Blood Dark is Written
Some of you might be very pleased to know that, as of last night, the completed first draft of Blood Dark is on my editor’s desk. Yay!!!

I’ve recently had a few conversations with readers eagerly awaiting their next installment of Blackthorn as well as querying why it takes so long between books. First of all, it’s flattering that it feels like such a long wait! Second of all, in truth, the turnaround with Blackthorn books is actually quite quick – especially considering their average 120K word count, and the complexity of the overarching story that runs through the series. Here’s a little of what happens:
It usually takes me around eight weeks to write the first draft of a Blackthorn book (bearing in mind all of the series is already plotted out). During that time, amidst copious amounts of note making, it’s head down and writing chapter after chapter. A first draft is all about getting the story down in its raw form – no rewriting or worrying about all the finer details, because that comes later. The first draft is so my editor can judge if the story that I originally intended has made it onto the page in a way that is structurally sound. They’ll look at everything from story arc to character development and journey, to pacing, and, in the case of Blackthorn, how it fits into the overarching plot too.
Aside from when the finished book goes out to reviewers for the first time, waiting for this initial feedback is definitely the most daunting part of the entire process.
Despite being nagged to within an inch of my life to be more specific (you’re all so lovely), I can still only indicate ‘Summer’ for release. We do have a provisional month, but it doesn’t get shared until my editor decides how much structural work the book needs and, in liaison with my publisher, I agree to the timescales I believe I can work to based on the initial feedback. I’ll give you more information as soon as I can, I promise!
After the structural edits are completed, I receive the line edits – the nitty-gritty of all those finer details. Once the line edits are completed and approved by me, a brand new set of eyes then come in with the copy edits to focus on the spelling, the grammar, the consistencies etc. Again, I make any necessary changes and then have to approve these too. After that, it heads off to the typesetter. Once I have approved the final version, the book is then distributed as an ARC (Author Review Copy) via my publisher to reviewers. That’s not taking into account all the other work my publisher does leading up to that point. This all happens before it gets anywhere near my readers.
Between edits is a vital time to catch up on all the things I don’t have time to do while actually writing. It is the perfect time for me to get blog posts written; to respond a little quicker to all my readers who get in touch; and, of course, make a start on the next Blackthorn book (I get withdrawal after about three days). It’s also the chance to clear up the copious amounts of post-it notes, notepads, scrap bits of paper (sometimes thoughts come when you least expect them), pencils, pens, mugs, and anything else in the writer trail I’ve left around the house whilst in “the zone” – only for it all to start again a couple of weeks later…
Writing has to be the best job ever. I love every minute of mine, and completing a first draft is one of the best feelings. But it’s not an easy job. Like any job, some days are really tough. It’s not the kind of thing we’re supposed to confess to but I think it’s good, particularly for aspiring authors (I know a few follow this blog), to know that none of us are immune to that wall of self-doubt that can hit at any time. If mine could have knocked me out cold these past couple of months, I think it would have – and, some days, it nearly did.
This is when I count myself very lucky to have you because, during the past couple of months while I’ve been working on Blood Dark, not more than two days have gone by without a reader emailing me, or messaging me, or tweeting me to share what they’ve enjoyed, tell me they’ve just discovered Blackthorn, or have now finished all four, or have asked when the next one is out… There is nothing quite like those intermittent boosts to fend off all those negative jabs that can really affect the writing process. So thank you, Team Blackthorn, as always, for every snippet of encouragement and support you continue to send my way. Blood Dark is now that one giant leap closer.
I’ll be back on the weekend with that blog post about Blood Deep’s Jessie and Eden that I’ve been promising you for ages. Until then, have a great week! <3
I am one of those anxious readers, but I admire your work too much to rush you. I know whenever I read one of your stories, it will be fantastic and I fall in love all over again. Thank you for the amazing world you created! Xoxo
Aww, thank you so much, Mellissa. I hope so! It’s been brilliant working with Kane and Caitlin again so I hope you enjoy being reunited with them too. xoxo
Oh…. *shivers and squeals with delight* What a great teaser… I’m so excited!!! AND I just received my audio CD prize of Blood Roses this weekend! I am absolutely elated!!! Thank you again, Lindsay! Team Blackthorn Forever! 😀 <3
I make a habit of this teasing, don’t I, Suzanne? 😉 I’m so thrilled to hear how excited you are! (And if I mention Caleb makes an appearance too…??) 😀
Yay that you got your copy of Blood Roses safely – terrific. Team Blackthorn all the way! <3 <3
Great to here you have finished the first draft. I can think of a nice easy job that would help you relax while you are waiting to here back from your editor. 😉
Haha, Eric! Your chapters are underway. 🙂
Well done you! You work so hard to keep us happy 🙂 xxx
Thank you! Only the best for my Team Blackthorn, Tracey. 🙂 xxx
Thank you so much for sharing that. I am eagerly awaiting your next book. You are my fav author!
Aww, wow, what a compliment! Thank you so much, Cindi! <3 And it's brilliant to know you're looking forward to your next installment so much. 🙂
The best part of knowing a new book in a series is coming out? For me, it is the fact I get to read the first books again. Even if it’s over a dozen, I’ll read them all again. You put so much into the Blackthorn books, building this incredible world and three-dimensional characters, re-reading them in anticipation of a new book will be a true pleasure.
I’m struggling with how to say this without sounding pompous, but it makes perfect sense a writer appreciates written feedback and support. Words once spoken are gone forever, like the scent of roses on the wind. Written words are immortal, and the emotion and sensory reactions evoked by those words can be re-lived over and over again.
That is the gift that you give to us.
Stephanie, what an amazing comment to leave. Thank you. I think wanting to re-read a book for pleasure is a huge compliment to give an author, so I’m inevitably thrilled to hear when someone had re-read/is going to re-read Blackthorn. That means a lot.
I had to extend my thanks for all my reader support because I’ve been surprised on more than one occasion by readers not knowing how integral they are and how much their feedback and support counts – not solely in terms of Blackthorn, but generally with books and authors. That’s why I like my readers to know I appreciate them. So, on that note, thank YOU for stopping by. 🙂
Love your Blackthorn series so far and can’t wait for the next book!!!!!
Thank you so much, Lisa! 🙂 I’m thrilled to know you’ve loved it so far. I hope you enjoy Blood Dark at much. Thanks hugely for stopping by.
Hi Lindsay! Speaking of teasers – in your reply to me, you (so kindly and thoughtfully) mentioned that Caleb makes an appearance in Blood Dark…. 😀 *happy dance*
Now that was even *more* of a teaser for me…hee hee (Can you also share if we will see more of yummy Kane as well?)
You know, you can never have too much yumminess. 😉 Team Blackthorn all the way! <3
Hi Suzanne! I thought you might like the prospect of more Caleb. 😉 Yes, you are most definitely going to see loads more of Kane too. Kane AND Caleb in the same book! As long as my editor doesn’t think it’s just too much to handle… 😀 <3TeamBlackthorn
Oh yes, the prospect of more Caleb is quite….delicious…but loads of both in one book? Mmm, just the thought… *fans self* Is it hot in here? 😉 You know, if your editor thinks they both will be to much to handle at once, let me have them…I would gladly accept the challenge… I promise to bring them back when I am done. 😀 Team Blackthorn Forever! <3 <3
Oh, did I mention there might be a bit of Jask and Eden too?? *passes a fan* And LOL!! Nice try, Suzanne! 😀 I notice you didn’t promise to bring them back intact… 😉 <3TeamBlackthorn
Oooh…Jask and Eden, too? Such temptation!!! How can you knowingly do this to your readers? All 4 in one book…and the hotness factor abounds for each…. I’ll need that fan…and the book. *grabby hands* And about bringing them back intact…oh don’t worry, they’ll be intact…I just can’t promise *when* I’ll be done with them…eheh 😉 Team Blackthorn Always! <3 😀
I know, Suzanne – I hang my head in shame for such temptation. But heehee, I won’t expect them back from you anytime soon! Be gentle! <3TeamBlackthorn
I listened to the audiobook version of the first three books (twice each already! I love the stories). Since Blood Deep is not on audiobook and I was desperate to find out what happened, I actually purchased the Kindle version. This is the first time in almost 2 years that I have curled up with a book before going to bed. I have sacrificed some hours of sleep to stay up an read the story of Eden and Jessie. They are my second favourite couple, with my favourite couple being Jask and Phia. I am almost done reading and now knowing that I will have to wait only a short while for Blood Dark, I am very excited!
You’ve listened to them twice, Claudia?? Wow, that’s brilliant! And I’m incredibly pleased that you were so eager to find out what happened next as to buy the Kindle version of Blood Deep. I’m delighted it has been worth sacrificing your sleep so far! Yes, at least Blood Dark isn’t too far away. It’ll be here before we know it. 🙂
I just added my review for Blood Deep on Amazon. Just finished it in the early hours of this morning!
I have also reviewed the other books via Audible. I have to say that I have never been more happy of having to be stuck in traffic and travelling 2 hours each way for work. That is how I’ve manage to listen to each book twice. I never thought I’d say this but thank you Sydney traffic! 🙂
#BringOnBloodDark #teamBlackthorn
You’re wonderful, Claudia. Good reviews are worth a huge amount to relatively new authors like me, so thank you SO much for taking the time to do that. <3 And lol - I'm so glad to know something positive has come out of Syndney traffic! 😀 #BloodDarkIsComing #<3TeamBlackthorn
I love this series, it has an incredible, unique perspective on paranormal fiction, well done and thank you! I think this bias view may stem from my slight infatuation with Caleb though, there is just something very dark and special about him! Will the next four books be in the same order? Kane- Caitlin, Caleb- Leila, Jask- Phia and Eden- Jessie, obviously with the integrating story lines! I’m a little eager for Caleb you see! Team Blackthorn! <3
Hi Leanne. Oh, wow, thank you! And don’t worry, you’re far from alone in your infatuation with Caleb. 😉 I think very dark and special sums him up beautifully. <3 I have a post coming exclusively about him soon which I'm hoping his supporters will enjoy. I'm glad you're eager to see more of him because there's plenty more to come! He'll be appearing in Blood Dark and then each book afterwards. Your question is great - you're the first to ask that. No, they're not strictly running in the same order so be prepared! <3TeamBlackthorn