It’s Blood Bound Publication Day!

Wow! What a day! I have so much to cram into this traditional publication day round-up post that I’m going to get straight down to it.
Firstly, thank you to every person who has downloaded or ordered a copy of Blood Bound today. I am beyond thrilled to say that it went straight in at number one in Gothic Romance on Amazon UK this morning and is still there now!

It made it to number four on at the last look, and Blood Bound also reached the Top 10 in Gothic Fiction (#8) on too. It was even back at the number one spot in Hot New Releases there!

An extra special thank you too to all my readers who have finished their latest Blackthorn adventure and have been uploading reviews already. It means a lot. <3

The support for Blackthorn and Blood Bound today has been incredible. There has been loads going on.

I’ve been involved in four interviews today answering questions from Shelley Wilson; Chelle’s Book Reviews; Starcrossed Reviews; and Kim The Bookworm.
So if you’d like to know the answers to questions such as what I like most about writing dark paranormal romance; where the inspiration for my Blackthorn Series came from; when I knew I wanted to become a writer and how I went about it; and what I plan to do next, please do head over to have a look.
Huge thanks to Shelley, Chelle, Emma and Kim for hosting me and coming up with such great questions!

I also wrote a special guest post for today. If you’re interested in why I write such dark heroes, you might like to check out what I had to say on Linda’s Book Bag.
For those who remember the Alpha Showdown back in the Summer where Kane was the shock victor in this intense reader-voting competition, Chelsea at Vampire Book Club very kindly let me return to explain more about Blackthorn to new readers.

And Clair at Have Books, Will Read, and Life of a Nerdish Mum also let me write a short introductory post about Blackthorn for their readers too.
Thank you so much, ladies!

And I wasn’t the only one writing posts today.
I’d like to say a huge thank you to Incy Black for her unmistakable take on Blackthorn hours before she dived in to start reading it. An equally big thank you to Passionate About Books and Brickley Jules for sharing their publication day posts. And also Maryse’s Book Blog, The Romance Cover, The Book Chick and Helcee’s Bangin’ Books all for their publication day shout-outs too. I really appreciate it.

If you’re a writer yourself, you might like to check out a special publication day post I wrote for the Online Literary Magazine Writing IE where I offer some strategies on how to dig out of dead-end scenes.

Not only are my readers’ reviews now coming in but blogger reviews are continuing to come in too. I’d like to say a massive thank you to Louise at the superbly-titled Wopsywoobookblog (love that!) for your fabulous 5 star review.
“Blood Bound made me feel emotional, tense, anxious, angry, happy and sad, not to mention frustrated. There were so many times I had my fist clenched, wanting to do something and not being able to do a damn thing about it… The action was jam packed. There wasn’t a moment in which I was bored or I thought something didn’t work. It all flowed. That’s the thing with Lindsay’s mind and ingenuity. You never know what’s going to happen next. So many times I thought I knew where the story was leading and every time I was proved wrong. I don’t think my heart could take many more palpitations. So many ‘heart in mouth moments.’
For me, a formidable book has me believing that I’m in the story, that I’m sharing the lives of the characters I’m reading. That I’m going on a journey and I’m so far in that I can’t see my way out. Blackthorn really does that for me. I believe I’m there, I believe I’m suffering or laughing or loving, I believe in everything. That’s what sets Lindsay apart from so many other authors of the same genre. It’s brilliant mind trickery. This is why I love this series. There hasn’t been and will not be a dark paranormal romance series that can top this for me.”
And as there were a few wordpress glitches over the past few days meaning my blog followers weren’t receiving my posts, if you missed previous reviews you can read them here, here and here.

I can’t thank all my readers, fellow authors and publisher enough for all the incredible support that has come through on social media such as Twitter and my Facebook page today.

And the memes that were being shared were an absolute treat – including some creative use for those door hangers I posted about yesterday! You’ve all been absolutely brilliant in both showing and sharing your love for Blackthorn.

As for my street team – who have not stopped finding every opportunity to shout about Blood Bound’s release throughout the day – you ladies are beyond incredible. <3
Well, it’s almost two in the morning here in the UK so it’s about time I called the day to an end. Thank you again, so much, for making this day so special. It’s been our penultimate Blackthorn release, ladies and gents, and it has been another day I won’t forget.
If you’re still in Blackthorn, stay safe and come back soon. <3


To add to my thanks for mentions and support, a HUGE thank you to Stephanie at My Bookworm Blogger who put together a wonderful publication day post yesterday to mark Blood Bound‘s release. That was really kind of you, Stephanie (who also previously reviewed Blood Bound in case you missed it). <3
I also had a very excited message to say Blood Bound made it to number one in Gothic Romance on during the night as well as number 1 in Hot New Releases in Gothic Romance!! Thi, who sent me the update, asked if I’d give a shout-out to my Canadian readers. Absolutely! Thank you SO much for your support! <3

As well as that, I’ve been told Blood Bound has crept up to number four on! Strike that! Now at number three!! Thanks for the update, Tracey! <3

This is all wonderful news. Thanks again, Team Blackthorn! xxx

* * *
As publication week comes to an end, I’m so pleased to say Blood Bound is holding the number one spot in Gothic Romance on Amazon UK, the feedback from Blackthorn’s die-hard fans is positive, and reviews are still coming in. I had this one today from author Tracey Rogers – and it’s a stunner. You can read the full review here, but here’s a snippet below. Thank you so much for such a glowing 5 star review, Tracey!

“If you’ve read any of the previous books in the series you will know how intense and compelling the Blackthorn series is… I emotionally braced myself before I began to read Blood Bound and yet I still wasn’t prepared for what was about to happen. The unexpected twists and revelations still hold their intensity and the plot is absolutely gripping. Every line matters and those secondary characters that you may deem unimportant in one book are actually cleverly relevant in another, especially in this story. The pace is relentless and the plot truly is a masterclass in world building and conflict.
Blackthorn is know for its complex layers and the darkness of the series and Blood Bound for me is the darkest yet. Jessie and Eden’s vulnerabilities are exposed and then ripped to shreds. It’s a challenging, shocking read in the best possible way. Just when you think the author really won’t go there – she does! Jessie and Eden are tested beyond their limits and you feel every moment of it. And bravo, Lindsay J. Pryor, for being courageous enough to do that. Thank you for staying true to the series. Each harrowing scene serves to validate Blackthorn further. You might need to pick your broken heart up from the floor after reading Blood Bound – but my goodness it’s worth every breath stolen moment. Stunning. Absolutely stunning. The most powerful series I’ve ever read.”
Ah, what a great way to end the week. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone. I know a lot of readers have had to wait until now to dive back into Blackthorn. I hope it turns out to be worth it. Take care in there – and see you soon. <3