Vampire Obsessed? Me?
Tonight is the season finale of The Vampire Diaries here in the UK. I love this show and have never missed an episode. Over the past couple of months, watching it has been even more fun because I’ve had a group of wonderful Twitter pals to share it with – all simultaneously ‘online’ as we write our own (sometimes incoherent) running commentary. So, before I’m mourning into my hanky tonight, here’s a quick season recap…
Super-sweet Elena didn’t just develop an attitude problem – she turned bad. The relief. We were itching for Klaus and Caroline to kiss. Didn’t happen. But will it?? Stefan needed to finally get over Elena and get it together with Rebekah. Again, didn’t happen. But it might! All The Originals (well, nearly) were back full force. We lost Jeremy. We may even have lost Bonnie (nooo!). Alaric (yay – Damon’s drinking buddy!) and Lexi were back, albeit briefly. We’ve had compelling and spells; an ancient cure for vampirism; siring and love triangles; angst, double-dealing and betrayal and, at one point, we even thought we’d tuned into an episode of Lost (if you saw it, you’ll know what I mean).
And then there’s Damon – oh sweet, messed-up, badly-behaved but ever-so-entertaining with that cheeky grin and, er, other attributes – Damon. Some episodes we just stopped caring how complex the plot got as long as we tallied up enough Damon screen time. It’s all about the priorities. 😉
The Vampire Diaries isn’t the only vampire series I’ve been addicted to over the years. I was into Moonlight, Blood Ties and True Blood once upon a time. Unfortunately I gave up on True Blood after about three seasons when it got way too bizarre and disturbing for me (I’m something of a sensitive soul, believe it or not). Those that stood the test of time though, along with TVD, were Ultraviolet, Angel and Being Human (all hail, Toby Whitehouse!).

Ultraviolet was the first vampire series I was hugely into. Then came Angel. I was into Buffy in a big way so when the spin-off series came out I was hooked. I wore my Angel t-shirt to death and even bought the special collectors boxset when the series ended. Then along came Being Human (UK version – couldn’t get into the US remake) about a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf who all share a house. A simple concept maybe, but the execution is far superior to anything I’ve ever seen. As far as script writing goes – perfect. Characterisation is off the charts. Sexy vampires? Have you seen Aidan Turner as Mitchell??? Seriously, I’ve never been the same. It died off for me a little after the main cast went, but it’s still worth some merit.
Then there are the vampire movies….

The vampire books…

The awesome live shows (think I’ve seen this one about seven times)…

And you know you’re obsessed, really obsessed, when you can’t even serve up a summer drink without a little bit of vampire incorporated.

Yep, you know you’re true vampire fan when you keep a coffin of fangs in your freezer.
Case closed.
Great post Lindsay really going to miss our Tuesday nights.Who’d have thought Klaus would turn out to be a romantic??? My internet disappeared after the show just in case you thought I disappeared when the veil was put back up?? Roll on October Unless we get’ The Originals’ before. Jx
Thanks so much, Jane. Yep, I’m going to miss our Tuesday nights too – they single-handedly taught me how to multi-task like no other experience ever has. Ahh – I’ve always had my faith in Klaus. The bad boys have usually got the softest hearts deep down. Lol – I did wonder if the veil had taken you. Glad you’re still with us!!! xx
Haha brilliant blog Linds! Made me laugh out loud at the reference to Lost during one episode. I loved Buffy and then Angel too… we’ll never tire of the good ones. Yep, you’re right, you are totally vampire obsessed. But it’s ok ’cause look at the result… we have Blackthorn, yeah!! X
Hi Fiona! I’m glad the post gave you a giggle. And another Angel fan? Yay!! I so loved Angel but even more when he was Angelus. 😉 X
Oh, Linds, what a cack! Your blog cracked me up. And I thought I had a vampire obsession. I surrender to yours and bow in humble submission! I loved Moonlight and felt totally bereft when the writers strike ended the series when there were so many questions left unanswered. Vampire Diaries stopped being shown here – except on Foxtel (pay tv), which I don’t have – so I’ve missed out big time! Will get the whole thing on dvd and watch it through from beginning to end. Must get me some lolly fangs to keep in the fridge. Lol!
Hi Tima! TVD stopped being shown in Australia??? That’s criminal!!! Yes, you absolutely must buy the DVDs. If we were on the same side of the world, I’d loan you mine. I’m glad my post gave you a laugh. But no iced fangs in your freezer?? And you a fellow vampire author. Tut tut. When’s your birthday?? I will have to track some down… 😉
Great post Linds. It helps with the sense of loss as I mourn the end of TVD. Tuesday’s just won’t be the same – unless of coure you start posting Blood Torn teasers soon 😉
Have to ask – does Tim need to sleep with one eye open?
Ms Rogers – any excuse to get mention of those Blood Torn teasers in. Lol! 😀 Rest assured, they’re on their way. Maybe I need to move them forward in my blog plans – a teaser a week. 😉 And does Tim sleep with one eye open? For more reasons than one, Tracey. For more reasons than one. 🙂
Haha, loving the fangs Lindsay!
We have similar taste in vampire films and books I have to say. I really miss Blood Ties though – it never had a chance to really develop. TVD on the other hand can sometimes go on a bit too long!
I’m glad those fangs brought a smile, Alison. I just couldn’t resist them. Plain old ice cubes can no longer compare. As for the books and the films – I sensed you were a lady of great taste. 😉 Totally agree that it’s a shame over Blood Ties – it had loads of potential. Thanks so much for commenting!
Awesome post, Lindsay! I’m going to miss our Vampire Diaries evening on a Tuesday … roll on Season 5! Love the freezer fangs!
Hi Rae! Aw, I think we’re all missing our TVD nights already. 🙁 Totally can’t wait for season 5. Oh, and the fangs were an absolute must. 🙂