Haven’s in Bookshops in the U.S. and Canada!

As well as being on its second print run, HAVEN is not only in bookshops in the U.K., Australia and New Zealand but, as of TODAY, it’s in bookshops in the U.S. and Canada too!!
It’s tough enough to get on bookshelves here in the U.K. so I’m absolutely over the moon about this. A MASSIVE thank you to Piatkus Fiction for making this happen.
And a humongous thank you to my lovely readers for buying HAVEN and leaving those all-important reviews that lead to things like this happening for me. I appreciate your support SO much.
P.S. It’ll be another month until the paperbacks are available on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca but you can pre-order now:
Amazon.com: http://a.co/3ze24Xr
Amazon.ca: http://a.co/aegHCtD