New Blackthorn Update!
I’ve been a little quiet on here this past month, but lots has been happening in the background – not least a long chat with my publisher on Friday about Blackthorn’s future. For those who don’t follow me on Facebook, you might not know that I submitted my proposal for the rest of the series recently. I’ll have more news soon as to how it went. I also saw Blood Deep’s cover for the first time last week! I cannot wait to share it with you! 😀
With less than five weeks to go now until the release of Blood Deep, I can’t believe it’s only been eight months since we were building up to the release of Blood Torn.

The reviews are still coming in though (THANK YOU to every single person who continues to rate and review my books), the most recent coming from Sarah at Larissa & Friends’ Bookish Life.

A while ago, they gave Blood Shadows 4 stars, then Blood Roses received 4 1/2 and now Blood Torn has been given 5 stars!!
“With the series now onto #3 I wondered where we would be going next and if Pryor could keep up the form that she displayed with the first two. I didn’t need to worry! #3 is quite possibly my favourite of the series…I still haven’t really worked out how they will all fit together but that’s the world that Pryor has created – keeps me on my toes!”
Thank you so much, Sarah!
Then today, Blackthorn hit the recommended reads list on The Author Visits:

“I found this series while perusing Amazon in search of a new arsenal of books to read. Boy was I NOT disappointed with my findings. As a fan of J. Ward and L. Adrian and as a paranormal writer myself, I am always on the lookout for something fresh, creative and more importantly, well written. Lindsay Pryor nails all three of my reading requirements and how.
Lindsay’s writing style swept me in. She has a literary approach to telling a fantastical story and I absolutely applaud her for that. Lindsay has become one of my all time favorite writers because she has managed to build a world that is full of intriguing characters while doing it was panache. She avoids what I call “grunge” language and draws you in with intelligent writing and hence, it’s a no-brainer why she’d made it on my recommendation list.”
Thank you hugely, Veena!
I’ll be back with a blog post in a few days, explaining what inspired me to name the series ‘Blackthorn’. Oh, and yes, there will be lots of Blood Deep news coming soon! Have a great week, everyone!
Looking forward to more news and can’t wait to see the cover of Blood Deep! Soo looking forward to reading… my body clock must know a new installment is coming… X
I’m soooo excited to share it, Fiona! I hope you like it. Great to know your body clock is attuned ready. 😉 Xx
Excellent, can’t wait.
Thank you, Cheryl! It’s great to know you’re looking forward to it. 🙂