My Book Deal with Piatkus

I’m beyond elated to be able to reveal that I’ve signed a three book deal with PIATKUS, an imprint of LITTLE, BROWN BOOK GROUP!

Two of the books are a spin-off to my bestselling Blackthorn series (more on that in a moment) and the third is an unrelated title. Piatkus have bought world English rights in both print and eBook, with the aim to make my books available in bookshops in the UK, US and Australia. How exciting is that?
Anyone familiar with PNR and Urban Fantasy will know why I’m so over the moon about this. Piatkus are globally synonymous with the genres, publishing leading names such as Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward and Nora Roberts. Needless to say I am uber-excited to be working with their expert and passionate team on my new books.

I had the greatest pleasure meeting with my new editor – Anna Boatman (Editorial Director at Piatkus) – in December when she travelled from London to Exeter to take me out for lunch. We’d already had several phone conversations by that point and Anna had been following my work for years, so meeting her in person was the final confirmation of how much I wanted to work with the Piatkus team.
The news has been issued both in BookBrunch and The Bookseller:

As well as 2016 marking the release of two Blackthorn books, it was also a year of big decisions as to what to do once Blackthorn ended. With the finale approaching, I’d been receiving an increasing number of requests for prequels, sequels or even spin-offs from readers not ready to leave this world behind yet. I’ve always said that the Blackthorn story will end with book eight though, and I’m not going to change that. However, with a backdrop as detailed and complex as this one, there’s always been scope for a sideways step – especially with so many aspects of life in the locale that never made it into the overarching Blackthorn plot.
After revelations in interviews and blog posts that I had other stories set in the same locale, reader requests increased so I decided to give it some serious thought. Some of my favourite characters who never made it into Blackthorn soon came to mind, their stories opening up other parts to this world that my readers had yet to see. Some of those stories centred around one district in particular.
My current readers will know of Lowtown as the neighbouring district to Blackthorn. It’s where Caitlin from Blood Shadows lived, where the TSCD is based as well as the penitentiary too. However, the plight of those struggling to survive in Lowtown has remained peripheral for my readers whilst I remained focused on the Blackthorn story. Now seems to be the perfect time to delve into unexplored corners of this stratified and corrupt society and, with it, even deeper into the world.
Set against a backdrop of social unrest my readers will be familiar with, Lowtown books will retain the same dark and gritty urban feel as Blackthorn. The romances will be just as intense and the struggles just as severe.
However, unlike their Blackthorn predecessors, each Lowtown story will be a standalone. They’ll also be completely independent of the overarching plot that runs through my eight Blackthorn books. One or two familiar names or places might appear though. 😉
In 2019, I will also be bringing something brand new to my readers. As well as two spin-off titles, I have signed another book with Piatkus – one that is far removed from the familiar urban dystopia of Blackthorn and Lowtown. Expect chills and mystery set against a rural backdrop, as well as more romance of course!
I’m thrilled to finally be able to reveal this news to you – and I hope you’re just as pleased to hear it. Thank you to all of my readers who regularly contact me to share their thoughts, particularly with what you enjoy about my writing and what you’d like more of. You’ve helped shape what I’m going to do next.
Well, it’s certainly going to be a busy year ahead! Our Blackthorn finale is due for publication before the end of the year and now the first Lowtown book is scheduled for release this November. That means we’ll have double the cover reveals, double the blurb reveals, be concluding Blackthorn as well as launching Lowtown… I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with this, and I can’t wait! Of course, it also means I might not be around as much as usual for the first part of this year, but I promise I’ll keep you updated as often as possible.
Thank you for being there, for supporting my writing up to now and, by doing so, for helping this happen. 2017, here we come!!
A huge thank you to Piatkus Fiction for sharing the announcement on their Facebook page, and for all the wonderful comments already being left on their post.

And thank you to everyone who is supporting this announcement across social media. I’m truly overwhelmed! <3
Thanks, Karin! 🙂
Fantastic news, I am absolutely thrilled for you! And me! More Lindsay J. Pryor books makes my heart swell to almost bursting point.
Well done Anna and Piatkus for recognising what a talent you are. And well done you for being so brilliant! Amazing <3 <3 <3 xxx
Squeee indeed, Tracey! I’m chuffed to bits you’re so pleased. And aww, that means a lot. Thank you. :’-) <3 Anything that takes away the loss of Blackthorn. 😉 xxx
Fantastic news Lindsay. I’m so immensely happy for you and the journey you are about to embark upon. I have been a fan of yours for sometime now and I’ve no doubt that will continue.
Congratulations 💙
Thank you so, so much, Louise. The new journey has begun and I’m loving it already. Thank you for supporting my books and thank you for supporting me. <3
Lindsay, that is the most fantastic news I’m so delighted for you. What a hugely exciting few years you have ahead. Not to mention I greedily await these new books that I know will be amazeballs. ❤❤❤
Thank you hugely, Niamh. <3 I certainly hope so! I'm sure between us all we'll have a lot of fun along the way. It's just brilliant to know you're looking forward to more from me. xx
Best news ever!!!!
Aww – that’s wonderful to hear. Thank you, Jacqueline! <3
OMG Lindsay… I’m so ridiculously and deliciously pleased for you with this. Reading this has almost taken the edge of the end of Blackthorn as we know it (almost..) TWO books to look forward to this year. Really really really excited now. Thank you SO much for bringing your amazing Blackthorn world to life and I can’t wait to read what treats you have in store – Blackthorn and Beyond!
Oh very very good Jen – loving that last comment 😁😁😁
Me too. 😀
I can hear how excited you are and it’s amazing to hear, Jennifer! Thank you so VERY much! <3 And if it helps to take the edge off *whispers* the end of Blackthorn *unwhispers* then I'm thrilled I chose to do a spin-off. Thank YOU so much for reading my books, for wanting more and for supporting me like this. Blackthorn and beyond!!! 😀 xx
OH WOW Amazing News,
Lindsay this is awesome news about 3 books to do with Lowtown,Im really excited about this as your Blackthorn series was amazing so i know that Lowtown is just going to be as good.
Also Mystery and Chills for a new book is right up my street as far as a good thriller goes.To say i cant wait is a understatment,even though i dont want Blackthorn to end i know it must.
This is a exciting time for u and i am along for the long long ride that i hope never to get off.
Love and Hugs to you….xxxx
Thank you, Dawn! If you love Blackthorn, I’m fairly confident you’ll enjoy Lowtown too. It may not have the overarching plot but I think those familiar with the world and the types of characters who live within will feel right at home. I promise it will have the same dark and edgy feel – just new characters, new adventures and lots more to learn! As for the mystery and chills, I get a strong feeling you’ll like that one. 😉 Stay on that ride and hold on tight – I have so much planned! 😀 Love and hugs back at you. xxxx
Congratulations Lindsay, I am absolutely thrilled for you!!!
Can’t wait to see what the next couple of years brings us & something completely different…. I’m intrigued.
Thank you so very much, Amanda! We’ll be thrilled together! 😀 I hope we have a lot of fun with the new adventures over the next two years. And I’m glad you’re intrigued about book number three. It’s very different to Blackthorn and Lowtown but I hope my loyal readers will enjoy a slightly different angle to my writing.
Oh my Goodness!!! This is just too exciting for words!!! More books. From my favourite author. Yes please – where do I sign? Lowtown sounds fabulous. Love the idea of new stories with a hint of familiarity to ease you in.
Suddenly the sadness at Blackthorn ending is tinged with excitement at what’s to come.
Many congrats Lindsay. You deserve all the success in the world
Aww, Tracey – thank you. <3 And I'm chuffed you like the sound of Lowtown. There will definitely be that hint of familiarity to ease you in. I really hope you enjoy meeting some new characters and their challenges too. I'm particularly thrilled to be able to share this news so early in the year as I know a lot of people were finding the prospect of the end of Blackthorn really tough. It's brilliant to be able to give you something to look forward to. Thank you for your support. <3
Yessssss!!!! This is awesomely FANTASTIC news and congratulations 🎉!!!! Looking forward to this year ahead!!! You just made my day!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU 😊!!! ((((hugs)))))
Ah, thank you so very, very much, Olga! <3 I'm thrilled to have made your day!! That's what I like to hear! Hopefully I'll make many more for you. 😀 (((hugs)))
Wow, that is absolutely great news. I can’t wait for the spin-offs, so exciting. Well done 😊.
Thank you hugely, Joanna. I’m thrilled you’re looking forward to more! 😀
What exciting times these are, for you Lindsay, and for us,you’re adoring fans! Bitter sweet that Blacthorn is about to end, yet hopeful for new beginnings with Lowtown and whatever lies beyond! The possibilities are endless, and I’m on board for this journey into the unknown.
Congrats Lindsay, you rock! <3
They are indeed, Linda. I am so thrilled! I’m just as thrilled my readers are so pleased though. That means a lot to me. <3 Things coming to an end 🙁 , yes, but like you said, lots of new beginnings too! 😀 Thank you so much for sharing the journey with me. <3
So exciting, wonderful, AMAZING news!! Congrats Lyndsey!! X
Thank you so very much, Fiona! I’m chuffed you think so! xx
This is fantastic!! Congratulations Lady. Looking forward to another two books from you this year with more to follow!! Xxx
Thank you hugely, Kay! And that’s brilliant to know you’re looking forward to more!! Xxx
Wonderful news, congratulations!
Thank you so much, Caroline! X
Fantastic news Lindsay, very much deserved. As a huge fan your hard work this year will be very much appreciated 😀
Aww. That’s so kind of you to say so. Thank you, Karen. <3 I'll do my best not to let you down!
*** giddy squee *** Oh Lindsay!!! I am enormously proud of you – you deserve this, lovely authoress! I knew someone would recognize your brilliant writing and reward you…and this news has me elated for you!!! What an outstanding publisher!!! **massive hugs to you and Team Blackthorn** (I’m all teary-eyed, I am sooooo happy for you!) Can’t wait to read Lowtown as well as your other mystery! <3 <3 <3 xo
Oh, wow, thank you, Suzanne. *blush* I can hear how excited and proud you are and it means a massive amount to me. <3 And Piatkus are an outstanding publisher indeed! I'm loving working with them already. And aww that you're all teary-eyed. I can't believe all the excitement and happiness that is coming through from Team Blackthorn over this announcement. I'm a very lucky authoress to have such amazing readers who support me like this. I hope Lowtown and book number three make you just as happy! ((hugs)) <3 xo
Hehehe! I am NOT surprised, baby girl! The spin-off sounds amazing, with – I bet – lots of hot men in hot water with hot women. I’m so thrilled for you, Lindsay.
Big hugs!
Christine X
Ah, thanks, Christine! <3
How did I know you wouldn't be surprised?! I'm chuffed you like the sound of Lowtown. As for hot men. Tick. Getting themselves into lots of hot water? Always!! And the hot women? Got to have some fiest to survive in Blackthorn AND Lowtown! 😉 I'm thrilled you're thrilled, fab lady. Thank you for all your support.
Big hugs back at you. Xx
Such fantastic news Lindsay and what an amazing opportunity to get new people reading your fabulous books. No-one should EVER miss out on that 😀 So excited for you and for what is to come…. and lucky us, the spirit of Blackthorn with live on in Lowtown, together with a totally new story! Wahoo!!
Congratulations!! <3 <3 xoxo
Hi Julia! I’m so pleased you think so. Thank you! I’m chuffed to bits that my readers are responding so well to the prospect of a spin-off. I think that’s the perfect way to put it: that the spirit of Blackthorn will live on it Lowtown. I do hope so! And a new story too, oh yes! <3 xoxo
I am so excited to hear the news of your upcoming books!! I can’t wait to delve into more of your incredible stories! I’m so happy for you Lindsay. You totally deserve it!
That’s wonderful to hear, Demei. I’m thrilled you’re looking forward to more from me! And you are so kind. Thank you. <3
Yah!!!! This is the best news !!! So excited to read more of your brilliance!
Ah, thanks hugely, MonicaLee. <3 That's fantastic to hear!
So hugely proud of everything you have achieved! Nothing more than you deserve with that amazing writing talent and dedication to the cause 🙂 Hoping that it will be an awesome year of storytelling and a huge lot of fun with #TeamBlackthorn or is it #TeamLowtown ? Will have to wait and get the #lowdown 😉 CONGRATULATIONS 😀xx
I feel like I should salute. 😀 Let’s hope so, Moth. I’m sure we’ll have a tonne of fun no matter what. As for #TeamBlackthorn or #TeamLowtown, I’m hearing #TeamBlackLow is already rearing it’s head. That and #WantingTheLowdownOnTheLowtown. Lol! I’ve got the best readers ever, that’s for sure. Mwah, mwah, mwah, gorgeous hubby. Thank you for all you do behind the scenes, you unsung hero, you. <3 xxx
Wow. Please please keep writing. I hate all this waiting with hints of such amazing stuff to come. So excited!
Fear not, Michelle. I am well underway. That’s the reason I’m a couple of days behind responding to all of these awesome comments. I went straight back into a scene I’d been mid-way through when I was told I could make the announcement and haven’t stopped since. I promise I won’t keep you waiting a moment longer than I have to! You might be relieved to know it’s all shaping up very nicely. 😉 And needless to say I’m chuffed you’re so excited. Thank you! xx
This is fantastic news Lindsay. Huge Congratulations. 🎉🎉
I’m looking forward to the New Lowtown books and I’m sure I will love them.
As a huge fan of your writing I’m so pleased to know we will get more of your fantastic stories.
I’m looking forward to them, it’s very exciting news for us Blackthorn fans.
😀 💗
Thank you so very, very much, Susan! <3 It's brilliant to hear you're looking forward to Lowtown. That means a lot. And I do hope so! Team Blackthorn all the way!! (And aww to the hashtags. ((hugs)) )
Fantabulous news Lindsay!!
Cannot wait to read more from you, you wonderful woman you!!!
Lol – thank you so very, very much, Sarah. <3 I'm thrilled you're looking forward to more!
Fantastic news, congratulations! 💖
Thank you hugely, Helen! <3
Hey Lindsay,
Like all your readers I am so happy and proud to see you succeed. Every book of the series has been better than the previous and I can’t wait for the last one, Though I am sad to say goodbye to such wonderful characters, I have to also say I am glad Blackthorn has a resolution. Our hearts probably need it more than our reading eyes.
I think the plans for the next part of your writing life are exciting both for you and your fans, and also well-deserved on your part.
You have given me, and so many others, reading pleasure from the beginning of your career and I have every confidence there will be so much more to come.
Looking forward to the more.
Oh, Barb. What a wonderful message. Thank you SO much. I know it’s hard saying goodbye to Blackthorn but, as you said, it has to have a resolution. I think I’ve put you all through enough! I’m thrilled you’re excited about my future plans. I had a lot to think through about the direction I took next but the response to my choice so far has been brilliant. I will do my upmost to not let you down. Thank you hugely for your ongoing support. <3
Congratulations Lindsay! This is all exciting news for your readers. I will be waiting for the new Lowtown books with excitement and with sadness, await the last Blackthorn book.
Bravo Lindsay, you deserve this!
Thank you, Carol! I’m overjoyed with the response, that’s for sure. I’m so lucky to have such supportive readers. It’s brilliant to know you’re looking forward to Lowtown, even if saying goodbye to Blackthorn is in the mix. Aww, and you are so kind – thank you again. <3
Linds, you deserve all this, and more. So happy for you. Congratulations, dear friend.
Ah, Tima. How long have you been supporting me now? It must be coming up for five years? You’re amazing. Thank you so very much for your congrats. It means a lot. xx
Congratulations!!! You deserve every bit of this. I’m glad you made the choice you did to quit your 9-5 and write full time. It’s been a great move, I think, for you but also wonderful for all your reading fans!! Also, for your characters, giving them voices and lives to live and HEV’s, I’m hoping.
Please keep them all coming…I have no doubt that creative mind of yours will keep creating and we will keep reading and devouring. Win-win I think!
I have to say I’m not surprised, though, your writing definitely ranks up there with the likes of Sherilyn Kenyon and JR Ward–two of the first PNR author’s I read. I was so excited to read another series that was as well thought out and as well written as the firsts I ran across. Not even a chapter into ‘Blood Shadows’ and I screamed out, “Yes! Finally a series I can really sink my teeth into–giggle, sigh, and have that huge WOW moment at the end!”. So exciting! I’d say good luck, but luck isn’t involved when you write. Instead, I’ll just say, “I can’t wait and it is going to be great!!”
Kara Lee
Oh, and I received my prize. (The autographed Blackthorn card you sent.) I was so excited to get it. Thank you!
Thank you, Kara Lee. And that is so very kind of you to say so. <3 I couldn't have kept up this momentum holding down another demanding job, so I know I did the right thing for now. I'm just so grateful my amazing readers have stuck with me! And I will certainly "keep them all coming" for as long as they're being read. I have so, so much more to bring.
And that's huge compliment. Thank you so much! I'm thrilled to bits Blackthorn hooked you and wouldn't let you go.
Thank you for your ongoing support. I'm so glad your prize arrived safely across the pond. 🙂
Correction to my comments…I meant HEA’s. Oops!! Sorry about that. I didn’t want everyone to wonder what that weird acronym was. Lol
Kara Lee
Ha! I knew exactly what you meant, Kara Lee. Don’t we all just love typos? 😀
Lindsay, this is just such fantastic news – you deserve such success with your hard work, and amazing imagination..congratulations on the new book deal, and its great to know that we wont have to wholly leave the world of Blackthorn just yet, I can wait to find out what Lowtown has to bring 🙂 congratulations again 🙂 xx
Thank you so very much, Delphine. That’s really kind of you to say so. <3 I'm just glad I'm not the only one who wasn't ready to leave the world yet. 🙂 I really hope you enjoy Lowtown as much as you've enjoyed Blackthorn. <3 xxx
Congratulations Lindsay – I just love all your books and can’t wait for more to be published! Especially love that your doing Lowtown stories!
Hi Terry! Thank you so very much – that’s wonderful to hear! And I’m really pleased you like the sound of Lowtown too. I’m thoroughly enjoying writing the first in the series at the moment. Thanks for taking time out to comment. <3
I’m excited for more… and new characters too. I think Low town is a great direction to move to next. I can’t wait to hear how things develop there.
I also, can’t wait for what you have planned next. I know it will be as addictive as everything else you have written. Keep going strong and we’ll keep reading all night long!!! Lol
Thank you so very much, Kara Lee. I’m thrilled (and relieved) to hear you think Lowtown is a great direction to move in. There’s so much to share of that side of “Blackthorn”. I’ll see how my loyal readers take to it.
As for our ‘mystery book’, I do hope so. I can’t wait to share it with you.
And love the rhyme, lol! Thanks hugely for your support. <3