Speed-Dating Kane
![VCU Profile Kane](https://www.lindsayjpryor.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Kane-Profile.jpg)
Ahh, Kane. 🙂 The bad-boy vampire is great from a distance, but just how up close and personal would you honestly be willing to get?
If this file landed on your desk, would you be locked in a room alone with him? Could you sit in place of Caitlin in the interrogation room and get him to talk? A little while ago, Aimee Duffy was the first person apart from Caitlin Parish brave enough to do this, and she doesn’t mind admitting she found it just a little unnerving – even behind vampire-proof glass!
And now Kane’s going to be interviewed again – and I’d love you to be a part of it.
At the end of this month, I’m going to be featuring on GraveTells (super-excited!) and will be dragging Mr Malloy with me. And I am really, really hoping you’ll help me out.
I need to come up with some daring, probing, insightful, imaginative (and hopefully fun!) questions for Kane to answer as part of an introduction to a whole new group of readers who have never heard of him and have never heard of Blackthorn.
If you’d like to join in, if you have a burning question you have longed to ask him, if you think you can tempt other readers to discover Kane for themselves, feel free to post your question/s in the comments sections here. You also have the option to tweet me, Facebook me, or even email me if you want to keep it purely between us. 😉 You have until Friday to send them my way.
Oh, and just to be clear, I’m signing a disclaimer against being held accountable for his actions if you ask the wrong kind of question…
Have a great week, everyone!
Well hellooo there Kane. Okay so you walk in a bar and you’re desperate for blood (yes I’m the one in the Team Blackthorn T-shirt waving madly at you) what chat up line would you use on me to get what you want?
Kane Blackthorn is a dark and scary place. Who or what scares you – and does it involve the prophecy?
And just for my enjoyment – boxers or briefs? 🙂
Just a few there for you as I imagine his address is out of the question!
LOL! I can see all that playing out right in front of my eyes… 😀 Great questions, Tracey! Thank you!! X
Ok, Kane, I have a couple of questions for you. Firstly, I’m really intrigued… How old are you? I know many things mature with time and I’ve heard you’re pretty *ahem* experienced in many walks of life.
Secondly, I’ve heard the rumours that you’re a bit of a hit with the ladies… What about you? Could you describe your ideal partner?
Ooo – good questions, Fiona! Ha! I’ll pass them on for sure. 😉 Thanks so much. X
Hello Kane, first of all do you prefer to date human or vampire women and why? And secondly, if you weren’t involved in, let’s say, questionable activities, what could you see yourself doing the rest of eternity?
Superb questions, Tima! Huge thanks! 🙂