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The Very Inspiring Blogger Award



I haven’t been involved with a blog tag for a while, so I was chuffed to have been nominated for this award by the lovely Fiona Wilson. Huge thanks for the nomination, Fiona!

Here are the rules of The Very Inspiring Blogger Award:

  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate other bloggers (the number seems to vary) for this award and link to them.


I’ve had quite a few interviews lately, so I had to try and think of things that I’ve never mentioned before. I’m going to stay away from the subject of writing/my books for a change and give you seven totally random facts about me…

  1. I was bitten by a snake as a child. Fortunately the Adder bit my shoe first and deposited most of its venom before biting me on the ankle.
  2. I once stayed in a real haunted house (Llancaiach Fawr Manor in South Wales, U.K) as part of a paranormal investigation team. I thought I’d be terrified but, despite all the spooky activity, I just fell asleep.
  3. I’m terrified of the dark and full-face masks.
  4. I’ve never missed an episode of Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries or Being Human (UK).
  5. I’m tea-total and always have been.
  6. I share my birthday with Sir Paul McCartney, which was much to my late dad’s delight as he was a huge Beatles fan – so am I.
  7. My first car was a off-white mini metro that I used to drive to university. The registration started with CL so I called her Clarice after Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs. I was studying psychology at the time and was into criminology in a big way. Sir Anthony Hopkins, who used to live not far from me, signed a copy of the book.


And, in alphabetical order, I’m tagging the following inspirational bunch of bloggers who have all impacted on me one way or another:

Incy Black

Fiona Chapman

Linzi Clarke

Aimee Duffy

Tima Maria Lacoba

CC Mackenzie

Tim Pryor

Rae Rivers

Michelle Smart

Jessica Thompson

Hopefully you’ll be able to fit this into your busy schedules some time over the next couple of weeks. I can’t wait to read!




Amity Grays

All very interesting and cool facts.

Lindsay J. Pryor

Thanks, Amity – and for taking time out to read! 🙂

Fiona Chapman

Haha I love the fact that you fell asleep on a haunted house investigation. Classic! Thank you for the nomination 🙂

Lindsay J. Pryor

I couldn’t help it – I lay in my sleeping bag for over two hours listening to Colonel Pritchard pacing. The nomination is a pleasure – will head over and check your facts out. It’s a sneaky way to get to know lots. 😉