Are We There Yet?
Well, what a few months it has been for us all since I last posted! I just hope you and your loved ones are all safe and well and that your lives haven’t been irreparably upended during these tough times. If you have a chance to send me a wave and let me know you’re OK, please do – but more on that in a moment.
I’ve been waiting for the right time to update you on what’s happening with my upcoming releases. Obviously Covid-19 has impacted all sectors of industry and publishing hasn’t been exempt from that. As with so many other self-employed, it has been a worrying time for authors.
Needless to say I’m beyond relieved to be able to confirm that Piatkus will still be publishing my two upcoming books.😃 Due to the pandemic’s impact on editing and publication schedules since March though, I’m afraid neither will be with you until next year.😕
Until now timescales have been left uncertain but this week I received the great news edits on the book I submitted back in March will now be underway as of this month! Yay! That’s a massive leap in the right direction.
Whilst I’ve been waiting on those I’ve been busy with Rogue, my second Lowtown book, which has been progressing very nicely in the background. All being well, that’ll be submitted to my publisher at the end of this year too.
We’re getting there! And I truly cannot thank you enough for your patience. Please do sign up to this blog (via the sidebar) if you want to be kept informed along the way.
I’d love you to give me a wave, leave a comment, message me, email me, DM me… whatever method suits you, to let me know you’re well.
And to say thank you for your ongoing support, and having been very exited to see that Haven has now reached 100 ratings/reviews on Amazon (and Blood Shadows over 500!), I’ve got A SIGNED PAPERBACK OF HAVEN TO GIVE AWAY. 🤗 You can win one for yourself, a family member or a friend.

To be in with a chance of winning (and in light of enough stress in everyone’s lives at the moment!), all you have to do to enter is write HAVEN PLEASE in your message, email or comment and I’ll include your name in the draw. This giveaway is open here and on my Facebook page and YOU HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY (18th September) TO ENTER. I’ll contact the winner on Saturday 19th. As always, anyone is free to enter – wherever you are.

If you’d like to say hello but don’t want/need to enter, just don’t include the ‘HAVEN PLEASE’. I’d still love to hear from you!
Hold on in there and please take very good care. ❤️
Speak soon!
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who emailed, messaged or commented here or on my Facebook page. Every time I saw a familiar name and heard you were well I was so relieved. It means a lot to know you’re keeping your heads above water during these tough times. I was so thrilled with the response (and just a little overexcited to see everyone back) that I decided to give away TWO paperback copies of HAVEN instead of just one.
Everyone who asked for a copy was given a number and the two random winners are: BEV WILKES and CORIENA DOUGLAS. Bev and Coriena, message or email me with your address when you’re ready and I’ll be in touch! Please all take very good care and STAY SAFE!
glad your doing well
this is an unusual time
all our lives have been affected
Looking forward to your next books
Stay safe
Hi Christine! It’s so lovely to hear from you – both here and on my Facebook page too (I’ve replied over there as well).❤️ I’m so glad you’re doing well too, all things considered. It’s an unusual time indeed. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a better few months ahead, and certainly a better year next year! Thank you so much for continuing to support me and for letting me know you’re looking forward to more books, that means a lot. Please stay safe too!
Hey, so good to hear from you! Excited to hear you’re progressing well. Can you hear the chants of ‘Rogue’? Stay safe and well lovely ❤
And it’s sooooo good to hear from you too, Tracey! Yep, I’ve been busily locked in my writing cave apart from time out roaming across beaches and moors when they’re empty enough to trek! As for Rogue… hee hee, I knew I was receiving my motivation from somewhere.👂🏻😉 I can’t wait to share these latest two with you. Please stay safe and well too. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to comment. ❤️ xxx
Hey Lindsay,
So fantastic to hear from you. I’m glad you’ve well . Through all this scary time, my family and I have been well. One small scare and one dear family member loss. But we are blessed and lucky. Looking forward to the new year and hopefully your new stories. Thanks for keeping in touch.
All the best,
Hi Elsa!
It’s brilliant to hear from you too. Thanks hugely for taking the time to read my post and to let me know you and your loved ones are OK. I’m so incredibly sorry to hear you have lost a part of your family though, my sincerest condolences. All things considered, I’m really glad you’re still able to count your blessings during this tough time.
Needless to say it means a lot that you’re looking forward to more stories from me, so thank you so much for that – and for your ongoing support.
Take very good and wishing you all the best too. ❤️
Lovely to hear from you, Lindsay
I’m so glad all is well albeit the delays in getting published. No worries on this end; any book of yours is well worth the wait!
Life is strange in this current environment and we are all impacted though, unfortunately, some much more severely more than others. Thank goodness my extended family and friends have been okay so far but always a worry for those more vulnerable. I am taking the positives where I can get them and am so grateful to have had 2 months out of London visiting family in Ireland. The freedom to trek, bike and kayak has been wonderful. Who cares if the sun doesn’t shine all the time! Thank the universe for remote working facilities.
Wising you and yours, and team Blackthorn all the very best.
Stay safe an healthy. 💜💚
Marie! It’s is soooo lovely to hear from you too! And with such kind words as well – thank you. ❤️
We are all impacted indeed. I’m so glad to hear you’re well and that your extended family and friends have been OK so far. I empathise completely with regards worrying about the more vulnerable; I have a number of people very close to my heart who are exactly that. Keep taking all those positives and appreciating everything we still have/can do. Your trekking, biking and kayaking are no doubt a real tonic – a very timely escape! Hubby and I spend nearly all of our spare time outdoors so the first thing we did when some of our lockdown restrictions were lifted was head straight out on a trek – and we’ve made the most of every opportunity since, sunshine or not!
Wishing you and yours safety and wellbeing too. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. ❤️
Glad to hear all going well. Life is strange and certainly brought some wonderful traits to the forefront and some not so good. I am not sure anyone could have written this book but I think better things are ahead.
Looking forward to your new books, stay safe and well
Barbara, I am so very pleased to hear from you! Life is strange indeed and I can’t agree more with your comment. I have everything crossed you’re right and there are better things ahead. Let’s stay positive and hopeful.
I’m thrilled you’re looking forward to more books from me – thank you so much. And thanks for taking the time to comment and let me know you’re OK.
Please stay safe and well too. ❤️
‘Haven Please’
🙌👋 happy to hear you are doing well and that new books will be coming soon. Looking forward to the release.
Stay safe 💕
Hi Maria! Thank you so much! It means a lot to know you’re looking forward to more books from me. 💓
I’ve added your name to the giveaway – thanks for entering!
Please stay safe too. ❤️
Can’t wait for more of your fab books!! I’m so glad you’re doing well 😊
I’m so glad to see your name appear here, Demei, and to know you are doing well too! And I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks so much for your comment on my Facebook page as well. Take very good care of yourself. ❤️