Blood Deep’s First Week
Some readers are saying Blood Deep is the best Blackthorn book yet. Others are putting it on a par with the first three in the series. My relief is just immense that you are enjoying your latest Blackthorn instalment so much! Thank you hugely to everyone who continues to send their comments and messages through to me.

I must admit, I wasn’t planning on writing an update until Friday, but that all changed when something arrived in the post today that I just had to share with you. This beautiful ‘Blood Deep’ necklace is a gift from a fan in the U.S. that arrived via my publisher this morning. Just a tad bigger than my thumbnail, this little book locket even opens like the real thing!

As you can imagine, I was absolutely overwhelmed. What an incredible keepsake to mark the release of book four. Kat, I am deeply appreciative. I LOVE it.
As for the rest of the week, I’m thrilled to say Blood Deep has held its own in’s Gothic Romance chart most of the week, rarely shifting from the No. 1 spot. And, as you can see, the reviews are coming through. Thank you to every reader who has rated and reviewed it. I really appreciate your time.

But the reviews aren’t just coming through on Amazon. There have been three more reviews from bloggers too during the course of the week.
Veena at The Author Visits has given it a wonderful 4 stars. This review does contain some significant spoilers though, so be careful if you haven’t read Blood Deep yet!
“Blood Deep does not disappoint and I am looking forward to book five in The Blackthorn Series… I can’t wait to see how the story lines converge and conclude in the future… My rating? A must read. If you haven’t picked up The Blackthorn Series, what are you waiting for?”
Huge thanks, Veena!

Blackthorn has received its first ever 10/10 rating from author, blogger and reviewer, Charles Phipps. I’m a fan of all of Charles’ reviews (his blog is awesome for Sci-fi, Fantasy and Horror fans). This one, just like all his others, doesn’t fail to bring his unique and insightful take on Blackthorn. There are a few minor spoilers in this one too though, so be careful!
“The Blackthorn novels are my favorite Paranormal Romance series. Period… I really liked this book, arguably as much as any other in the series if not more so. This is one of those rare series I think which may get better the further you get into it…”
Thank you so much, Charles!

And today, Tracey Rogers (Author and super-fan) wrote a fabulous 5 star review for her latest journey into Blackthorn. No spoilers with this one!
“The Blackthorn series is simply getting more and more addictive, with a plot that gets stronger and more compelling with each page turn. It’s hard to compare all the books in the series as the author offers something fresh in each one of them, while maintaining the integrity of the world building of Blackthorn… Lindsay J. Pryor doesn’t just glide over boundaries, she tramples right over them… a stunning read. The darkest and sexiest yet. Pure genius!”
I loved it, Tracey. Thank you!

I’d also like to say a BIG thank you to Shani at Paranormal Book Club for her shout-out on Facebook about Blood Deep‘s release last Friday. Shani has already given the first three books rave reviews. Fingers crossed she enjoys Blood Deep as much!

And I’ll finish with a HUGE thank you to Maryse at Maryse’s Book Blog for announcing Blood Deep‘s release too. Some of you may remember I had a mention on there back last year when Ilsa Madden-Mills (NYT and USA Today Bestselling author) appeared from nowhere to sing Blackthorn’s praises. It evoked a LOT of curiosity. Needless to say I was incredibly excited to have had a mention again. Thank you, Maryse!

Phew, that was a lot to fit in! I truly am very grateful for everyone who continues to support my series whether through reviews, shout-outs, tweets or recommending it to friends and family. Thanks for being there and for making Blackthorn so much fun.
I’m currently working on Blood Dark, so I’m now very likely to disappear for a few days. Have a great week and, if you celebrate it, a fun Halloween! xxx
I am SO glad you like your necklace!! And thanks for Charles’ shout out!!
Oh, Kat, I truly love it! What a wonderful thing to do. I was really overcome when I opened it. Thank you so much! And Charles’ shout-out was a pleasure. His reviews are superb. I always love his take on things.
Thank you, Pat! 🙂
I love the Blood Deep locket! Where can I get one? Would love to share on Facebook, too. <3
Thanks, Stephanie! Isn’t it gorgeous? I’m afraid I’m holding on to mine very tightly! I think this is a one-off at the moment, unless the lovely Kat has arranged one for herself too. I think we need some Blackthorn merchandise! 😀 <3