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Summer Sun Award

It’s my second sunshine blog tag of the week! Yay! This time it’s the Summer Sun Award. This website has never seen so much of the bright stuff! It’s slightly later than planned as I got a little immersed in Blood Torn this week, but it goes like this…


Firstly, you display the logo and link back to the blog of the person who nominated you. Then you answer the following summery questions before nominating a lucky eight ….one for each sunray on the picture. Then you must tell the lucky eight and name and display their blog link.

The nominators…!

Here’s a huge thanks to the fabulousness that are Tracey Rogers, Alison Lodge and Fiona Chapman who, between them, left me with nowhere to hide.

The questions…

Favourite song with summer in the title or the words (give the line)

I really had to think about this one. For my chilled-out mood, I’ll go for Summer Breeze by The Isley Brothers and for my bounce-around-the-house mood, I’ll opt for Summer Of ’69 by Bryan Adams.

Favourite book about summer

Oh heck. I had to delve into my childhood for this one! If my memory serves me right, wasn’t The Enchanted Wood set during summer?

Favourite hot summer film

The Lost Boys. It sure looked like summer in Santa Carla to me.

Favourite summer memory

Way too many! I got married in August so I’ll pick that.

Favourite summer holiday destination

I’m totally biased and love the UK. There are still so many parts of it I want to explore. Cornwall is a particular favourite of mine, especially Land’s End. I also love Whitby (obviously!) and beautiful cities like Durham, York and Bath.

What books will be in your suitcase this summer?

I HAVE to get to The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It’s been top of my TBR list for a ridiculous length of time. Still, it has been something of a busy year! And my writing friends just keep getting published…

What’s your likely destination this summer?

Blackthorn. So as not to break a lifelong habit, I’ll be spending my school holidays at my computer in my study. Let’s just say book 4 is already taking hold.

What hottie would you most like to be sharing the hot days and long nights with this summer?

Hubbie, obviously. My vampire hotties would frazzle in all that sun, so that rules them out. But if hubbie is busy, can I pick Batman? But only if he lets me drive. And I want a mask. I definitely want a mask. And a cape… is that not what you meant??

And it’s nomination time…

Some people I wanted on my list have already been grabbed (boo!), but I’m going to mention them anyway because I’ve no doubt they’ll be worth a read: Incy Black, Aimee Duffy, Jane Hunt and Rae Rivers.

I tagged them last time, so I hope they’re keeping up. As I like to keep you busy, you’re nominated again Tima Maria Lacoba and Kierney Scott!

I’m also nominating the wonderful Amity Grays and Lindsey Clarke. Hope you can play, ladies!

I’m back to the darkness next week with that Blood Torn post I’ve been promising. I have an update for you. 🙂


Tracey Rogers

Summer of 69 – great choice! I nearly went with The Lost Boys too because I spent most of a summer holiday watching it repeatedly.
Can’t wait for your update 🙂

Lindsay J. Pryor

I’d hate to think how many times I’ve seen it, Tracey. It’s when you start mouthing the lines as they speak that you know you have a problem. Oops, too late.

The update is on its way!

Fiona Chapman

Batman! Lol love it. Ok, out of those who have played the caped crusader, which one?x

Lindsay J. Pryor

I know it probably wasn’t what the question was getting at, Fiona, but once I’d thought it, I couldn’t unthink it! I wonder if we can get Lucius Fox to do a soft-top version of the Batmobile – you know, just for those warm summer nights, when you’re not being fired at by Gotham villains etc etc. As for which one… ahem – Christian Bale OF COURSE! Have you seen his canines? 😉


Lol, loving the answers!

Lindsay J. Pryor

Thanks, Alison! I’m glad you felt the weight of my seriousness on this occasion. 😉