Blackthorn – More Posts, More Giveaways, More Books!
It’s the start of a new year for Blackthorn, and that means a new year for this blog. If you want to know everything there is to know about my series, this is the place to be. This is where I record all the major happenings throughout the year, details about my books that you won’t find anywhere else, as well as it being an open forum for readers to comment or ask questions. In fact, quite a few posts over the past two years have been inspired from your input. So, as always, if there is anything you would like me to include over the forthcoming year, do feel free to let me know. I already have a few posts lined up to start us off though…
Blog posts about me…
I was blog-tagged a little while back to reveal some previously undisclosed facts about myself, so that’s up first. I’m already wracking my brain!
…about Blackthorn…
Having already given my personal take on each of my Blackthorn couples – Kane and Caitlin, Caleb and Leila and Jask and Phia – I’ve been asked a few times when it will be Eden and Jessie’s turn. I’m pleased to tell you that they will finally be in the spotlight next month. Hopefully you have now read Blood Deep, so there won’t be any spoilers. If there are any details you wish you knew about our latest hero and heroine, do let me know!

Although it feels like ages away, it won’t be long before we’re counting down the weeks to Blood Dark’s release. Nearer the time, I’ll be posting a glossary of all of Blackthorn’s characters (just in case you need to refresh your memory). And, now that we’re at the mid-way point in the series, I’ll also be summarising the Blackthorn story so far – something else that could prove useful with so many threads now coming together!
…and even more giveaways!
Your response to Blackthorn giveaways last year was fantastic. Creating the Blackthorn soundtrack was definitely a highlight of 2014 for me. I was truly blown away by your suggestions, mainly because the lyrics you chose demonstrated just how much you “get” these books. Of course, I also discovered some superb songs and albums thanks to you!
Your participation in my Audiobook giveaway was particularly brilliant, so much so that I have more Audiobooks to give away very soon. Thanks to Bookouture and Lorella Bella Literary Agency, it’s going to be an even bigger giveaway than last time. Stay close for that one!
As Blood Dark draws closer, there will be an early eBook copy up for grabs as well as a signed paperback copy after its release. I might even have a few more limited-edition postcards up for grabs later on in the year as well – I know they always prove popular.
And then we can do the same all over again with book six (no spoilers with the title yet 😉 ), which may also make it out this year.
I think it’s going to be a busy one! 😀