We’ve Won!!
A couple of weeks ago, I told you Blackthorn had been nominated as Best Paranormal Romance 2014 in Moonrise Book Blog’s Readers’ Choice Awards. Today, I found out that WE’VE WON!

Blackthorn was not only up against some terrific titles, but both Blood Torn AND Blood Deep were up in the same category. However, the crown went to…

It seems our Jask just won too many hearts to be defeated – even by our lovely Eden (don’t worry, he’s made of stern stuff). I know some readers found it really tough to choose between the two books but either was a vote for Blackthorn, so thank you to everyone who joined in.

I’m doubly celebrating because this is actually the first time Blackthorn has ever won anything. Blackthorn had two nominations in the GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards back in 2013 and, of course, was twice runner-up on in New Voices both in 2010 and 2011, but never quite got there. I’ll definitely be wearing the badge on my blog with pride.
Many thanks to Moonrise Book Blog for your awesome reviews which led to both Blood Torn and Blood Deep being eligible for nomination, repeated thanks to every reader who voted, and HUGE congrats to the winners in all the other categories too. 😀
Have a great weekend! xxx
Absolutely FANTASTIC news, Linds! Blood Torn was definitely one of my faves, although it’s still a tough call between that and Blood Roses, which I thought was my favourite but it’s so hard to choose. They’re all utterly brilliant. Congratulations on such a well-deserved award. ☺ Xx
Thank you SO much, Fiona. <3 I think I'd struggle if I had to choose a favourite, but then I guess I'm allowed to be biased all ways! Thanks for saying such lovely things. Xx
Yay!!!!! Here’s to more crowns in the future for the Queen of Blackthorn!
Congratulations, you deserve it 🙂
Hi Tracey! And a couple of sparkly tiaras?? Aww, thank you. And thanks for joining in all the excitement on Facebook too. <3 😀
Yip yip hooray!!!! You deserve all the praise for your hard work on this series. I am eagerly a waiting for the next installment so much so that I plan to have a mommy day the day it is released for the kindle. Yes, that’s right all I will have to do is plump my favorite pillows in my favorite chair, brew a cup of tea, pick up the phone to call in a mental day to work, and send the kids on a day outing. I’m all ready…. So pretty please release the next book soon.
Naomi, I love, love, love your enthusiasm!! Thank you SO much! It’s just fantastic to know how eagerly you’re awaiting your next journey. As for your plan for the day, it sounds just perfect!! That’s dedication and indulgence all rolled into one. Brilliant. 😀
Huge congrats…well deserved.
Thank you so very much, Cheryl! 🙂
Thank you, Lindsay, for your kind words. <3 Congratulations!!!
My pleasure, Stephanie. Thank YOU for making this happen. <3
YAY! Not surprised! LOL!
I always say that! I remember you when…..”
So thrilled, just wait until you’re walking down the red carpet arm and arm with Tim!
Many congratulations!
Christine xxx
Hey Christine! Heehee – I knew you of all people wouldn’t be surprised. Your unflinching belief means the world to me. I’m not so much sure about the ‘walk’ down the red carpet. Knowing me, it would be a stumble, then a trip over, then a going-back-to-the-car because I’ve forgotten something, or just running down there so fast with excitement that I’m a mere blur. Thanks so much for your congrats, lovely. xxx
Finally! The world has opened its eyes and minds, and realized what a gift your are.
And, thank you for “taking us there.”
Oh, Lea, you always say such wonderful and kind things. Thank you. <3 And "taking you there" is my pleasure. I just stand at the gate, you're the one who makes the choice to go in. Thank you hugely for doing so.
Congrats!!! So glad you won
Thank you hugely, Pat. It’s great to have you here to share the moment. 🙂
Congratulations, Lindsay!!! I’m thrilled for you! It’s an honor very much deserved and I’m sure will be the first of many more to come! Bravo, Lindsay!!! Way to go, Team Blackthorn! <3
Thank you so, so much, Suzanne!! Your enthusiasm of my books is always so infectious. You’re brilliant. And Team Blackthorn all the way – absolutely!! <3 What would I do without you? 🙂
Hi Lindsay, I just read my message…a pity I didn’t read it before I sent it. HUGE mistake. :-/
That’s predictive text for you – it happens SO often, you wouldn’t believe! I knew exactly what word you meant though. I’ll go and correct it for you now. 😉
You are a star!
Author to the rescue. 😉 No problem!
Huge Congratulations on a very much deserved award. I discovered this series quite by accident but am now completely hooked. I’ve fallen in love (or perhaps lust) with the leading characters of each book and become more immersed in the Blackthorn community with every read (and there has been a re-read of the series so far prior to Blood Deep). The next installment can’t come soon enough for me and better yet, there are two planned this year!
Thank you so very much, Amanda. <3 It's wonderful to know you're hooked! Thanks for saying so. And, heehee, whether you're in love or lust with my leading characters, either works for me. 😉 I'm just so pleased you discovered my series and that it has kept your interest to draw you in deeper each time. Yes, two this year! I hope you enjoy them just as much. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment.
Congratulations Lindsay xxx
Huge thanks, Jane – and for all your shares and RTs too. Much appreciated! xxx
Congratulations Lindsay! I’m so pleased that one of the Blackthorn books won, It’s difficult to choose between any as the series in itself is just one amazing story. well done 😀
All the best to all future nominations 🙂 I will be vote vote voting!!!!
Thank you hugely, Carrie! It’s certainly good to hear that it’s difficult to choose a favourite. I tend to see it all as one overarching story too. I think I’ve spent too many years living with it to see it as anything else! Thanks so much for your lovely comment and good luck wishes, and hugs for the vote, vote, voting!! 😀
congratulations Lindsay – totally deserved. And to be quite frank amazing that Blood Torn beat Blood Deep. Seriously – two nominations is fab but for Eden not to win?! Cant wait for the next book…
Hi Chelle! Thank you so much – that’s really kind of you to say so. Ah, discord in the ranks!! 😉 You’re obviously firmly in Eden’s corner. I had no idea which way it was going to go and, for all we know, it could have been close. I followed the ping-back to the blog post you wrote, which I loved reading. Thanks for giving my series a shout-out, I really appreciate it. I’m so pleased you’re looking forward to your next instalment and, of course, there will be much more Eden to come in due course!
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