A New and Exclusive Blackthorn Interview
It’s been over a year since I’ve had an interview and, in this one, I talk about my journey to publication for the first time. If you’re a writer yourself or you’d just like to know a bit more about who I am, what inspired me to write Blackthorn and what plans I have for the future, you might find this one interesting.

HUGE thanks to the extremely lovely Daniel Riding for hosting me – and for quizzing me mercilessly!
There are two other events to look out for this week. On Wednesday, if you’re a member of the ‘Into the World of Blackthorn‘ Facebook group (an additional group to the official Blackthorn Fan Page), I’ll be giving you the first opportunity ever to fire questions at our four Blackthorn heroes: Kane, Caleb, Jask and Eden – and you can ask them anything! If you love talking about all things Blackthorn, you’d be most welcome to join.Β And towards the end of the week I’ll be launching a competition to win an early e-book of BLOOD DARK. Stay close if you can’t bear to wait another 24 days until it’s yours!
That was a terrific interview with Daniel Riding, Lindsay! He asked some interesting questions and I truly enjoyed reading your answers! π
Will Oliver and Bookouture continue to publish your other books once you finish Blackthorn? Your Blackthorn stories already have such fantastic supernatural elements and intense psychological aspects, I can only imagine your other supernatural or psychological thrillers that you are developing would be equally fantastic to read. π
Gah…part of me wishes Blackthorn would continue after 8…yet another part can’t wait to see that dystopian world set on the right path and HEAs for our 4 couples (goodness knows they’re going to deserve it by the end, hee hee). π I can’t imagine how you must feel about it, too, since it has been your baby for so long. The characters must seem like old friends by now. π
Can’t wait for Wednesday’s interview session with Kane, Caleb, Jask, and Eden!!! What time on Wednesday will it be? Let me know London time and I’ll translate that into southwest US time. π Lol…of all days, it had to be Sept. 2…I’m in hearings most of the day, so I hope I won’t miss it! Once I’m at work, I can’t access online. Perhaps I can submit my questions early? Let me know. No worries, though, I’ll be on Team Blackthorn Forever! <3 xoxo
Thank you, Suzanne. I was so pleased to be invited for an interview with Daniel and I think he had a great mix of serious as well as fun questions. And he’s even loved his first installment into Blackthorn!
Bookouture have shown an interest in reading more of my books after Blackthorn concludes but, as it’s still a little way off yet, I guess we’ll see what happens when the time comes. I certainly hope my readers will enjoy my other books as much. I have a couple I’m really excited about sharing – one way or another!
It’s most definitely going to be really tough when Blackthorn finishes, but this section of story needed to be concluded. I’ve always said there’s a potential for a spin-off though and I’ll never rule it out. There’s certainly plenty of scope! I’ve already had one reader say she’d love to see little Tuly head up a pack of her own one day. π
The interview session on Wednesday will be between 9.30 p.m. and 11 pm UK time. Because of readers joining in from several countries though, I’ve opened up the post now so you can upload your questions whenever you’re ready. Our heroes won’t be available until those times though. π I do hope you enjoy it! <3 xoxo
Thank you, Linds! That interview session tomorrow with the fabulous 4 is going to be phenomenal, I am sure! There are some quite interesting questions already being posted…I can imagine some intense looks from our guys when they hear some of them and reading the responses is going to be the highlight of my day tomorrow evening! π I know you have fans all over the world, so there is never going to be a perfect time where everyone can join in…and since I cannot be there ‘live’ during that time, I am so very grateful you have allowed everyone to upload questions early. Perhaps another time I can experience them ‘live’….heaven knows I’d like that with Caleb…(or Kane). *hee hee* π xoxo
I am so excited about the question and answer session coming up. Looking forward to it and the new book
Thanks, Patti! I do hope you’ll join in. The questions have already started to be uploaded. I think our heroes are in for a tough inquisition!
And I’m thrilled you’re looking forward to Blood Dark. π
Great interview. Very insightful and interesting to see your journey from unknown to published author. As a writer myself with more than a handful of MS under my belt and pretty close to having something that I feel is worthy of other people seeing, it was really fabulous to read what happened to you and how it happened – and also how much hard work it took. No such thing as an overnight success right?
Slightly off track, I’m sure, but my husband has been on and on (and on) at me to watch The Walking Dead. He downloaded them all and kept them there, just waiting for me to cave. And I never have – until I read that you’re a fan and I thought “Well, if Lindsay has been turnedβ¦and she doesn’t like blood and gore, then I’ll give it a go.”
Now on S2 Ep 3 – and HOOKED! Not sure I’m quite there with Daryl yet – but I probably need to see out the season.
My husband wants to know what your secret is π
PS – Blood Dark on pre-order, but I’m going on holiday on 30th September so planning to save it for my nine hour flight to the States. Hmmm, any bets on how successful that strategy will be!
Hi Tracey. Thank you so much for reading my interview – I’m so pleased you found it interesting. The road to publication was indeed neither quick nor easy, and there most certainly isn’t any such thing as an overnight success. Making it in this industry requires hard work, dedication and persistence above everything else. I also think you have to deeply love writing for writing’s sake or, at times, it can be a thankless profession too. I remembered that you’re a writer – so huge congrats for already having completed several projects. I wish you well with them when you finally decide to unleash them.
Isn’t The Walking Dead just mesmerising? It is most definitely my favourite show. Let me know if the Daryl switch flicks. I didn’t even see it coming!
And your husband wants to know what my secret is?? What secret??
Oh, and do let me know if you manage to hold off until the 30th! π π
Hi Lindsay
The secret – the secret to persuading me to do something I don’t want to do – he’s been trying for years π
I’ll definitely let you know whether I manage to hold off until 30th – somehow I doubt it
Sorry I pressed send before I was ready and then my husband came in from work and distracted me !
You’re so right, Lindsay, about having to deeply love writing. I don’t write in the hope that one day I’ll be a multi millionaire (more chance of winning the lottery – and I don’t even do it) but what writing gives me is deep joy and huge fulfilment. I love my stories and the characters I create, and hope that one day, others will too. But that’s not the reason I write. I do it because I have to. Because I have the voices in my head that demand their stories be told. Some would say that’s crazy. I say it’s a huge privilege and every time I sit down to write, I feel like the luckiest person alive.
I’ll keep you posted on whether I’m ‘turned’ by Daryl π
You sound like my kind of writer, Tracey – and I could not agree more with what you said. I’m actually having flashbacks! Keep going with it. Writing is definitely a privilege, as is an imagination. Being published is the bonus.
Definitely keep me posted on Daryl! π
Hahaha! Ah, THAT secret, Tracey. Just tell your husband it’s magic. π