Blackthorn’s Finale Title Reveal
Review copies of Blood Bound are almost ready! But that also means the title of the final Blackthorn book will be revealed at the back – and there’s no way I can let it slip out before I’ve had a chance to announce it properly.

So in a flash 24-hour giveaway last night, I asked my Facebook followers to try and guess the title of our Blackthorn finale. There were around a 170 entries – and some were simply inspired! 😀

Guesses such as Blood Prophecy, Blood Eternal, Blood Born, Blood Destiny, Blood Forever and Blood Free were frequent occurrences. Amongst them seemed to be the common theme of revenge and triumph over oppression. But despite all the entries, no one guessed correctly. One thing is becomingly increasingly clear though, a happy-ever-after for our heroes and heroines is in high demand.

But will that be the case?
I can officially reveal THE TITLE OF THE FINAL BLACKTHORN BOOK is:

Broken promises? Broken hearts? Or, finally, a broken system? One thing is for sure, our most broken hero will be back in the spotlight, and that can mean only one thing: it’ll be make or break for Blackthorn.
And now that Blood Bound is nearly with us, you’re another step closer!
Don’t forget, I have a giveaway coming tomorrow. If you’d like to get your hands on an eBook of Blood Bound days before it’s officially released, don’t stray too far! 🙂
See you then! xxx