Blood Roses Bite #15
As you know, I read all my reviews. To go with today’s Bite, I have to say this quote from Fiona at I Heart Books is just perfect:
“The story quickly becomes something far more when they discover that fate didn’t bring them together. They were, in fact, destined to find each other. Their lives have always been inextricably linked, and finding themselves in the situation they have ended up in was not just a random coincidence. Other forces are at work behind the scenes, forcing them both to accept the inevitable.
But can that future be changed? Can they find another way? Or will destiny play the cruelest trick on them both, forcing them to follow their predetermined destiny, regardless of their feelings?”
Thanks, Fiona – hope you didn’t mind me quoting you!
It’s Blood Roses Bite #15…

All these bites especially the last one just remind me how much I enjoyed the book. I love the tension created between the characters, can’t wait for the next one.
Thank you so much, Barbara. At least the wait isn’t too long. 🙂