Jask’s Secret is Revealed!
A little while ago, I was really flattered to be invited to be a part of Moonrise Book Blog’s anniversary event. This awesome blog is super-supportive of Blackthorn, not least giving all three books terrific reviews and 5 stars each. So when they asked me to be a part of their event, it was an easy yes.

As part of a fantastic giveaway, they have several fabulous authors each picking one of their characters to interview with a set of questions provided by Moonrise. When I saw that one of the questions was: ‘Tell us a secret about you that no-one else knows’, Jask immediately sprung to mind. After all, he’s the least likely of all my heroes to be holding something back…isn’t he?

Earlier in the week, I let my Facebook followers know this interview was coming and asked them to try and guess what Jask’s deep, dark secret is. Some readers even re-read Blood Torn this week to see if they could find clues! Now that’s dedication! 🙂 I’ve received suggestions ranging from Jask being related to Kane, that he’s half vampire, he’s secretly married, he knows Rone’s twin is actually still alive and even that he’s ensured, after the trauma of losing his family, that he can never have children again. As is typical of the lovely Team Blackthorn, there were also some funny suggestions thrown into the mix to keep me giggling along the way. But one person, Candice, got dangerously close with her guess. Nicely worked out, Candice!
So, if you’d like to see what Jask has been concealing from everyone, even his best buddy, Corbin, it’s live on Moonrise Book Blog now. I don’t think you’ll be surprised as to why he wanted to keep this little gem hidden from one person in particular…
Thanks so much again, Moonrise Book Blog, for inviting me to be a part of your special event – it’s been great fun!
And good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway!

Fab interview but Jask is so in the lycan house tonight! Xxx
Thanks, Tracey!!
And, lol, I can feel your disapproval. 😀 Be gentle with him – he has a tough road ahead if (ahem, when) Kane finds out! Ouch. Alphas at dawn, maybe?? 😉 xxx
Thanks so much Lindsay for the awesome interview, and for letting me be a part of Jask’s big reveal! Can’t wait to read more of your fabulous books in the Blackthorn series! <3
Aww wow – thanks, Stephanie! <3 Thanks for such terrific questions too. That secret wasn't supposed to out itself yet, but that's what you get from great interviews. 😉 I really enjoyed it - though I think Jask is finding himself in a bit of trouble from a few of his fans. Oops! 😀
Jask related to Kane – which crazy person came up with that one? Haha 😉
Just read the great interview and loved being transported back into Blackthorn briefly. And as for Jask’s secret… woah. Now that really WILL make things interesting!
Definitely a bit of clutching at straws there, Fiona. 😀 I can’t imagine what fellow creative would come up with such a thought…
Thanks so much for reading the interview, lovely. I know – what a shocker from Jask! Who would have thought him capable of such a secretive past? I wonder what else he’s hiding? I hope you’re looking forward to the interesting time ahead. 😉