Blood Dark – The Full Cover Reveal

We have less than five days to go!!! BLOOD DARK will be yours as of next Wednesday. For those waiting on the paperback version (available from release day), here’s the full cover reveal…

I do hope you like it!
As feedback continues to come in, I thought I’d share a few snippets of what readers and reviewers are saying so far (I’ve avoided any with spoilers):
“This, hands down is my absolute favorite story yet. This story, the deception, lies and hidden truths just keeps improving. And most definitely, my favorite book of 2015! Keep the breakables at a distance for those angry moments and the tissues handy for those others. Well, Well worth it all.” ~ Mellissa Montefort
“Hold on to your seat and TRY to catch your breath, because Lindsay J Pryor is taking you on a roller coaster ride! She takes you from the highest highs of joy, to the lowest lows… A must read for everyone and anyone who loves a GREAT story, told by an amazing author.” ~ MonicaLee
“Wow, I have just staggered off the emotional roller coaster that is Blood Dark. Absolutely loved it… but feel like I’ve been through the wringer. I think I had every emotion at one point or another! Just brilliant…” ~ Julia Stevens
“What can I say? What a ride!…This book is incredible and a credit to the rest of the series. The story is really starting to build and come together and the heat is on!!…Just when you think you know what’s going on – bam! You’re hit with a twist. It was nail biting and heart racing but also endearing and beautiful. I got frustrated (in good ways and bad) I cried, I laughed but most importantly – I fell in love all over again.” ~ Kay Cunningham
Now I’m just wondering if Brickley Jules (Sirens of Fiction), whose review of Blood Shadows I shared last time, will have caught up by next Wednesday. She’s already reviewed Blood Roses now too – and it’s wonderful! Thank you so much, Brickley. Two more books to go and you’re there!

“WOW! I was blown away before I was even finished. The Hero, the Victim and the Antagonist swap roles like a thing of beauty. Just when I have the story lined out Lindsay would throw me a plot twist leaving me happily dumbfounded. When I was done flopping around in disbelief and spouting ‘I can’t believe that just happened’ I again would try to determine what end lies in store for our main characters just to be amazed all over.”
And a massive thank you to Anna from Sirens of Fiction too, who also wrote a fantastic review of Blood Roses:
“Serryns are a vampire’s worst nightmare but, I could feel the hunted serryn’s anxiety as she, herself was facing off with her worst nightmare. I could feel the excitement Caleb felt while circling Leila, knowing he was going to capture and conquer his rose. I could feel the sexual tension between them. I could feel the unwanted love build up between the two. Lindsay wrote the story from the point of view of Leila and Caleb, she wrote in a way that made you feel the story. I loved Kane from Blood Shadows, but in Blood Roses, Caleb is the man!!!!!!”
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! xxx

I am half way through Blood Torn and plan on being done this weekend and review posted!
Another awesome review, Brickley! You’re fantastic – thank you. I’m so pleased you’re now gripped by Blood Deep too. 🙂
LOVE love love the cover!!! Kane is delish both inside the book and outside on the cover! (Wish my kindle was in color to appreciate the yumminess even more 😉 Thanks for posting the complete cover for us! Wow…such brilliant reviews – and so well-deserved, too! I can’t wait to leave my own review!!! 😀 Team Blackthorn forever! <3 xo
I’m so very pleased Blood Dark’s going down well so far, Suzanne. It’s all about keeping my loyal readers happy so it’s always fantastic to know when the story hits the mark. I cannot wait to read what you have to say about it! <3TeamBlackthorn xoxo
Beautiful! Each book better than the one before. Don’t usually post reviews but fully intend to add my heartfelt praise to the list. Thank you for creating such a rich and compelling world populated by so many “human” supernaturals.
I’m thrilled you like it, Donna. And thank you so VERY much for offering to post a review – that means a heck of a lot to me, especially as you don’t usually write them. Thank you for reading my books and for supporting them. I’m really pleased you’re enjoying them.