A Blackthorn Giveaway Is Coming!
This weekend, I’ll be launching not just my biggest audiobook giveaway, but the biggest Blackthorn giveaway we’ve ever done! It’s going to be fun, quick and simple to enter, so I hope you’ll enjoy joining in. I’ll have more news on what you have to do tomorrow.

No more Facebook entries
The reason I’m stepping out of the norm and doing a pre-giveaway post is because things are going to have to work differently to how they have before. With my last few giveaways, I’ve opened them for entries via Facebook as well as here on my blog, simply because I know it’s much easier for some of my readers. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do that anymore. 🙁
To my understanding, Facebook’s most up-to-date terms and conditions state that giveaways are not allowed to have comments as conditions of entry. Doing so could risk a page being shut down without notice. So, for all my giveaways this year, I’ll only be able to accept entries via this site.
I’ve also recently had it flagged up to me that any time I post on Facebook, less than 10% of my Facebook followers have it appear in their timeline. If I attach a link (which I tend to every time), it falls to even fewer. Sadly, that means many of my followers don’t receive notifications at all.
Business as usual
I’m still going to make announcements on Facebook of course, and we can still have all the interaction we have now, so please do keep supporting me there! It’ll just be different for giveaways.
With all this in mind, the only way I can guarantee that you’ll never miss out on anything is to sign up to my blog here because then you’ll get an email notification every time I have news or a new giveaway. You’ll need to sign up via the sidebar though, not the ‘Email Sign Up‘ in the tab above as that’s for notification of releases only.
I’ll be back tomorrow! 🙂
That’s a good reminder to sign up to your blog, Linds. I’m there already! 🙂 I think I’ll be sending a similar notice regarding facebook’s restrictive measures, as well. And I can’t wait to take part in your giveaway 🙂
Awesome! Thanks, Tima. 🙂 It’s definitely worth sharing the info. I’m glad it was useful to you. And I’m so thrilled you’re going to join in my giveaway too. Not long now! Xx
Caitlin Parrish, because I just love when a women can handle herself, Caleb Dehain, because he’s looking out for his brother and family is important to me, and Jessie because he’s willing to protect Eden at all costs.
Great choices, Cassandra! I really like your reasoning behind choosing Caitlin and Caleb. I’m not sure if there was an automated typo with Jessie and Eden in that she is willing to protect Eden at all costs, but not that it makes any difference to your entry. I love that protectiveness that they both have towards each other, just like you. You’ll see much more of that in due course! Thanks for participating!
Caitlin – A strong women is always good to inspire others. Kane – has a good hart under all of the anger. I only read the 1st book
Hi Jolene. I’m so pleased you’ve picked up on Caitlin’s strength. She has so much more to give in the series. And I absolutely agree with your view on Kane too – hard shell, soft inside. I know you’ve only read the first book which makes it tough to choose a third, but feel free to check out the blurbs under ‘Books’ because you could always let me know which of the other characters stands out as your third choice. Thanks for joining in!