A Grimm Day
I make no secret of the fact I love fairy tales. I’ve written a post previously about how, with them having been embedded in my psyche since childhood, I don’t doubt their background influence on Blackthorn. Fairy tales were the PNR equivalent when I was a child. Wolves, witches, treachery, romance, magic, a struggle for survival, the battle between good and evil set against mystical and often dark and threatening settings, it’s no wonder the world I’ve created contains those elements.

Above: My collection of fairy tales
As well as loving fairy tales, I also have a passion for visiting National Trust properties. Whether absorbing their internal grandeur or exploring their beautifully maintained grounds (or wandering off into the depths of the woods), I can’t visit these places enough when taking a break from writing. So when I heard Killerton were hosting a celebration of Grimm’s Fairy Tales over the Christmas and New Year period, it became top priority for a day out. I was so enthralled by what I found, I thought I’d share a few pics (and some annotations) from the day. I hope my fellow fairy tale fans out there enjoy them!

The stunning exterior of Killerton House in Exeter: the perfect magical setting to host a celebration of some of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Although the sun had broken through in these photos, it had been a frosty morning when we set off for our visit, adding to the enchantment of the place on our arrival (needless to say I’m a huge Narnia fan too 🙂 ).

A glimpse of Killerton’s internal staircase, light being cast through the glass dome above. It might be familiar to those of you who have read Blood Torn:
“Ascending the stairs alongside him, her attention was drawn to the opaque glass dome that crowned the ceiling…”
Blood Torn, chpt 2.

The first stop was The Elves and the Shoemaker display. Later I had a peek inside Rapunzel‘s tower which included a full-size figure of the lady herself, her posture emanating her loneliness. Is it any wonder Eden refers to Jessie as ‘Rapunzel’ in Blood Deep?

The story of Sleeping Beauty spanned two rooms. The first room displayed the spinning wheel and poison whilst Sleeping Beauty slept a few feet away. The neighbouring room celebrated her wedding to the Prince who, if interpretations are correct, rescued her after fighting his way through a Blackthorn hedge. 😉

Hmm, I wonder which vampire came to mind with this library…?

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know I have a long-standing fear of werewolves (which convinced me I’d never be able to write a lycan hero), so I really could have done without wandering down a lengthy corridor before nearly jumping out of my skin when faced with this growling fella! Jask I can handle, Little Red Riding Hood‘s nemesis, not so much!

This had to be my favourite display of all, which is why I left it until last. The story of Hansel and Gretel both terrified and fascinated me as a child. So even at forty-two, I had a little shiver as I glimpsed firstly at the child prison before taking a closer look at the baking tray… to see human fingers ready for cooking! It’s no wonder our Caleb despises serryns so much!
I can’t wait to see what Killerton will come up with next year! 🙂
And before I go, I’d like to give my thanks and a huge shout-out to Big Little Sister Blog who listed Blood Instinct and Blood Bound amongst her favourite books of 2016! Yay!!!

As well as My Bookworm Blogger who is so excited (and maybe a little sad?) about 2017 bringing Blackthorn’s finale that she’s given the entire series a shout-out on her blog today.

Thank you so very much, Michelle and Stephanie. <3
I’ll be back with some news very soon. And, of course, a very happy New Year to you all, Team Blackthorn! Let’s make 2017 a great one! <3
Wow! What a brilliant celebration of fairy tales. So sad to have missed it. Like you I think they are part of my DNA. I hope they do it again another year. X
It was soooo good, Pam. You missed a treat if you’re a fairy tales fan. I hear they’re going to be doing something else next year though so it’ll be well worth the visit, I’m sure. 🙂 xx
WOW loved all these pics of the fairy tails i was brought up with.
Hansel and Gretel little prison also would of been one of my favouites along with *The lion the witch and the wardrobe*Narnia cronicles as loved both these.
What a fantasic day out u had,it all looked amazing and its part of how and why u write such fabulous books.
Cant wait for more and more of this style of writting u create.
It was amazing seeing all the scenes set out, Dawn. The Hansel and Gretel one was particularly macabre which is why I think it fascinated me the most – a bit like the fairy tale when I was a kid. You know when you want to hide behind a pillow but you HAVE to know what happens next? And you’re a Narnia fan too? I don’t know how many times I read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe growing up. It was most definitely my favourite.
Thank you for your lovely comment. <3
Wow how awesome is that! Never see anything like that where I’m from. I’d love to take my little girl somewhere like that; to see her little eyes light up and her imagination run as wild as she does would be fantastic.
Oh, Ange, you must try and venture this way if they ever do it again. It was the most amazing treat. It was eerie and beautiful and so well done. I’m sure your daughter would have loved it. You’ll have to show her the pics. 🙂
This looks amazing. Wow. I love the whole fairy tale thing.
It was brilliant, Michelle. They’d clearly spent an extremely long time setting it all up and the final result was stunning. Truly atmospheric. The backdrop was ideal. I’m glad you’re a fan of fairy tales too. I think a lot of us PNR fans are. What is PNR if not fairy tales for grown-ups?
Oh Lindsay killerton house sounds and looks amazing. I would love to see it. I’m a huge fairytale fan which probably encouraged my love of paranormal romance. Normal is boring as far as I’m concerned. Xx
It’s beautiful, Niamh, even when not done up for events such as this one. The grounds are stunning and you can see for miles. I fell in love with that staircase the first time I went which is how that dome ended up in Blood Torn. If you ever head to South West England, there are a lot of incredible buildings like Killerton. And you’re a fairy tale fan too? It’s definitely an element of us PNR fans, I think. We might have grown up but we’re not ready to leave the magic behind. 😉 Xx
I love how you take inspiration from around you, but turn it into something very unique. I was never a big fairytale fan as a child – was too busy reading Enid Blyton and wishing I’d been called George 😁 Here’s to a fab 2017 xx
Thanks, Tracey. I think all of us writers have to constantly absorb. But you weren’t a fairy tale fan?? *gasp* But I’ll forgive you considering you loved Enid Blyton – as long as you tell me that includes The Enchanted Wood and The Faraway Tree and not just The Famous Five! 😀 Here’s wishing you the very best for 2017! xx
Those pics are stunning, Linds. What a beautiful day out! I loved Hansel and Gretel as a kid, but I think that’s because I loved the idea of a house made out of cake and sweets xxx
I tried my best to capture the detail and atmosphere, Linds. I’m so glad you like them. The day was too good not to share. 🙂 And lol! Up to that point in the story it was all soooo good, wasn’t it? 😀 xxx
Fabulous post. Loved all the amazing pictures. How amazing an experience was that. I’d love to do something like that. Happy New Year Lindsay. 💙
I’m chuffed you enjoyed them, Louise. It truly was a terrific experience, which is why I thought I’d share it. And a most happy New Year to you too! <3
Absolutely ethereal and magical! Thanks for sharing, I wish a place like this existed here in the US. I too am a big fairy tale addict, my faves being the Brothers Grimm and Narnia. No coincidence I’m a PNR fanatic, I think it’s engrained into my DNA. Loved the Blackthorn snippets , not surprised that fairy tales inspired your writing! May the coming year be the best yet!
Ah, it was my pleasure, Linda. Thank you for taking the time to look through. <3 And you're a big fairy tale and Narnia addict too? We're all kindred spirits here in Blackthorn world, aren't we? I'm so glad you liked those little Blackthorn insights too. 🙂
Did you look for the wardrobe? Where would we be without fairy tales to shape our childhood?
I’d love to have been captured with Hansel and Gretel. I’d have eaten my way out 😋
Absolutely, Tracey! Always got to check for the wardrobe (and inside when given the chance)! And I couldn’t agree more. Fairy tales should be a must. And haha to being captured with Hansel and Gretel. You have a one-track mind! 😀
Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures, I to love fairytales and I can’t wait to read what’s to come😎
It was my pleasure, Mary. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post. <3 And another fairy tale fan? I'm definitely seeing a pattern here amongst my readers. 🙂 As for what's to come, I do hope you enjoy it!
Wow, those are amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing them! It’s great to see how you spent your Christmas break and to learn that I have the love of fairytales in common with you! I also LOVE Narnia!
I hope another common factor with fairy tales also permeates Blackthorn… A HAPPY ENDING!
I’m chuffed to bits you like them, Stephanie. As soon as I arrived there I thought it might appeal to some of my readers. <3 I don't do posts like this very often but I'm so glad I shared this one. Ah, and I think I have a lot in common with my readers by the sounds of it. We all seems to share the same childhood loves. 🙂 It's no wonder we all like the same stories now.
As for the happy ending... well, I couldn't possibly confirm nor deny. But obviously I think I'm sussed after this one. 😉
Wow! That seems like an amazing trip!!!!
It was, Sarah. I couldn’t resist sharing! I’m glad you enjoyed your pic visit. 🙂
oh my goodness! I love Grimms Fairytales and have a couple in my collection as well. Beautiful pictures! I wish i were there!
Yay, another fairy tales fan! I’m so pleased you liked the pics, Demei. You would have loved it, I’m sure. <3
What a wonderful experience. Some lovely shots that really whet the appetite.
It was indeed, Barb. I had to share it. I’m so pleased you liked the pics. Thank you for taking the time to read it all.
Lovely pics. Beautiful experience.
It was, Karin. I’m so glad I went. The amount of time and effort that went into planning it all must have been immense. Some people are so creative and talented. Thanks for reading!
Oh WOW, Lindsay! What an enchanting experience! (love the title…’A Grimm Day’…lol) You know, I was never partial to werewolves either, but Jask definitely has his charms (though he cannot hold a candle (with frights or delights) to my dearest Caleb…*sigh*). Thank you for sharing so many wonderful pictures, I could almost imagine walking in your footsteps through those fairy tales. Truly magical and such inspiration for your work. Please share more if you do more of these visits! <3 xo
That’s the perfect description, Suzanne. It’s brilliant to know you felt as though you were there. And ha, I’m glad you liked the title! 😀 Jask will be pleased to know he won you over but obviously, without a doubt, he’s not a patch on your Caleb. Never! Perish the thought, lol! 😉
If I do more visits such as this one, I will certainly share pics again. I’m desperate to get back up north to Whitby at some point (home of Dracula, of course!). If I do, I will definitely share some scenes from there. It’s absolutely beautiful. <3 xoxo