Fascinated by Witches?
Happy Halloween!!!!
Usually I reserve my blog for all things related to my books but I read an article today that I thought my readers might find fascinating.
Mention witch trials and Salem is most likely one of the first places that springs to mind, but here’s some historical insight into my local city here in South West England:
West Country Witchcraft and the Hanged Women of Urban Exeter

Having used Exeter’s underground tunnels and passages to help me write those Blackthorn scenes, I wonder if there were ever any witch shenanigans down there too? I’m heading out now to cement a pair of my shoes to my window frame, just in case…
But seriously, as I said to one of my readers on Facebook, I think the content of this article says more about human nature than about the supernatural – and, for me, the reality of our actions born out of our fears is far more disturbing than “the unknown”. It’s no wonder I write what I do. 😉 Talking of which…
Less than two days to go until HAVEN is yours! And you still have a few hours left if you’d like to enter my Halloween-themed giveaway to win a signed HAVEN paperback! Thank you to everyone who has joined in so far, whether here, on Facebook or via email. Wow, your fear confessions make fascinating reading!! Winners will be announced tomorrow!
Stay safe tonight!!