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Exclusive Blood Roses Interview

When the awesome GraveTells asked if they could do something a little special by way of interviewing Caleb and Jake from Blood Roses, I was thrilled to bits to hear what they had in mind.

The fabulously imaginative GraveTells team decided a straightforward interview wasn’t quite enough. What they wanted was to venture into Blackthorn itself in their very own story. But it didn’t stop there. Not only did they want exclusive access to the club for a rare interview with the Dehain brothers – they wanted to conduct it in Caleb’s library!

Jake was very accommodating but, needless to say, it took a bit of persuasion to get Caleb involved. Considering I hold his future in my hands though, I managed to talk him around. 😉

So here it is, the first ever interview with Caleb and Jake Dehain – GraveTells style. They don’t conduct many of these style interviews, so I was really flattered to be asked. What makes it even more special is that they put out a call for questions and you didn’t let me down. They couldn’t use them all, but thank you EVERYONE who participated. Check the end of the post to see if you get a mention!

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Fiona Chapman

Oh wow! I absolutely loved this interview, it was awesome! 🙂 Really felt like I was there with Davincikitty and Molly. Very entertaining read which brought up a whole heap of possibilities to ponder. Wonderful 🙂

Lindsay J. Pryor

Thank you so much, Fiona. 🙂 I absolutely loved being a part of it. I thought it was such a clever idea – I was super excited when they asked. Oh yes – had to get those possibilities in there. Although I’ve always got to be mindful not to drop in any spoilers. 😉

Tracey Rogers

Fab interview! My boys answered as expected – with more questions to contemplate. Wonder where they get that trait from?? x

Lindsay J. Pryor

Thanks, Tracey! LOL – I have ABSOLUTELY no idea where they get that trait from. *checks over each shoulder* Nope, not a clue. Xx