Only Hours To Go!
It’s Blood Bound Eve! That means your latest Blackthorn adventure could be yours within hours!

Thank you so, so much for all the build-up and pending excitement. Although, I have to add, sorry for the sense of dread based on all the recent reviews I’ve been sharing. You will get through it, I promise! And I have something to help…
For the last couple of years, I’ve been told I should produce some DO NOT DISTURB signs ready for release day. I mentioned it to my fabulous street team last night and asked if they could come up with some wording. Let’s just say I had to abandon 97% of the suggestions. I’ll leave it to your imaginations to fill the gaps as to why. But here you go…
As has long been promised, and if anyone fancies having some fun with them, here are four true-to-size, printable door hangers especially for tomorrow. A huge thank you to Louise, Tracey and Julia for letting me use your suggestions.
If you’d like to download your door hanger, all you have to do is:
- Hover over either of the two pages. This will bring up their grey menu bar across the top of each page. (There are two bookmarks on each page.)
- Press the ‘Download PDF’ button (second from the right).
- It will open up the PDF in a new window that you can then print.
These will hopefully keep any interruptions away… 😉
And reviews are still coming in!

A big shout-out and an equally massive thank you to Stephanie at My Bookworm Blogger for your fantastic 5 star review…
“There is no doubt in my mind that Blood Bound, book #7 in the Blackthorn series, is indeed my #bookoftheyear. Jessie and Eden have always held a special place in my heart and my heart truly bled for them in this book… There were moments that I just had to stop reading, I needed time to digest everything and tell my heart that I could get through it. See, that is when you know you are reading something special. When you feel like you are part of the story. When you feel like you are part of one big family. When you feel your favourite characters pain as if it were your own; their triumphs your own.
Never before have I read a series that holds so many intricate plots. Each one weaved to perfection and then brought together in ways that are always one step ahead of me. I can never guess what is going to happen; every turn of the page has my heart in my throat… Blood Bound is the perfect addition to the Blackthorn series. Everything is coming together now, to what I am sure is going to be an explosive end…”

As well as Marta at Literal Addiction for your brilliant 5 star review too…
“I cannot believe what I’ve just read! This book is the best yet in this series and absolutely jaw dropping and so intense. This world the author has created has grown into something that has clearly taken on a life of its own. The depth of emotions this story called forth is totally unbelievable. I’d enjoyed previous books with characters that excited but the utter depravity and evil in play here has left my head spinning. Complex does not begin to describe it, dark is far too light a word to use and all I can envisage is an onion with so many layers gradually peeling back…
You will be shocked, horrified and so emotional… but remember to watch the sidelines, look around at all the peripheral goings on. The characters in this world are set on a collision course of such magnitude I cannot begin to imagine just how the author can possibly wrap everything up in the next and last instalment.”
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I know I’m going to lose most of you in Blackthorn but if you fancy heading back out for a breather, I’ll have a special release day blog post tomorrow gathering all of the day’s happenings. I’d love you to join me.
But if I don’t see you, you know the rules: take care in there and come back safe!
Have a fabulous time, Team Blackthorn! And thank you, as always, for your support. <3
Brilliant! You need a merchandise section!!!!
Legs are shaved. Kindle is charged. I’m ready xxxx
I keep getting told that, Tracey. 😀 Oh, the fun we could have with merchandise! And lol to the shaved legs. It’s good to know you’re prepared! Only hours to go now! xxxx
Love these!!!
I’m glad you like them, Sarah! They’re certainly getting plenty of downloads so hopefully they’re being well scattered. 😀
Oh yes they’re brilliant and thanks so much for choosing one of my ones. I totally agree with Tracey, there should be a merchandise section, I know I’d buy them.
Cannot believe it’s Blood Bound Eve, it’s come around slow and I feel like I’ve aged 50 years waiting. Cannot wait to get stuck in. Or do I?
Love Blackthorn, love Lindsay, I know I’ll love Blood Bound ✌🏼️
My pleasure, Louise! Thanks for all the suggestions. As for the merchandise section – maybe one day. 🙂
I know – it’s finally here! You’ll be fine. Well, sort of. Maybe. 😉
Aww – and thank you so much. *blush* *hugs* xxx
Oh my goodness!!! Those reviews!!! I feel like the kid hiding behind the cushion during those Doctor Who episodes… Like the adult who puts her fingers in front of her eyes because she can’t bear to see anything that will be too much to bear… I think I may have to start reading with one eye shut! What wonderful, rocking reviews they are. Absolutely cannot wait to re-immerse and lose myself in the wonderful world you have woven x
Hi Fiona! Thank you so very much. <3 I'm beyond thrilled with such a positive response so far. I do hope you enjoy being immersed in Blackthorn again. Just please make sure you come back safely! xxx
YESSSSS….at last i have this link to leave a comment..
Cant wait for the release of Blood Bound
Loving the Do Not Disturb banners they r fab,well done Tracey,Louise and Julia…..
Love everything Blackthorn and will be leaving my reviews on Amazon as soon as possible
Love u Lindsay J Pryor you r my Fav Author. xxxx
Sorry, Dawn – there have been hitches with wordpress these last couple of days. It looks as though it’s been sorted now. Phew!
Thank you hugely. I’m chuffed you’re looking forward to Blood Bound, and so pleased you like the door hangers. It’s all good fun!
Aww. You are too kind. <3 *blush* And I really appreciate your pending reviews. xxxx <3TeamBlackthorn
Fantastic! I love these DND’s! Already got my friend to print them out for me haha only 1hr 10mins to go!!!
P.s totally lost it at Tracey’s “shaved legs” comment 😂😂😂😂
Thanks, Ange! I’m chuffed you like them! Less than an hour to go now! Eek!
P.S. I know! Tracey likes to be prepared… 😀
Good luck for tomorrow Lindsay. Blood Bound is an amazing read! Loved it x
Thank you so, so much, Michelle. And thank you again for your incredible review. xx
They are brilliant and luckily I don’t have to be at work until 1 on Wednesday!! So I will be reading most of the morning! Yeah for me. 😀 I really can’t wait to get my hands on this one.
I’m so pleased you like them, Tiffany! And yay to a morning of reading! I hope you enjoy your next Blackthorn adventure. Come back safe!
I got in… I don’t think WordPress likes me. 2 words: Brilliant Blackthorn.
I think the hitch has been sorted, Incy. Time will tell.
Ah – thank you! <3
Those reviews at fantastic!! Have a brilliant release day ❤️
Those do not disturb signs look amazing and I think will be used well as we all tuck ourselves away with Eden and Jessie (and I’m very chuffed that one of them is mine 😀) xxx
I’m so thrilled with them, Julia. And thank you so much! <3 I've seen some pics of them in use already. They look great! 😀 xxx
I am so excited to read this book Lindsay, I cant wait…it is going to be fab holiday reading…roll on this weekend 🙂
That’s wonderful to hear, Delphine – thank you! I hope you enjoy your holiday curled up with Eden. 😉