A Warm Glow for Christmas
It’s nearly Christmas! 🎉🎄🎅🏻 If you celebrate this time of year, I hope you’re ready/equipped/prepared/braced/managing to hold on with every last iota of sanity (delete as applicable). I’m wishing you a truly magical time, in whatever form that might take.
I can’t believe 2020 is almost upon us. Yesterday marked winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time believed to hold a powerful energy for regeneration, renewal and self-reflection. With that in mind, I hope any dreams and goals you have for yourself and your loved ones are achieved over the forthcoming months. Above all else I wish you health, peace and happiness. And if part of that happiness includes two more books from me, then I’m definitely planning on making your wishes come true. 😉 I’ve had so many of my readers ask if I’m going to keep writing now that Blackthorn has finished. The answer is most definitely yes! And talking of Blackthorn…
My readers have sent me some amazing photographs, art work, gifts, stories and fun snippets over the years, but never have I received this before. The Blackthorn legacy lives on! I’m thrilled to bits to introduce you to PHIA!!!

She’s not mine (sadly!), but one of my lovely Canadian readers has named her new family addition after one of our beloved characters. How amazing is that? And she certainly looks aptly named to me. The composure, the direct gaze, that twinkle of mischievousness that you know is simmering beneath the surface… even her collar is the same colour as the cover for Blood Torn! (Not sure if that was intentional, Liz!) I don’t know who out of our heroes and heroines would be elbowing their way forward for a cuddle first… if they can get past me leading the way, that is. 💪🏻😆 Ah, what a wonderful way to end our Blackthorn year: with our very own Blackthorn pup. Thank you so, so much for sharing your picture on my page, Liz. You truly made my day. Hopefully it has left all my readers with a warm glow too. 💓
Have a fabulous, safe and joyful Christmas and New Year, everyone! I’ll be back in a few weeks to give you a full update on what’s been happening as well as what’s to come too.
Take care, big hugs, and Merry Christmas!!
Linds xxx

Ah Linds,
I’m so happy to get this email. You’ve brightened my day. Liz’s little Phia is so adorable. I wish you and Tim a very happy Christmas and wonderful new year. I’m so excited to hear all of your writing plans in the new year, you know I’m on board with all of it. 🤣. The picture of Tilly is so beautiful. She’ll always be with you, watching over every word you write. ❤️
Aww, that’s so lovely to hear, Niamh. It’s always good to brighten a day! 💓 I know I haven’t posted much lately having been locked in my writing cave for so long.
I’m so glad you agree Phia is adorable. My heart melted when she showed up in my posts. 😍
And thank you so much! I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas too. I can’t thank you enough for your kind words about Tilly too. Wishing you every happiness for 2020. Thanks hugely for your ongoing support. xxx
How lovely to hear from you Lindsay and so sorry your writing companion has passed away x
Have a wonderful Christmas and may the New Year bring you everything your heart desires xx
Thank you so much for reading, Anne. And thank you hugely for your kind words too. Bless her, Tilly held on right until I handed the final Blackthorn book in. She was with me for the entire journey. I still miss her dreadfully.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas as well and that the New Year brings many good things your way. Take good care. xx
Awww so lovely to hear from you…. RIP Tilly x. Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy & prosperous new year!
Looking forward to your new releases .
Best wishes xxxx
Thank you so much, Karen. I know I’ve been quiet, having been locked away in my writing cave for so long. It’ll mean more books coming your way next year though, so all for a good cause! 😉 I’m so chuffed to hear you’re looking forward to more.
Wishing you and yours a fabulous Christmas too. And thank you for your kind words about Tilly. xxx
Have a great Christmas and an even better new year looking forward to more of your books
Have a terrific Christmas too, Christine, and a fabulous New Year! And I’m so chuffed to hear you’re looking forward to more from me. Thank you hugely for your ongoing support. ❤️
What a beautiful tribute to Tilly. A post of hope for the future. May your future be all that you deserve. Thank you for stepping out of your cave. Your eager readers will be with you every step of the way in 2020. Love and best wishes to you xxx
I can’t believe I missed replying to your comment, Tracey – I’m so sorry! Thank you SO much. Bless Tilly, she was with me from before Blackthorn was signed, through every book, right up until Blood Broken went in. She was as much a part of the Blackthorn journey as the characters themselves – and she got to know all the secrets before anyone else too. I couldn’t not pay tribute to my special girl. I still miss her dreadfully. Thank you hugely for your kind words. Love and best wishes to you too xxx
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas filled with joy. I am so looking forward to any new books you write.
I’m really sorry for my delay in responding to your lovely comment, Iris. Its wonderful to know you’re looking forward to more from me. Thank you so, so much for your ongoing support. 🤗
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I wish for you: peace, health, prosperity and love!
I’m so sorry for my delay in responding to you, Cheryl. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and for taking the time to comment. I’m wishing many wonderful things your way too. ❤️