Blackthorn’s Most Heartless Anti-Hero?
Sometimes, conversations with my readers spark a blog post. This blog post was inspired by a collection of conversations about Caleb Dehain, the “hero” of Blood Roses.
*WARNING: Contains HUGE spoilers for Blood Roses*

Blackthorn’s most controversial book to date is Blood Roses. Its hero, Caleb Dehain, is the most polarizing of all. Why? Because when it comes to traits that romantic heroes (even anti-heroes) are supposed to have, Caleb could be deemed as falling short. This is exacerbated by the question as to whether he’d redeemed himself in any way by the end of Blood Roses. Some readers say yes, some say no. Some readers think he has every potential of redeeming himself by the end of the series, others think he’s already on the slippery slope from anti-hero to outright villain.
I think that’s why Caleb has been one of my favourite characters to write – not only because of his unpredictability, but because from writing his opening scene in Blood Roses to his final scene in… okay, no spoilers ;-)… I think he has the toughest character journey. And it’s hard to call what the outcome will be. A big part of that is because, like all of my heroes, Caleb is damaged. But when it comes to an injection of darkness, Caleb has a syringe-full – and it’s easy to think it’s gone straight to his heart.
I’ve written some detailed posts about Caleb before so I’m going to be wary of repeating myself, but it seems that one of the key things that has haunted Caleb’s character since Blood Roses is that question of redemption I mentioned above.
No one can deny that Caleb was hardline with Leila through most of the book. I know his treatment of her had some of you in tears, and plenty more screaming in frustration (and that’s not ignoring the heart flutters either). And I know many who endured the intense and relentless battle between these two characters wanted, pleaded even, that, by the end, Caleb would be on bended knee – either in a confession of true love for Leila, or because he’d received the pointy end of her shoe.
But there was neither.
A few readers have asked me why I chose to end the book that way.
Keeping it authentic
Firstly, ultimately it’s down to retaining the authenticity of a character. Yes, Blood Roses is a romance because it is, first and foremost, about the developing love (and hate) relationship between Caleb Dehain and Leila McKay. But to have had Caleb professing his undying love for Leila by the end of the story meant that, in less than three days, Caleb would have had to have:
- Overcome the psychological scarring caused by the serryn who had held him captive as a youngster, torturing and degrading him for days – and all for fun.
- Pushed aside all the memories of the witnessing the same treatment of countless vampires, some children, at that same serryn’s hands.
- Been guilty of dismissing how his older brother, who he worshipped, had been cruelly murdered by a serryn.
- Accepted that the species renowned for seductive smiles and pretty faces fronting inhumane hearts were actually not all that bad.
- Believed, after countless encounters with serryns, there was an exception to the rule, thus accepting that his entire belief system about them could be wrong.
- Believed that a serryn fighting for her survival and the survival of her sister, wouldn’t put on a mask of innocence just to fool him – and stab him in the back when it was turned.
- Had complete faith that Leila truly had no intention of fulfilling her destiny and prevent the vampire uprising – this bearing in mind she had turned up laden with her own prejudices against his kind.
- Had the arrogance to believe that someone he had treated so badly was capable of falling for him – especially as she’d subsequently forsake her own destiny.
- Overcome the sense of betrayal that still lingered from Feinith’s betrothal to Jarin (whose actions had led to Seth being found by a serryn in the first place).
- Over-ridden his most basic instincts as the prophesied leader to kill serryns.
- Allowed himself to be emotionally vulnerable in front of the one woman most likely to throw it all back in his face because of the very nature of what she is.
- And, once he’d found out it was his role to be that leader and save his race from the iron fist oppression of the human, been willing to throw away any hope his own kind had for the sake of his own selfish love.
If Caleb was capable of all the above after just three days, not only do I think that would have reduced the authenticity of his character, I think it would have diminished just how fragile his heart really is – a heart that, by those very clues, is still very much beating.
Anticipation of the future
Secondly, with the overarching plot of the Blackthorn series in mind, it was the most appropriate way to end Blood Roses bearing in mind the essential role Caleb is prophesied to play in the future of Blackthorn. After all, by the end of Blood Deep, the writing is literally on the wall: A war is coming. A stand-off is going to occur between the head of the Global Council, Sirius Throme, and the prophesied vampire leader, Caleb Dehain, with devastating consequences. Everyone else is going to be caught in the middle – the “good” guys intent on preventing the clash from happening.
That prospect is so much more interesting, I think, when not only do you know the extent of the potential of a character as dark as Caleb but, because of that darkness, you really can’t tell how it’s going to pan out. Basically, is Caleb mad, bad and dangerous enough to take on Sirius? Could the impact really be that devastating? Or could Leila potentially turn him around in time?
If the latter question was as easy to answer as the first two, where’s the tension in that?
At the end of Blood Roses, a heartless Caleb would have killed Leila and claimed his Tryan status. He didn’t. It would take a whole other blog post to summarise why – but it’s all there in the story itself. Even when Caleb realised that Leila had lost all hope in redeeming him, that she had finally decided to kill him, he couldn’t see it through. Instead, he chose to take Leila’s serrynity from her so that using her was no longer an option. More than that, Caleb took a massive leap of faith by trusting Leila when she claimed she could find an alternative to what seemed to be an inevitably catastrophic future for them all. She asked him to give her seven days. He accepted – but, of course, with reservations.
I don’t think this makes him heartless, I think it makes him astute. I think it’s an act indicative of what makes him a survivor in Blackthorn. And the fact he’s not shown all his cards yet, that he’s still holding back, shows the extent of just how guarded his heart is – a heart guarded because he’s more than aware of the scars that still linger there. At the same time, I also think, for Caleb, the ending to Blood Roses is the first glimmer of hope…
…if Leila is true to her word. The sight isn’t going to be pretty if not!
*This post is with special thanks to Suzanne, who has waited so patiently in the wings for its arrival. xxx
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Next time: I have news of that book giveaway coming soon!
Thank you for keeping Caleb true to his nature. Bad works really well for me 😉
Out of all the Blackthorn boys (yes they are my boys!) Caleb intrigues me the most. I’m absolutely clueless as to how his journey will pan out and I can’t wait until he meets Leila’s nearest and dearest!
Another fab post! xxx
Ah, our boys have to stay true more than anything else, Tracey. 😉 And lol – *claimed* springs to mind!! I’m so chuffed you enjoyed the post – thank you! xxx
Oh my Lyndsay as if I wasn’t already waiting for the next installment in complete anticipation…. I fell in love with all your main characters for all totally different reasons… as well as the underlying plot which I’m yearning to find out what happens next… Thank you for your imagination and your talent in being able to put it all into words… 🙂 xxx
Aww, wow, thank you, Karen! *blush* It’s fantastic to know you’re looking forward to more Blackthorn so much – and it always means a lot to me when my readers come to care about my characters as much as I do. I really appreciate you stopping by to comment. xxx
When I saw the alert of this blog post on my Facebook newsfeed, I nearly squealed; I’ve been waiting for it ever since you hinted towards it in previous posts. Oh, geez. I love Caleb; despite being arrogant, volatile, stubborn, I still love the schmuck the most out of all the main males. He and Leila are my favorite characters and perhaps my favorite couple (Kane and Caitlin come in a very close second in that category); I think it’s because there is such a struggle between them that I like them. The romantic in me wants to say that when they overcome that struggle it will only serve to make their love stronger and even more worthwhile; however, this isn’t a fairytale- it’s Blackthorn, where as Caleb says in BR, “Nothing is ever going to be okay here.” So, while I want to be optimistic that they will get a happily ever after, I’m ultimately preparing myself for the worst. I just would hope that once Caleb hears from Kane that if the Tryan rises it will mean Armageddon for all humans/species, that Caleb would really think twice about attempting to claim that status. But, that would probably be too easy of a solution, lol. I can’t wait to see him and Leila in Blood Dark.
Will we see most of the main couples interacting with each other again in the next book?
Hi Sarah! I’m so thrilled I evoked a squeal!! This post has been sat on my desktop for a little while, so I’m really pleased to have finally been able to post it. It’s simply brilliant to know you have Caleb’s corner, even with his countless flaws! I adore a good struggle in a love story as well – conflict always keeps me glued, and I totally agree that it’s what makes it feel so worthwhile in the end. Gosh, I love that you’ve quoted Caleb too! That’s awesome! I think Leila’s going to work damn hard to prove him wrong on that one though. 😉
All of the main characters will be making an appearance in Blood Dark, though the central couple are Kane and Caitlin (but Caleb features strongly too). I hope that’s enough of a tease without any spoilers!
Thanks so much for stopping by to comment – and for such a passionate one at that! <3
Thank you for making your characters so real and believable!!! For keeping Caleb true to his self and all the struggles he has to overcome to get to the place he needs to be!! That is one of the reasons I have fallen so in love with your books!! I can’t wait for Blood Dark!!!!!!
I’m thrilled to know that my characters come across that way to you, Amy. It’s probably because they feel so very real to me too. Ah, I had to keep Caleb true to himself – he intrigues me too much for me not too! It’s just fantastic to know you’ve fallen in love with Blackthorn so much – it means a lot to me. Blood Dark won’t be too long! 😀
Oh goodness…it’s here!!! **tosses confetti and streamers** I kept checking for this post on Friday…and then at work on Saturday…and lo and behold, there he was…with those gorgeous green eyes tauntingly staring back (no wonder Leila found him hard to resist)! I had to sneak reading it…and though I couldn’t respond at work, I can now. 😉
This was worth the wait and was a lovely exposition on Caleb. Linds, you so eloquently outlined in no uncertain terms why Caleb’s character could not believably turn into a warm fuzzy romantic hero with hearts and flowers in just 3 days.
You kept him completely authentic – he’s dark and harsh having been deeply damaged both physically and emotionally by the events of his past, and the tense, stressful feelings during the story reflect his torment and the impossible decision that he is faced with, between what he wants and what he feels he needs to do. And when he makes his choice at the end, it only ups the tension in readers’ minds for not only his and Leila’s future, but the future of Blackthorn as well (and for all species).
So, hearts and flowers? There were certainly hearts at the end – his and Leila’s both vulnerable with this new love and trust – and there were flowers – but with Leila removing their dangerous thorns one by one in one of the most brilliant scenes I’ve ever read. Caleb is a strong, charismatic, highly intelligent character who would make a perfect leader (or powerful, dangerous Tryan), but Leila has made him question his motives, his wants and needs, and even his destiny…creating a fragile uncertainty in how things ended – both for them and for Blackthorn – but I know that what you did was the right way to end it, and I can’t wait to see what is to come. No matter the twists of fate, I have confidence in Leila bringing out the best in Caleb once again…(and if she can’t…let me borrow him…) 😉
ps – *passing out with a giddy squee* at being mentioned at the end of the post!!! You are awesome, Lindsay!!! Team Caleb and Team Blackthorn always! <3 xo
What an incredible comment to leave, Suzanne. Your passion for Blackthorn, let alone Caleb, just spills onto the page. Thank you so much for such a beautiful summation. It’s just wonderful to know the impact the rose scene had on you; I can’t explain what a great feeling you have as an author when your readers just “get” what you’re doing in creating particular scenes. Heehee, and nice try! I’m not sure if Leila will let you borrow her Caleb just yet – she’s still has too many plans for him. 😉 I’ll put your name down though… 😀
Mentioning you was a pleasure. I know how patiently you’ve waited for this post while I’ve been working on Blood Dark. Thank you again. xo <3 my Team Blackthorn
Hi Lindsay,
I completely fall in love with the Blackthorns series. My favourite one is Blood Torn. Is there any news regarding the next installment?
Hi Justyna. It’s wonderful to know you have fallen in love with my Blackthorn series – thank you! Ah, you’re not alone in Blood Torn being your favourite. Jask, in particular, has proved very popular. 🙂 I’ve just posted an update on my Facebook page about the release date for Blood Dark. It’s definitely going to be out this Summer (it’s written and is currently in the editing stage). I’m waiting for final confirmation on the date from my publisher but will announce it here and on my Facebook page as soon as I know, I promise!