A New Era for Blackthorn
Some of you will know that, last month, a few days before my first draft of Blood Deep was due in, my trusty old laptop passed away. My laptop had been my Blackthorn buddy for almost fourteen years and all of the first four Blackthorn books were written on it.
Blackthorn didn’t start on my laptop, of course. When I first started writing the series, I was armed only with a pen and paper and my electric typewriter because, back in 1996, I had no such thing as a computer. Four years later, my laptop became my Blackthorn haven.
The poor thing certainly worked hard all its life, sometimes for ten or twelve hours a day until, eventually, it couldn’t hold more than 8% battery at a time. In the last few months, it had to be permanently plugged in – and when your writing buddy is of the nibbling variety, it can be quite a feat managing Blackthorn and a loose cable!

Tilly – my rescue bunny/A mistreated bunny rehabilitated/When the Blackthorn angst gets too much!
Of all the times to leave me though, my laptop certainly picked the most opportune. Happening around my 40th birthday, I had the perfect excuse to indulge. So here’s where the rest of the Blackthorn series will be written – on my brand new laptop! It arrived last week but, with my second draft of Blood Deep due in on Monday, yesterday was the first time I got a chance to play with it.

The keys are backlit! Perfect for night-time tapping away!! (A dark PNR author has to consider these things.)
And talking about the rest of the Blackthorn series… the REALLY exciting news is that Bookouture is showing interest in signing more!! We’re currently in conversations about it so please keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I can’t think of any better publisher to see the series through to the end.
So thank you to everyone who is helping make this happen by rating and reviewing my books, leaving all your comments and messages of support here and all the amazing stuff that happens on Facebook to help spread the word (reaching over 4,000 people last week alone!). Basically, thank you for making it loud and clear that you want more Blackthorn. Not only is my publisher listening, you’re helping tempt new readers into the series every day. I am so VERY grateful for your support.
I’ll have more news on Blood Deep shortly but, for now, for those who are assuming it’s the final book (and contains the end battle), I can’t stress enough that it’s not. It’s all about the final couple – and many more pieces of the Blackthorn puzzle falling into place. Then, as I put it to my publisher, the honeymoon period is over (cue a scary-sounding “mwah-ha-ha”). I’ll have more news for you in a while about what to expect next – as well as that eagerly awaited Blood Deep release date, and so much more!
Enjoy your new laptop and thanks for the great news… I love Blackthorn and am eagerly awaiting Blood Deep so it’s fantastic news that the intent is to continue the series…. Thank you x
Hi Karen! Thank you! It’s so good to know you’re eagerly awaiting Blood Deep – it’s fantastic motivation. Thank YOU for stopping by to comment. Xx
Congrats on your new precious! I can’t wait to find out what direction Blackthorn takes us to next. As for being a puzzle I’m pretty sure Blackthorn would be one of those jigsaw globes. But in true Pryor style it would lead off into a prism and then a hexagon. Just to keep us on our toes 😉 xx
Ah, yessssss, Tracey – my presh-us. 😀 And lol – you’ve probably summed up the rest of the series there! Always expect the unexpected. 😉 xx
Exciting times for you Lindsay. Bunny is very lovable.:-)
It certainly is, Jane. Fingers crossed. Thanks so much for stopping by. X
And Tilly is so unbelievably loveable – such a beaut. But I’m so biased! <3
Eagerly anticipating Blood Deep!! Can’t wait for it 😀 you realise you’ve pretty much ruined me for other writers?? Congratulations on the new laptop I’m sure it’ll get a work out!! Take care xx
Hi Belinda! That’s so awesome to know! 😀 And I’ve ruined you for other writers? Oops. I’d better keep writing Blackthorn book to make up for it. 😉 And thanks for the congrats – she’s already getting that work out! Thanks sooo much for stopping by to comment. xxx
Congrats on the new laptop! Eagerly awaiting Blood Deep!!!
Thanks so much, Jen! I’m working flat out to get Blood Deep to you asap – I promise! XO
I love love love this series! I just finished reading all three books AGAIN. Obviously I am insanely excited for Blood Deep. I love the world of Blackthorn that you have created as well as the complex characters trying to survive within it. I can’t wait to see how it all plays out. Keep ’em coming Lindsay!!
Hi Kyla! Aww, thank you SO much! And you’ve had a re-read too? Awesome! 😀 It’s brilliant to know you’re super-excited for Blood Deep. I’m itching to get it to you. I do hope you’re going to enjoy it. And I most definitely plan to keep them coming – all the way to that grand finale! Thanks hugely for your support. <3
I can’t wait for Blood Deep! I simply love your books and hope the new computer will help with speedy writing..we want the release date please! X
Hi Hannah! Thank you hugely! My new laptop certainly is helping – not least not having to monitor the cable and battery life constantly. 🙂 I’ll get that release date to you asap – I promise! Thanks for commenting. Xx
I only started reading your books and love them. Blackthorn books are my favorite. Can’t wait til blood deep. Love the bunny my son has a black and white.
Aww, wow. Thanks so much, Cathy! And I’m so pleased you’re excited for Blood Deep.
I bet your son’s rabbit is uber-cute too. 🙂
Aww Tilly! So cute even if she was chewing through your laptop cable! (I remember my own bunny chewing through my telephone cable and wondering why it wouldn’t work.
Am loving the look of that new laptop – backlit keys sound brilliant! (I’ve been there, writing in a dark space, and it’s not easy, lol!)
Excellent news about Bookouture looking to publish further installments – so excited for your and fingers definitely crossed 🙂 xxx
Heehee – we’ve lost a few phone cables over the years too, Fiona. Years ago, we also ended up with the crop circles in our living room carpet a week after moving in. The bunnies looked very pleased with themselves at the end of their working day. Us, not so much!
Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed, lovely. 🙂 xxx
Thrilled we’re getting more Blackthorn!
Love the new laptop and Tilly.
Fingers and toes crossed (though I’m sure it will go very well!) xxx
Hi Aimee!! Eek – you’re out of the writing cave! You’re in there more than me. 😉 Thanks for keeping your fingers and toes crossed, hun. xxx