forthcoming weeks.
But, for now, I will leave you in peace with your HAVEN. I’ve posted some of the events of the day below, including some of the fabulous reviews that have started to filter through. I’m overjoyed that it’s already being so well received. So thank you to every single person who has participated in today and made it so special for me.
“The plot went places I never saw coming and as always, I was left with nothing but admiration for how well Lindsay weaves her web, to the point where we’re never quite sure what path the story will take. The pacing was fast and relentless, the tension was electrifying throughout, the hot scenes were, well, sizzling (as always) and there was mystery and intrigue on every page. It’s been a while since a book got me so hooked that I spent my time in between reading thinking about what might happen next and each time I returned to it, I lapped it up and hoped it would never end. It did, of course and yes, I may have cried a little (although this was mostly due to plot, damn you LJP!).
Gritty, relentless and hot as Hell, with new favourite characters to adore and darkness and danger lurking at every turn, Haven is without doubt my PNR top read of the year so far. Five stars for this breath-taking, brutal, dark fantasy tale!” ~ Lindsey Clarke
“Haven will draw you in with a compelling couple, a truly dark and gritty world, and a story that will twist, turn, anger, sadden and completely consume you. You’ll find light in this dark world, and watch as two people defend the good that needs to survive while falling deeper into each other. There are moments that will make you want to look away from the page – but you can’t. Moments that will give you a smile in the midst of darkness.
I am always amazed at the magic that authors create. Lindsay J. Pryor has given us another paranormal world to rival Blackthorn. Not take its place, but companion with. Her world building, the descriptions that place me right in the middle of the action, the emotions that are drawn out of me while in her worlds always leaves me in awe. And I don’t say that lightly. If you haven’t read Ms. Pryor’s works yet then I would strongly, gently encourage you to take that dive off of a cliff and emerge yourself in this world. You’ll never view Paranormal the same way again – 5 stars.” ~ Keeper Bookshelf
“This book grips you right from the beginning. The goal, the motivation of the main protagonists seem clear from the start and you invest in them instantly. But then, as you get deeper, so do the goals, so does the motivation, getting more desperate, more urgent. And that’s without the conflict! My goodness does the author put them through an emotional wringer! The plot is amazingly good, simply wonderful, something that is the only thing that doesn’t surprise me about the authors writing. I’ve never been able to figure out one of her plots and Haven is no exception. Lindsay J. Pryor’s world building is perfection. The plot is skilled and engrossing. Each chapter has some snatches-your-breath revelation. The conflict builds and builds, as does the tension. The final word is perfect and deeply satisfying. Everything about this book is satisfying. Dark, gritty, urban fantasy at its absolute best. Ah, Haven. You came, I read, I cried and fell in love. I found my haven in Haven!
Pure fantasy. Pure Genius. 5 Butterfly Rating!” ~ Tracey Rogers
“This is a well paced story, with the great world building from the Blackthorn series used to great effect and enhanced in this story. I don’t think you need to have read that series to enjoy this one, as the author continually gives reminders and additional information so readers are aware of the various scenarios, rules, restrictions and expectations which apply in this dystopian community. The characters are easy to relate to and empathise with. The dramatic encounters are brilliantly brought to life in the imagination of the reader. I didn’t want to put the book down and the twist at the end is superb! I have no hesitation at all in highly recommending this to anyone who enjoys reading about suspense filled paranormal societies, with mobsters, murder, mystery, magic and romance all having key roles in the unfolding story. I can’t wait to read more in this series! 5/5.” ~ Splashes Into Books
“Lindsay transports you right in the middle of the world she has created. She takes you into the heart of the action. You can smell the desperation of what it’s like to live in Lowtown, you can feel the terror, the hopelessness of being one of the unlucky folks who happened to be born into the wrong family, the wrong area. But you can also be uplifted by the spirit of the people who live there, and none more so than our heroine, Ember…
At the beginning, I read slowly, keen to make sure I followed the story, for Lindsay J Pryor’s writing is not only absorbing, but it’s also intelligent. You have to pay attention… From about the fifty percent mark, I couldn’t flick the pages fast enough… as the author has done many times before, Lindsay J Pryor surprised, shocked, and astounded me with her storytelling, her guts, her ability to make the tough calls. Her ability to pull out something amazing… and when the covers are peeled back to reveal the outcome, she definitely provides that ‘What the heck’ moment!
Make no mistake: Lowtown is dark and gritty, and gives us more than a glimpse into the depths of human depravity. But it’s also uplifting, inspiring, and shows the strength of humanity, of how there are still those with determination to do the right thing, no matter what it costs them.” ~ Passionate About Books
“Haven has all the grittiness and the rawness of her Blackthorn series. It comes with the depravity and the nitty gritty. She has this way of creating a world that in all reality should disgust you, it should make you want to run for the hills BUT you know with absolute certainty you’d run straight into those pages and into that world. It’s fantastic creativity.
It’s not just the world building that amazes me, it’s also the story itself, there are so many plot twists and second guessing. You go through one chapter thinking you know what’s coming and then bam, you hit another plot twist. If this book was a theme park ride it’d definitely be a rollercoaster…The chemistry between the two was electric. The tension palpable… It was fantastic writing.
I’m always in awe of an author’s ability to take you away from the real world and Lindsay seems to do this every time. Blackthorn will be my first love but it most definitely won’t be my last. Lowtown has just become a very real contender.” ~ Wopsywoobookblog
“I am totally speechless after finishing this story. I loved her Blackthorn series and didn’t think anything could surpass that and keep me gripped like that series did but WOW this book blew me away with how this plot unfolded, Lindsay’s attention to detail throughtout this story is just astonishing.
The depth of passion and emotion throught out this book is sheer genius from this author,she has set the bar very high,but this is what she does… this was a dark and gritty story with lots of twists along the way that you never see coming.
This book is pure genius from a fabulous author that will keep you hooked and intrigued till the last page…it is PNR at its very best. SUPERB.”
A MASSIVE thank you to all the above reviewers for your time, effort and incredible feedback.
And before I go, thank you for all the incredible support that has come through on my Facebook Page, Twitter and all your emails throughout the day and evening too. I’m still catching up but I will respond personally as soon as I can.
Happy (if not slightly angst-ridden) reading, everyone! As always, come back safely. xxx
Thank you for the fantastic reviews that have continued to come in for HAVEN over the past week. Including:
“I can easily predict this new urban fantasy series from her will be my next favorite thing. Loving the fact these books will be standalone. Haven was utterly engrossing. It had the usual flare of Lindsay’s awesome writing, alluring world-building and her fantastic characters that I have come to associate with her after loving and following her Blackthorn series. I couldn’t stop reading this book even when I should have. But I just couldn’t. Put. This. Book. Down. It was so captivating.
I loved the plot, the contrast it has to Blackthorn, the rawness and the brutalness–the familiar unpredictability that makes you fall in love with Lindsay’s writing and the world(s) she has created.” ~ Gaga Over Books
“Rich in intrigue, and twists and turns, Haven is a dark, dark PNR/urban fantasy novel of the first class. The world building is superb, so too, the action scenes—the frustration, despair and violence, scarily bold and graphic on the page.
Ember (heroine) steals the show. Here’s one woman who stands tall and brave in her own quiet way. Sure, she’ll appear to concede (when it suits her), but her intelligence always keeps her steps ahead of those who would do her, or those she cares about, harm. With Ember it’s not her physical actions you have to watch, it’s her mind! Nate (hero) is a perfect foil for her, bringing to the fore as he does, her vulnerability. Nate’s not quite an anti-hero, but he’s pretty damn close… No comment on the plot because of spoilers, but in a word, DEVIOUS.
So aside from the writing, the plot, the characters, what else raises Haven very much above the average? Well the politics, the social injustice, the raw indignation at how corruption triumphs—fact of life. But amid all that bleak there exists integrity and loyalty and love, keeping hope strong.” ~ Incy Black
“I loved it. I savoured every single word. Ms Pryor delivers an urban fantasy masterclass
What stood out for me was the romance, it’s heart breakingly romantic. I’m a sucker for romance, I’ll admit I probably watch Strictly Come Dancing hoping for romance. Haven reminded me of a brilliant Viennese Waltz – beautifully romantic with constant twists and turns that left me dizzy and breathless. My heart ached and ached.
I adored Nate’s sensitivity and all male softness. He reminded me of peanut butter ice cream – cool, unexpected and with real depths of flavour… As for Ember I loved that she was determined, smart and strong without being tough or spiky. How refreshing is that? I just hope we haven’t seen the last of these two.
This is urban fantasy infused with tendrils of romance. If either genre appeal to you then this is your perfect read.” ~ Big Little Sister Blog
“She’s done it again. It never fails to amaze me the incredible skill that Lindsay J. Pryor has for creating a world… Settings and plot lines and districts and locales, full-bodied characters with enough history to fill a library. The dedication she’s made to her stories; her characters, and the world in which they are embroiled, is incredible… there are plenty of sharp twists and turns and shock revelations to leave you guessing right up until the last minute, to keep you turning the page and in danger of a serious lack of sleep.
True to form, Ms Pryor has… delivered us some wonderful characters with issues akin to real life – and they’re not your average human-nature problems. These character flaws go deep – she’s not afraid to pack the layers. Because this novel is not just about romance. Or the paranormal. It’s about power, about real-life struggles. About danger. Death. Destruction. And all the crap the universe could possibly throw at you in one lifetime. It’s clever. It’s dark. It’s intense. 5 stars.” ~ Fiona Chapman
I’m so appreciative of the response to HAVEN so far, as is Piatkus.
And speaking of Piatkus, I would like to say a huge thank you to my fantastic publisher for the stunning publication day flowers I received. I’m not sure if the splash of orange was an intentional link to HAVEN‘s cover but it certainly worked a treat for me.
Just to warn you, I might be a little quiet here for a while now as I immerse myself in Blood Broken again. Normal service will resume soon, I promise. Hopefully I’ll be back with some updates too. I know lots of my readers are desperate to get a publication date confirmed. I’ll let you know the second it’s agreed. I can’t wait until it’s up for pre-order either! And back to it… xxx